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I've been taking Xarelto for 6 months. Anyone have acute muscle and joint pain on this drug?

95 Answers Page 4

Fran1969 16 July 2019

Am 69. Been on xarelto for three months for my AF and I wake up with worst then a charlie horse in my legs (calf)the pain so so bad I scream.. I was on Eliquis and I couldn't get out of bed it made me so weak..
I eat banana and take magnesium and the blood work on is very good. I ask my Dr. For blood work on magnesium because it is not a routine blood work... does any one have these problems?

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OldJimmy1947 30 June 2019

As many have written already, I can't express how wonderful it is that I came across this forum.

I'm 74, at 62 I was bicycling centuries under five hours, was bicycling every day a minimum of 40 miles in two hours, weighed 160 pounds and feeling great. Then I had a pulmonary embolism as result bicycling accident that had produced a DVT, a vena cava filter was installed I was on Lovenox for several months, then taken off that. I resumed all my past activities with no problems.

Two years later I had a blood clot stopped by the filter. I spent a month in the hospital at that time, since then I've been fighting to come back to some semblance of what I was, I was put on Xarelto over seven years ago. Trying to bicycle now I have such pain in my legs it's almost unbearable. I'm nowhere near where I was before, just walking up a flight of stairs gives me great pain in my legs.


I'm on 20 mg a day. Nowhere in no way has there been any indication this may cause the pain that I experience. I thought it was because the blockage of the vena cava, but my cardiologist ensures me that it can't be totally blocked I wouldn't be able bicycle at all.

I've never been given the option that the filter could be removed or if it is partially blocked that it will become totally unblocked. The filter was installed in 2008 so I’m sure it’s not removable.

I weigh 195 pounds, despite exercising at least an hour everyday and pretty much watching my diet. I got onto this forum trying to figure out why I gained weight despite my efforts to the contrary. I'm just not sure where to go from here. It sounds like Eliquis is no better, I've started taking Acetametafin more frequently for the pain, and just a side note, for the night pains that would wake me up with leg seizures etc. I started taking quinine water. If I miss that one night I get pains in the middle the night, and I flavor the quinine water with a touch of gin, I add lime for my daily citrus :-).

Sorry for the long posts, but I can't say how wonderful it is that I found this.

Jimmy A

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Valeska123 16 June 2019

I 35 and was given a birth control pill for the very first time for 3 months of menstrual irregularity, and 7 days into it i was dying. I had the worst headache of my life, chest pains and emergency room. Diagnosed with DVT and PE, (Sept 2018) i was started on heparin and discharged with Lovenox then followed with the famous "Xarelto 20mg" once daily. My doctor said i will have to take Xarelto for 12 months, the very first month during my period i was bleeding so much, went to see her she said it was normal, i continued to bleed like a waterfall monthly and surely became anemic. She put me on Iron IV therapy for 5 weeks. Third month into it i started noticing my weight increased 3 to 4 lbs weekly, from 164 lbs Sept 2018 to 198.4 lbs now (June 2019), then lots to tingling in my right leg and arm so uncomfortable sitting became a problem.


I am 10 months into it June 2019 and this is where i stop, my right knee has swollen with so much pain going on week 3 even when i am resting, the pain is unbearable, i cannot go up and down my stairs, i cannot sleep ok. This is no life for me with this "Xarelto" so i stopped about a week ago, i can not do this any more. Tonight, i am doing heat/cold treatment to see what happens, i am too scared to take anything even to help with the pain. I don't know what will happen, all i read is "you can have a stroke when you stop "Xarelto" I just need for this pain to go away.

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SantaCruzinGail 13 May 2019

I have been taking Xarelto for 1 1/2 years since surviving a sub massive saddle PE with DVT after having shoulder replacement surgery. I have had diarrhea 4-5 times a day, swollen fingers, arthritis, aches and pain, hurts my feet to walk, headaches. I can only take Tylenol. I feel like my quality of life has been diminished. But I don’t want another PE

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y-pain 13 May 2019

I experienced relhabilitating symptoms after 2 months, and at 3 months could not get off floor!!!

It is now 1.5 years post Xarelto and I am slowly overcoming muscular weakness. At 75 years of age, this has been devastating!!!

To counter the habitual pain, I used Y-Pain and to rebuild my strength, I used Youth Factor. Still, it has nenn a constant up hill battle of survival. I’ll NEVER TAKE THIS CRAP AGAIN!!!

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Cmcclure 13 May 2019

I have been on Xarelto for a year now. I have been having severe joint pain especially in my hands and feet. I have never experienced such pain. I have also had issues with low WBC count and increased liver enzymes. Prior to being started on this medication, all my lab work was normal. This is the only medication I am on. My hematologists refuses to believe that it is the medication causing my pain, but I have some real concerns about continuing on this medication:-/

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Susieskeens 24 Feb 2019

I also have had severe joint and muscle pain since being on blood thinner. I keep telling my doctor and he keep telling me it isn't the xarelto. It is getting so bad.worse in my shoulders arm and hands

Votes: +1
gerryw 25 Feb 2019

Your doc doesn`t know what he is talking about. This drug made my life a misery for 18 months. It thins the blood by creating protein, too much protein causes joint pain and bad gout attacks because the uric acid level is increased. Eliquis isn't much better either.Eventually I refused to take either of these two drugs and my doc then put me on warfarin and I`m absolutely fine. I read somewhere that in the States there are numerous claims pending against the manufacturer of Xarelto. and in my opinion it ought to be removed from the market place

Daryllynn 8 Feb 2019

I'm starting xarelto tomorrow. After reading all the posts regarding acute joint and back pain is causing quite a concern. I will say this, Eliquis is no better. Presently taking for 4 small PE and I have experienced chest, arms, lower back and knee pain. Burning sensations initially, running through arms which ultimately subsided. Do still experience nerve pain in legs and feet. In addition severe swelling of both feet in toes and balls of feet. Severe swelling in fingers. Weakness in legs also. Presently I am taking celebrex with caution as it can add to the severity of bleeds. Also major hair loss. It seems both these medications are the AXIS OF EVIL. I have two more months to go and hoping starting the xarelto will not be as bad as the Eliquis.

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susievbrown 28 Jan 2019

I was put on Xarelto in Sept. 2017 due to a large DVT in leg from a broken foot. Within 2 weeks of starting on it my joints started hurting. My elbows, shoulders, hips, back, knees, feet, wrists. I have hurt so bad and can hardly walk a lot of time and move. I cry when I am in bed because it hurts so bad to move. I can't pull my covers up by myself. I had to get a potty riser to help me get off the toilet. I couldn't lift myself off the potty without grabbing the towel rack and leaning on my bathroom counter. I stopped the Xarelto April 13th or so of 2018 and the symptoms have not gone away at all. It seems the Xarelto has attacked my joints and to me has done permanent damage of some kind. I have gone to several different doctor trying to rule things out and have not gotten any conclusive answers. I read that it can cause arthritis or osteoarthritis. I don't have RA or other autoimmune diseases. My tests show minimal inflammation.


My shoulders and other joints pop and catch and can be extremely painful. I haven't been able to raise my arms very high to the point (TMI) that I couldn't shave my armpits. I ended up having shots in the tops of my feet in May of 2018 and within 2 days of the shots I had no pain at all, could walk and move like normal. After 2.5 days the symptoms started coming back. I went to a rheumatologist in November 2018 to also help rule things out and told her about the shots. I had read the medical papers and found out that the injections contained methylprednisolone. I had tried a short stint of prednisone about 2 months after stopping the Xarelto to see if that might help get me over a hump but I got no relief. Anyway the rheumatologist put me on methylprednisolone in November 2018. I started on 20 mg for weeks (felt amazing and could move) and have taper down and am currently on 8 mg and my symptoms have slowly been coming back. Now I have the moon face going on from the methylprednisolone so I am trying to get off it but I am scared to death because I know I will be right back where I was. I show a little osteoarthritis in my shoulders but I am curious what the rest of my body would show. My spine snaps and pops when I move certain ways as well as other joints. I have now also been on some plaquenil for 2 weeks and all my are still coming back and it doesn't seem to be helping. We are just trying the process of elimination to treat the symptoms but I want answers. The only thing that makes sense to me is all of this has happened and is still happening to me because of the Xarelto and I feel it has done permanent damage to me. This has been and is very debilitating.

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Valeska123 16 June 2019

I feel your pain, i almost would not want to use the bathroom because i cannot get up with so much pain, sleeping too is a nightmare for me because i cannot bend my knee. I wish you the best.

hamtownman 28 Jan 2019

I have been on Xarelto 4-5 years, which followed taking coumadin for a couple of years. For context, my issue was blood clots and turning into P.E.'s three different times. Truly, I am fortunate to be alive.

My experience with Xarelto has been positive. Leaving behind the continual balancing act of my INR staying in limits was exhausting to me and very stressful. Also, I am now 70, a retired male, and Xarelto does not hinder me in any way. I have a very active lifestyle, golfing, long walks daily, and bike riding. I am careful, but I live my life!

I did have muscle aches during my first year. I consulted my clot doc who advised that the likelihood was that the pain would go away over time and encouraged me to stay with it. It did go away in a few months, and has not recurred. Again, today, I have no known symptoms from my Xarelto usage.


I understand others have indeed had very difficult issues. I believe these issues are extremely difficult. I do not think everyone will have the outcome I did . I want you to know, however, that muscle pain does not remain for everyone. I am an example of that.

God bless you and I hope you will soon be free of this pain and stress it causes.

Votes: +1
Cathy Whiteway 28 Jan 2019

I took xarelto for 2 months and was so crippled with agonizing back pain and something similar to the "MS Hug" that I could not function and could barely walk. After quitting it, the symptoms abated. Will never go on it again, even if it WAS affordable, which it is not, for me. Bad bad stuff!

Votes: +1
sizzler52 27 Jan 2019

Using the information in this forum having had heel and foot pain in varying degrees (mild to God Almighty) since starting Xarelto 3 months ago, I self diagnosed GOUT caused by deposits of crystals from increased uric acid levels caused by Xarelto, to have it confirmed by joint aspiration at the hospital this evening. Never had any such health issues in this respect until Xarelto began. Off to GP tomorrow to change to Eliquis which whilst it has the same action, is taken in split doss and doesn’t appear to show so many leg and foot side effects.

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Xareltouser 28 Jan 2019

Oh I’m so sorry. I think I have gout as well! I started the eliquis tonight. Hopefully we both can get some relief and no side effects from it!

Xareltouser 31 Jan 2019

We’re you able to switch to eliquis? I’m just wondering how long until we start to feel some relief?

Xareltouser 26 Jan 2019

I’ve been on Xarelto for about 6 weeks due to a pe. All of a sudden my hips hurt so bad I can hardly do anything. My arms and neck hurt at times too. Has anyone else had hip Ana neck pain from the medication?

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MM61 31 Oct 2018

I was on Xarelto for DVT for just over a year. I experienced muscle pain in my extremities, the worst in my upper arms. I as given the OK by my Physician to discontinue Xarelto just over a week ago. The muscle pain, even in my upper arm which was the worst is gone. I had no idea what was causing the pain. Since the pain seemed to ease so quickly I thought it could only be the Xarelto, googled side effect and found this site. Also, minor swelling in my hands and feet is gone.

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Pogle63 22 Oct 2018

In 2011 I had a DVT in my left calf, don`t know why, had clexaine injections immediately then within 2 days 4 Pulmonary Embolisms, was put on more Clexaine self administered for 2 weeks then warfarin. Despite 10mg a day warfarin didn`t appear to be keeping my INR at 2.5 so was put onto Xarelto 20mg a day.

I have since developed severe ankle pain and severe pain in the soles of my feet which are so intense I can barely walk or put my foot on the ground and apply weight to it. It is worse upon getting up in the morning I have to limp about steadying myself. (the worse effected foot is on the leg that didn`t have the DVT) The pain lessens after about 30 minutes but is always there.

I stopped taking the Xarelto a week ago and am already feeling better, foot pain has reduced from a 9-10 scale to a 1. Getting out of bed in the morning is much better.


I am going to give it another week see how I feel and then go back to my doctor. I don`t like taking pills anyway but was told it was advisable given the spontaneity of my P.E.s, but the amount of pain and discomfort I have been experiencing especially in my feet makes stopping this drug worth the risk, I cannot function being unable to walk.

I haven`t got any advice I just thought I would add my own experience to the multitude of others on here in the hope it helps others.

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deep vein thrombosis (dvt), osteoarthritis, pain, muscle, xarelto, acute, drug

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