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I've been taking Xarelto for 6 months. Anyone have acute muscle and joint pain on this drug?

95 Answers Page 3

Harri3601 17 Sep 2019

Just an update to a previous reply I made (on Page 4)

My regimen of taking colchicine and tart cherry to help with inflammation and joint pain seems to have been a fluke and even that regimen has stopped yielding results. I was back to so much excruciating and agonizing pain in my knee, foot/ankle/toe joints that if I did not get off of the medication I was going to lose my mind. Literally. Like, I was about a week away from a near mental breakdown from 4 months of non-stop pain, save for a two week period where I thought I had it under control.

I switched from Xarelto to Warfarin and all the pain and agony went away. The downside is, my INR is so low that so far on 5mg and 7.5 mg, my INR readings are 1... which is so low that it appears that Warfarin is not doing anything.


Ultimately it MIGHT not matter as my follow-up MRI is in two weeks and if the pulmonary embolism has cleared, then I won't need to be on the blood thinner anymore. But if it is still there, I am terrified that my doctor will tell me that I don't have a choice but to be on Xarelto. That is not something I can tolerate.

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Pogle63 16 Sep 2019

I have been taking Xarelto for 2+ years and haven`t really noticed any adverse effects. I am 56 have a laborious job as an engineer, yes I get tired because I work hard so there is my reasoning on that. Aching joints funnily enough I used to have loads but now you come to mention it no hardly any now.
I take 20mg a day I have no idea if it is doing me any good but does not seem to be doing me any harm either - so I`ll keep taking it.

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Pogle63 16 Sep 2019

I should have added that I was on 10mg of Warfarin a day but it did nothing to my INR so much so that the doctor accused me of not taking it. Put me on Xarelto not had any problems.

Reason for going down this road at all was an unexplained DVT leading to Pulmonary Embolisms x 4 taking this will apparently eliminate the possibility of it happening again. Or so I am told.

Harri3601 23 Sep 2019

Consider yourself lucky if you have escaped any of the adverse side effects. I am glad Xarelto is working for you.

It took a couple weeks of adjusting the dose of Warfarin to get within the desired INR. For me 12.5 MG was the magic dose. Like you 10MG had zero effect, however my doctor didn't accuse me of not taking. I am surprised your doctor would go right to such accusations, surely they know it takes some work to find the magic dose.

Regardless, it sounds like Xarelto is working for you. I only wish that experience was the same for everyone.

y-pain 16 Sep 2019

I posted earlier about the debilitating properties of Xarelto and now have a long term 2.5 year report. It appears to have permanently effected my quick twitch muscles and overall degraded my strength and the ability to rehab. or rebuild my body. Since I am 76, this is totally devastating. If it were not for some regenerative products, I would be in a waiting for "God Home".

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Debbie52870 16 Sep 2019

I fractured my knee and then developed a DVT and was put on xarelto September 4, 15 mg twice a day for 3 weeks then 20 mg to total 3 months. Every single fiber of my body is aching and everything I do is a huge effort. I also had headaches 7 days out of the first ten that I was on it and I actually asked if I could have an MRI cause I was convincing myself that I had a brain bleed now( I did hit my head in the accident). I am going to a vascular surgeon tomorrow for a second opinion. I am so glad to have found this thread because I think everyone is beginning to think I’m making up all these complaints/aches/pains/exhausted/lightheaded/headaches/nausea. I have a feeling one of the doctors will end up switching me to another anticoagulant but that’s scary too. I wish I knew the answer and the solution. HELP!!!

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westwick 16 Sep 2019

I have been on Xarelto for approximately six months. So far, I have had three MRI's, two ultrasounds, x-rays, and Physical therapy. Pain is the same. I have charlie horses in both legs when I get up in the morning. I have low back pain so badly, I walk stooped over. I take Benicar also which adds to the joint pain, cough, etc. I am now searching for a better Blood pressure medication. I was on warfarin for 8 years and had so many side effects, decided to try Xarelto. Now I don't know what to do. I sympathize with you. Xarelto is not good for me.

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Davidsar 1 Sep 2019

I have been taking 20mg of Xarelto for 2 months. Almost immediately I have felt a weakness in both calves with pain. I stepped off a stool and it felt like someone struck me in the calf. A week later it turned purple. Went to emergency room because of what I was reading on line it could of been DVT. They did not find anything. Less than a week later ended up back in emergency room with a blood clot in both lungs. Because of the pain feeling in both calves now , always concerned that another blood clot may be forming in the legs.

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joelentz 28 Aug 2019

I switched to Warfarin, most pain went away, I can sleep, bike, hike, walk and run again.

Votes: +1
OldJimmy1947 28 Aug 2019

After a lot of discussion my doctor agreed to reduce my Xarelto to 10mg a day from 20. It’s helped but I still have some muscle pain bicycling and climbing stairs. I’m beginning to lobby to eliminate it completely but the fact I’ve had two instances of clots puts that option at odds with the ‘medical community’. If I succeed in eliminating the dosage and I survive, I’ll update the results.

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y-pain 28 Aug 2019

Heck yes!!! It is now about 1.5 years ago, and I am still suffering weakness. In less than 3 months on that crap, I was unable to get out of a chair, or get off of the floor. I will never take that drug again.

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susievbrown 17 Sep 2019

I was wondering about more details of your story. I was on Xarelto for 6 months back in 2017. Within 2 weeks of starting on it all my joints started hurting. Could hardly walk, couldn't get up from a sitting position, very devastating pain and very limited movement. I have been off it since April of 2018. My joints and pain have not gotten better. I am negative for rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. Can't seem to identify what is going on. I am currently seeing an RA doctor trying to see what might help. The only thing so far that has helped is methylprednisolone. I had been on it since November of 2018. Tapered off about 3 months ago. Was in crying pain after one week of being off it. The doctor had me go back on and changed the arthritis medication she had me on. I have now been off of it again for almost 3 weeks and I am hurting so bad and hardly getting around. I haven't seen many stories on here about possible permanent damage from the Xarelto.


You say it's been 1.5 years (since you have been off of it?) and you are still suffering from the effects? Can you give me a little more of your history? Thank you!

Harri3601 28 Aug 2019

In May of 2019 I suffered a pulmonary embolism and was put on Xarelto while still in the hospital, on day three of five.

By the fifth and final day in the hospital I had a severe gout attack in my left foot. I had a gout attacks before, but always behind the big toe. This time it was in my ankle joint and was excruciating.

By the time I got home, the attack was in my ankle and also my knee. It lasted for three months. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't walk, I was taking Colchicine non-stop which provided zero relief. I am not being hyperbolic when I say that I wanted to die to end the constant and unrelenting agony.

I just knew it was the Xarelto but my doctor kept telling me that this kind of pain/issue is not a reported side effect.


Finally I begged for help and he wrote me a prescription for Allopurinol. I took Colchicine until it provided some relief, then I started on the Allopurinol. It took about a month and a half of taking Allopurinol for my uric acid levels to bottom out and finally the gout subsided. I occasionally feel the stirrings of a flare in my knee or ankle, but I now have a routine that works.

I take the Allopurinol first thing in the morning and wait an hour. Then I take the Xarelto. At the end of the day I take tart cherry pills to help control uric acid while I sleep.

Some folks suggest turmeric, but that can cause conflicts with the blood thinner.

This seems to be the magic ritual for me. As of now, I am two weeks pain free after three months of the worst pain I have ever experienced. I hope it doesn't come back, I'm not sure I can handle it again.

Hopefully my clot is gone and I can stop taking this horrid medicine. I find out on Sept 23.

44 years of age
Frisco, TX

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DVTuser111 7 Aug 2019

I had left another very thorough explanation of my severe condition before taking Xarelto in a previous comment and my experience while on it. I hope the moderators approved and hope you can all find it. I have some other things to add which should also be accepted: I would suggest taking good care of your cardio vascular system (heart) especially while you have a blood clot. Reduce calcium intake! “Calcium supplements, with or without vitamin D, mostly increase the risk of cardiovascular events, especially [heart attack],” concludes study researcher Ian Reid, MD, a professor of medicine and endocrinology at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. “A reassessment of the role of calcium supplements in osteoporosis management is warranted.”


I would also suggest while sleeping that you reduce pressures on the areas where you know you have a blood clot. This is because, while immobile, blood circulation is reduced: Your heart works slower when you are sleeping. A 100% effective solution to this may be impossible but a helpful answer which I can tell from my own experience, hospitals rarely tell anyone is to reduce pressure by either having your unaffected leg directly resting above the affected one, or having the affected leg rested above the non affected one. It is obviously better to have the affected one on top but even better if you shift throughout the night. It is better to do this gradually and not swiftly, just like getting out of bed to go to the washroom at night or in the morning as you have been immobile for a long period of time (hours). Place a narrow pillow or blanket in between your legs while sleeping and experiment as to what's most comfortable. It is best to balance the weight throughout your thigh area but if that area has a significant clot or is too painful, you can try placing more weight near the knee cap area which is what I did at one point. I cannot stand sleeping on my back, but I initially forced myself to get use to it because initially, my knee cap would get sore pretty quick. Placing a pillow under your ankle area will help with circulation of blood while you are resting/sleeping. If this causes pins and needles, then your circulation is too poor to be able to do this, so don't do it!! Work the ankles (pointing toes upwards, then down, repeat) as much as you can when you are sitting or in another immobile position as by doing this you are pumping the blood from the very bottom of your body, back up to your heart. This will not only help dissolve your current DVT but will help prevent new ones! Lots of scientific articles on this. Walking achieves this motion as well as others, so the sooner you can get on your feet, and the longer you can stay on your feet, the better! But don't overdue it. I believe too much exercise with this condition can be risky to dislodge especially fresh blood clots. Heat pads are excellent to use before exercising, especially if you are stiff, like I was. You can still use them even when you are not as they will still help blood circulation. Complications happen when circulation becomes too poor so take proper care of it while it is still good! Don't allow the heat pad to get too hot where you burn yourself. Just to the point it gets a bit hot, and let it go back to room temperature is the best idea. Ice will not help blood circulation nor will it reduce your swelling with a blood clot.

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Dasher22 23 July 2019

Very active Male, 60, regularly hike, bike and do indoor cycling.
I have the usual arthritis in both knees and then tore my left meniscus and the pain hindered my activity.
Also have mild Afib that is erratic.
While waiting for knee surgery, my cardiologist recommended Xarelto as a precaution, to help reduce stroke risk.
Both legs got progressively worse. Pain in knees, pain / cramping in calf just below knees, shooting pain in lower thigh just above knees. Sometimes one side worse than the other, almost all of the pain was at the back side of leg. Went to therapy after knee surgery, no help.
Pain made it hard to stand up from sitting, walking, stairs, getting in and out of my car. Exercise, stretching or resting had no effect. The pain would vary regardless of activity. Ibuprofen would help.
Went to a rheumatologist thinking the pain had to be some type of “flare up”


He did all the tests and they were all negative. He also told me not to risk taking ibuprofen with blood thinners because of the bleeding risk.
I went home and stopped the Xarelto so I could use ibuprofen to control the pain. Next day I took ibuprofen regularly.
By the second day the pain was much better and I stopped taking the ibuprofen. 5 days later my legs really improved, so I started back on the Xarelto, by the second day, the leg pain was back. That’s when I found your post. I quit Xarelto a month ago and my legs are much better. I don’t have any more problems with stairs, standing up from sitting or getting in and out of my car. I started riding my bike and walking again and it’s such a relief to be rid of that pain. I still have the usual arthritis pain and stiffness now and then but it feels fine with a little activity.
Thanks so much for posting your question!!!

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susievbrown 16 July 2019

I started on Xarelto in September of 2017. Within 2 weeks of starting on it all my joints started to flare and hurt. I couldn’t hardly move, walk, raise my arms, etc. I have been off of it since about the middle of April 2018 and I haven’t had any relief from the joint issues. I have been to many different doctors trying to figure out what is going on. I do not have RA or any other autoimmune diseases that have been identified. The only relief I have had is while being on Methylprednisolone. I have been in this since the middle of November 2018 and tapered off a couple months ago. Within one week of being totally off of it, I hurt so had and wasn’t getting around very good at all. I started back on 8 mgs. They put me on plaquenil to see if that might help. It did not. I was changed over to sulfasalazine about a month ago. I taper down to 6 mgs of the methylprednisolone tonight for 2 weeks and then taper 2 more mgs every 2 weeks until I’m off.


I still hurt everywhere and I have felt myself slowing down everyday. I really don’t think this new medication is helping either. I’m scared to death to find out how I’m going to feel when I come off the methylprednisolone. All of this started with the xarelto. I do believe it has most likely done some kind of permanent joint damage to me.

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joelentz 17 July 2019

I have been taking Turmeric religiously everyday
It seems to help with joint recovery.
Xarelto increases protein in the joints.
Have you tried get cortisone shots.
That worked but again it was temporary until I switched to Warfarin
Good luck, I feel your oain

gerryw 16 July 2019

Just like Joe I had nothing but grief with Xarelto I refused to take it my doc put me on Warfarin and I`ve not had a problem since that`s 18 months now

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joelentz 16 July 2019

Yes, within 2 weeks of not taking Xarelto and now taking Warfarin all muscle and joint pain are gone

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deep vein thrombosis (dvt), osteoarthritis, pain, muscle, xarelto, acute, drug

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