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I've been taking Xarelto for 6 months. Anyone have acute muscle and joint pain on this drug?

95 Answers Page 5

larryv17 11 Oct 2018

I had a massive PE in Sept 2017, have been on Xarelto 20mg ever since. First 6 months, no problems. Then the leg and foot pain began... cramping, numbness, tingling, especially at night. My podiatrist prescribed Gabapentin for my broken foot and resulting nerve damage, and it helped ease the leg pain as well. I also take Hylands Leg Cramp at night and it does help. The problem though with the Gabapentin is it makes me a little wobbly, so I am tapering to only 2 - 100mg per day and it helps, but the leg & foot pain is a little worse! AAGH! Don't know what else to do!

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swick39 22 Nov 2018

Hi, was there any interaction with the Hylands Leg Cramp and Xarelto? My wife is on Xarelto for a PE and DVT from a foot injury. She is also developing crps. Her Dr wants her on Gabapentin for the crps. How bad is the wobbliness?

Cherken1020 8 Sep 2018

Sorry, I never took Xarelto but this is the first group of people I have found who have my pain. I was given Eliquis in Jan 2018 for a chronic (old) CVST. Within 4 days this horrid joint pain started moving through my body. Achilles, heel pads, knees, hips. Nothing I’ve ever had before. Hematologist said it isn’t a side effect despite me physically highlighting “joint pain” as a serious side effect on the drug insert from the manufacturer. I took it for 7 weeks & was then put on Enoxaparin due to liver enzymes climbing to 5xs normal. The joint pain worsened daily & moved to all my joints during this time.

Dr wasn’t going to check liver in Enoxaparin for one month but I insisted after 6 days due to severe fatigue & right side pain. My liver enzymes came back 10xs normal after only 6 days on that drug. I refused to take anything more, my clot was stable & old, and found another hematologist.


Second Dr said I absolutely did the right thing stopping meds bc liver enzymes 10xs normal is liver failure. He was shocked I recovered. He said I should not have ever been given a blood thinner - no proof of benefit for clots in head.

It’s been 6 mos since thinners & I STILL have severe joint pain that locks my joints. I was disabled from Multiple Sclerosis before this but now I’m totally crippled & unable to function at all due to exhausting, non-stop, searing pain. It is severe, ripping, burning pain that makes me cry out if I just bend the wrong way. Everything is almost impossible to do. I KNOW this is from Eliquis but even my second hematologist said he’s never had any patients complain of that with any blood thinners.

This is a serious problem that I believe the manufacturers know about but they are doing everything possible to cover it up. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I just know my body. I used to be a ballet dancer & am very familiar with different injuries and the pain that goes with them. This for me feels like tendon pain. After some research I believe it’s tenosynovitis of the joints. That’s inflammation of the tendon sheaths. My family dr wasn’t even interested in helping me.
Wish I knew more. Still searching. I’m not going to stay this way. Thanks for listening.

Votes: +1
diannecarol 24 July 2018

Yes, Xarelto has caused a terrible RA flare for me after only one week plus disabling headache pain. I had to stop the Xarelto. My entire body reacted negatively to this med. I thought I was dying.

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RADavis1423 12 June 2018

Hi Beth, I had a leg DVT in December 2017 and was given Elliquis. I went to the ER because my calf had been swollen for a week. I walked in fine with no pain other than the swelling. They prescribed Elliquis and in two days my ankles and knees were in extreme pain. They swelled up and I couldn't stand without going through a lot of pain. Went back to the Dr. and switched to Xarelto, but the swelling and pain didn't get better. I switched to Coumadin and all was resolved. After 6 months now, my Dr. recommends I go back to Xarelto, but I don't want to go through that pain again. I've seen lots of bad comments about both of these new drugs for DVT, but on some people they have no problems. It's strange. I got tested and am Factor V Laiden, so I guess I'm prone to clotting easily. It also may have something to do to me having bad reactions to these drugs. I just got your post, so hope this helps. Robert

Votes: +0
lovebirdies 11 June 2018

Yes I have been taking xarelto for afib for 9 mos. And I just started getting severe cramping. Now , the pain is radiating over to my left side. Its coming in spasms. Its an extremely sharp pain. I was in the er today with it they ran 2 different cat scans. One of my kidneys and one of my stomach. They were both clear. I happened to have a low dose xanax and I took one. It releived my pain within minutes
now o will call my cardiologist. And ask him what am I going to take for pain.

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northrancher 25 May 2018

I've been on Xarelto for 4 months after an unprovoked PE in my right lung, first taking 20mg and now on 10mg. Before the clot, I was healthy and took Vitamin D only. For the last 2 months, I've had severe muscle pain--achy, sharp/stabbing with spasms and cramping--mostly on the flank, back, shoulder blade and ribcage. I've been to the ER several times thinking these pains were another blood clot, due to the severity and pain location. My potassium plummeted out of nowhere and my doctor also ran tests to rule out kidney issues. My hematologist was very thorough to find any underlying issues and I don't have any clotting disorders, APS or hereditary issues. I take Tylenol, epsom salt baths and use a heating pad--all provide temporary relief. I've gotten to the point where I can't take a walk without pain, and some days, it's debilitating. I don't know where to turn.


I also called Janssen Pharmaceuticals and they confirmed muscle pains ARE a side effect. But, the doctors are surprisingly dismissive. Since a few of you found relief by switching to Eliquis, I think I'll ask my doctor to switch me. I surely hope they can find better anticoagulants. I'd just like to be off them and not have a life sentence of this misery.

Votes: +1
Indent 12 April 2018

Most definitely. When I want to walk the dog, go shopping or any other amount of time I'll be walking around it really takes a toll on my legs. I also notice I have a lot of joint pain in the mornings even before I get out of bed.

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Trevor6336 12 April 2018

Shoulder joint and elbows constantly hurt. Carrying a shopping bag is very painful too.

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gerryw 13 March 2018

Was on it for two years, serious joint pain sometimes I was on crutches, changed to Eliquis better but not good.
Doctor switched me back onto Warfarin been on it for a month all my aches & pains have gone.
Gerry W

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TeresaA59 15 March 2018

Have been on Xarelto 20mg for just over a month I am crippled with the pain in my wrists and am unable to work because of it. It has also caused fatigue and fevers, I was on Tinzaparin injections for 3 months after being diagnosed with a blood clot and although it was horrible having to inject every day I did not have the side affects I am having now.

takupic 13 March 2018

Hello! I need some advice. I've been on 20 mg once a day for 12 + months now. I am kind of stressed in life with a new job. weekend before starting new job I got a full on migraine which is common for me. It subsided into a tension headache that I've had for over 6 weeks now and i'm so concerned its a brain bleed or something. Could it simply be a tension headache like a lot of the research shows. my dr didn't seemed too concerned . i'm going to chiro and massage. pressure like at temples, forehead and at top of head on right side. waking up with it most days.

Thanks !!

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Elizabeth Eileen 22 Jan 2018

Does anyone know if these drugs damage the muscles or just cause pain & stiffness? Has anyone quit taking these drugs & recovered from the stiffness & pain?
I have taken Xarelto, Eliquis, Pradaxa & now Warfarin... the Eliquis affected me more than the others. My muscles felt as though they were tearing & bleeding - such intense pain & stiffness. My Cardio doctor said he has never had anyone with muscle pain from blood thinners ; however, my Internist said he’s had 3 people with this intense pain. I have Afib, so I’m told that I need to take something or risk a stroke. I’m now on Warfarin & the pain is not as great, but still bad enough that I have to take something for pain & also a muscle relaxer. I hurt all the time & have a hard time lifting anything. I only get some relief when I sit, and this is not me. I’ve been very active & did power walking for 3-5 miles several days a week.


Now I use the grocery carts in the stores for a walker. I am told that this side affect is rare, and I’m a rare bird...
I’m ready to try baby aspirin & omega 3’s...
I haven’t had Afib since a cardio version in August, so I feel as though I’m suffering for no reason. I hate taking pain meds on top of everything else. Anyone have anything to offer? Thanks!!

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Cathy Whiteway 16 Dec 2017

I've been taking Xarelto for approximately one month. After about one week on the drug, I began experiencing severe excruciating joint and muscle pain in my right hip, when I walk; two weeks later and now it's in both hips. Never experienced this before. Dr says its arthritis, but, not caused by xarelto. I disagree! I believe it is triggered by the Xarelto. My body seems to be very sensitive to new drugs. I thought Eliquis was bad (hives, blurred vision, throat swelling) when I tried that, but this one side effect of Xarelto is unbearable even with NSAIDS, approved by oncologist.

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Spencert231 17 Dec 2017

I am a 66yr male. Ex mil very fit until I had my radical prostatectomy (RP). I have gphad two bouts of DVT one in 2012 after a motorcycle crash and an operation on an OpenBook fracture of the pelvis. Two years ago I had my RP in a French hospital (food is disgusting lol) picked up too many infections to mention even had a nurse call everyday for 30days for intravenous injections. Now then this beast called Xarelto my dosage 20mg. Firstly it is very expensive as I accidentally threw my supply out with the rubbish whilst working in London and needed a prescription (walk in surgery £55 consultation and £35 x 11 tabs Tesco pharmacy ouch!). Well that's the background to this nightmare. I have pain in the balls of my feet and find it extremely painful to walk at time; I have a replacement right knee which I have no problem with the medication but my good

y-pain 7 Dec 2017

Yes, I was on Xarelto for just short to 3 months.
I suffered excruciating pains in pectorals, legs, calves ,backs of knees, spine and back. My hip joint collapsed into a grinding pain upon any rotation or load. Hurts like hell!!! My back collapsed, and accordingly, I cannot carry any weight. because of both, I cannot walk distances. Post halting Xarelto I was almost totally immobilized. Physician requested I power through it. I told him I will die!!! It has been about 2 months since getting off Xarelto, and my hip is still dysfuctiona (REQUIRE HIP REPLACEMENT), my back has collapsed in three areas (the pain is great). the back of knee pain is still great. My legs are very, very weak. It is almost impossible to get off of a couch or off of the ground. AT TIMES, WHILE WALKING MY HIP, BACK, KNEE,OR MUSCLES SUDDENLY HURT, ALMOST KNOCKING ME TO THE GROUND!!! It appears damage may be permanent.!

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dawg706 30 Nov 2017

I'm was fit and a-fib corrected [fingers crossed]. After one year of Xarelto, my ER visits due to joint pain started last summer, with 20 blood tests for gout, LYME, Hashimotos, etc. Also numerous visits with specialists in infectious diseases, neurologists, rheumatologists, etc. The only two diagnosis were theoretical NOT certain. The pain flares come from nowhere and pop up in various locations: shoulder, back, ankle, even chest. Some are 5 on a 10 point scale and some are an agonizing 9-10. Today, I'm in the midst of another one in my ankle. So, in desperation, I 'google' "XARELO JOINT PAIN" and find all of you guys. Now I'm suspect since only 6 months ago, I was even jumping rope and running. Some days, I can't walk, sleep, or concentrate due to this pain... it's deep with no 'hot spots' like one could have from an injury or sprain.

Votes: +3
vkimble 30 Nov 2017

It doesn’t get better. Ask to try an alternative drug.

Hope you feel better

dawg706 16 Dec 2017

Update. On December 3rd, I stopped taking Xarelto. Last night, December 14th, I was able to return to the gym for the first time in months. I have a scheduled appointment next week with my cardiologist and am looking forward to a compelling explanation for my 'return from the near-dead spasm agony' of the past six months. And I've switched to taking Low Dose Aspirin. Note, I'm not recommending this for anyone else, but I do feel much, much better. In an honest moment, another doctor told me that there is a 'CMA' [cover my ass] fear to take a patient off off a 'blood thinner'. Perhaps, if I was a physician, I might take the same stance.

Tammy Purtee 2 Oct 2017

I was put on Xarelto 6 days ago and my body now feels like one giant bone deep bruise. I have a clot in my right calf, so Xarelto was deemed the best option. Doctors are saying I need to be on it for at least 3 months. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis and this drug is making my life hell already. I cry when I think about how much worse it's likely to get. The Doctor switched my nsaid pain management pills to Tylenol 3/ codeine and man is that crap a bad joke. I can't hardly extend my arms, I'm getting light muscle cramps, my neck feels like it's grinding rocks, I'm so tired all the time and my moods have hit an all time low. I'm not sure why 3 months is the magic #. I would think it would very person to person. I mean if John Doe had a 2" clot, Mary Jones had a 1" clot and I had a 1/2 " clot, why would we each need 3 months on blood thinners? The doctor doesn't even want another ultra sound for 6-8 weeks to check on my clot. Any ideas on how to help relieve this pain?

Votes: +1
Canary Tide 2 Oct 2017

copy this forum and show it to your doctor. Ask them if there is another medication you can use. I switched and I started to felt better within days. The only down side is that you have to take some medications two times a day. I would rather take the medication twice a day and not have the pain.

LoLo81413 22 Oct 2017

I have osteoarthritis and have had lumbar spinal fusion 3 years ago. 3 months ago I was put on Xarelto for a pulmonary embolism and a DVT. my back pain has become severe as well as hip pain and knee joint pain. I also suffer from the muscle pain in my right calf at bedtime. Trying to sleep is horrible especially with both my hips hurting. I am an RN and have had to leave my full time job and work occasional 4 hour shifts because of the pain. My doctors would not keep me on short term disability because of the pain. My orthopedic MD told me to take Celebrex which neither my medical MD or I wanted to take due to the increased risk of bleeding due to stroke. My medical MD told me to take tramadol at work which the the hospital prohibits for a nurse taking care of patients due to safety concerns and which I agree. I was stuck with nowhere to go. I lost my insurance benefits all due to the fact that I cannot work my usual 12 hour or even an 8 hour shift due to pain.


Before my PE and DVT I was working 3 12 hour shifts taking Motrin. Xarelto has drastically changed my life. I am so glad I found this forum and found some validation that my pain is not all in my head!!

Tammy Purtee 22 Oct 2017

I only made it 16 days on Xarelto before I quit taking it. The pain was getting horrendous. I've been off for almost 2 weeks now and am still having trouble with my legs. It hurts to stand or sit down. My calves and thighs feel like they're one small step away from full blown charlie horse cramps. The migraine headaches have calmed down to just bad headaches and I no longer feel like wild animals are ripping at my shoulder muscles. I will never take Xarelto again. I wish all of you the best and hope you can find a way to save yourselves. free discount card

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deep vein thrombosis (dvt), osteoarthritis, pain, muscle, xarelto, acute, drug

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