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Latest Questions (Page 33)

Amoxicillin Dosage Mess Up?

Was Rx Amoxicillin for 5 days, every 12 hours for an URI. Accidentally took 1 pill every 24 hours for 2 days, and just realized I’ve been skipping doses. If I correct the dosage today, and continue properly until they’re done, will it be fine? Or did I mess up the medicine working?

Is doxepin like an antihistamine?

I currently take mirtazapine 15mg and trazodone less than 25mg. I'm very sensitive to medications and I reacted to trazodone with wakefulness. My allergist suggested doxepin. My psychiatrist wanted to add the doxepin at 3mg. Is it like an antihistamine? I tract horrible to antihistamines with...

Can the numbing of a back molar root canal cause a feeling that your throat is closing a little?

I take adderall xr . I had a root canal done and was given novacaine. It was in my molar furthest back in my mouth . I had a hard time breathing or swallowing for a short while . It felt like my throat was closing . But could it have also been the Novocain numbing the back of my tongue or throat...

Urinary Tract Infection - I was diagnosed with a UTI on Tuesday, and shortly after began having back

... pain in my lower left part of my back. It’s like a dull, achy pain. I’ve been on antibiotics for a few days, and nothing seems to be changing

Does occasional alcohol use affect Trelegy?

Can I have alcohol while using Trelegy

Cannabis gummies for sleep and possible interactions with Pristiq?

Do cannabis gummies for sleep interact with Pristiq? Any side effects? I take 25mg of Pristiq in the morning and 1/2 gummy at night for sleep.

What does caffeine do while taking Adderall?

Can you have caffeine while taking Adderall?

Alpha gal and medications?

Is dicyclomine (10mg capsule) safe to take if I have alpha gal syndrome? Is there gelatin in the capsule or any mammal derivatives in the medication?

Why is hair loss not on here as one of the side effects because my hair is coming out so fast?

... it's like every time I comb it r try to put it in a ponytail it's all in the comb and my hands I wish I could send a picture

I was just given Trazodone for sleep... she jusr started 100g. I was told to take it 1 hour before..

... bedtime... usually 9-10pm. Has it helped you sleep? I know it is also an antidepressant, which is good. I have MDD - major depression disorder so I am hoping it will tag onto my Wellbutrin XL to help with depression. I have literally tried all the new and 80% of the older antidepressants, and...

What is the mechanism of action for Rybelsus?

What is the best time to take olanzapine?

What is the best time to take olanzapine?

Overnight incontinence on Cymbalta?

I've had Major Depressive Disorder for the last 20yrs. 3yrs ago, I started seeing a psychiatrist & was put on Cymbalta. I got up to 60mg & I was feeling great! The problem was the side effects. Overnight I was incontinent while taking it. My body just would not wake me up so I could...

Can I split meloxicam 15 mg tablets in half?

Have 15 mg but should have 7.5

Best time to take levothyroxine if exercising in the morning?

I want to exercise in the morning, I used to do this fasted but I don't feel great and would prefer to eat something light before workout. However, I can't eat anything for an hour after taking Levothyroxine. I've tried the last couple of nights taking at night time 2 hours after...