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Latest Questions (Page 35)

What foods should I eat or avoid when taking Rybelsus?

Can I take Cialis while taking Coreg?

How do I know if pharbetol is an NSAID or not?

I know that pharbetol is Tylenol plus one ingredient which I don't know and after seeing side effects list, I wonder if it has NSAID properties. I'm not supposed to take NSAIDS due to CKD but was recently prescribed it following hospitalization.

Could Trintellix make you feel tired?

I'm on 5mg for the 6th day. I was taking hydroxyzine 25mg 2-3 times a day, but stopped that yesterday.

My Dr switched me from 0.5mg of Xanax 3 times a day to 5 mg of Valium 3 times a day.

Should there beany problems with switching as in withdrawal or anything I should be aware of. Anyone made this kind of switch. Just trying to ease my nerves about it. I know it's probably all in my head, but just looking for experiences with this

Does migraine relief interfere with Cymbalta?

I just want to know if I can take migraine relief and Cymbalta together. I have had a terrible migraine and it won’t go away on its own.

Does adalimumab affect your sperm quality?

150 Wellbutrin XL for 8 months?

So, I have been on 150 of Wellbutrin XL for around 8 months now. The first 6-7 months were pretty good, but the past month or so, I have been having some issues. I have tried both generic and brand name versions. Headache Sweating in the middle of the night at times Very tired No drive it feels...

Zoloft for major depression time, 5 weeks on 50mg then 100mg?

I'm currently 5 weeks on zoloft. First 3 weeks on 50mg. Felt little improvement so increased too 100mg. I have been extremely more depressed and suicidal since! Obviously I was depressed to start. Though it is way worse! Never felt so depressed and suicidal! Please someone tell me is this to...

Is anyone else having a huge problem getting brand Klonopin?

I’ve been a small but effective amount of this medication for the better part of my adult life and I’ve moved to a different state and cannot get anyone to order me the brand Klonopin. Not the big chain stores or the mom and pop stores. The generics just don’t help me. I’m...

Does Tintellix mess with sleep?

I'm on my 5th day of talking 5mg. I take it at 8am every morning. It seems like it's harder to fall asleep and I wake up 3-4am with increased anxiety and a headache.

Does Trintellix change sleep?

I'm on my 5th day of 5mg. I take it at 8am every morning. It's harder to fall asleep and I'm waking up at 3-4 am with increased anxiety and a headache. Thank you

Anoro Ellipta -= increased blood pressure?

On blood pressure medication already for hypertension can one get increased hypertension with Anoro used for COPD?

I’m currently taking 25 mg of oral methotrexate. I just completed a six day water only fast and I...

... am eating a very clean diet plant-based. I’m hoping the combination of those two may have calm down my immune system. I’ve cut my methotrexate in half five days ago, I thought I would continue on this route for a few weeks to see if the pain comes back or if not. Is there any...

Mirtazapine causing more anxiety and panic attacks?

I suffer with Bipolar II. I am on Lithium 250mg BD plus lamotrigine 100mg BD. My doctor started me on mirtazapine 2 1/2 months ago slowly working up to 45mg. It is not helping my anxiety and panic attacks. It is making it worse. How do I titrate down off 45mg to 30mg which might be a more suitable...