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Latest Questions (Page 34)

Can I split meloxicam 15 mg tablets in half?

Have 15 mg but should have 7.5

Best time to take levothyroxine if exercising in the morning?

I want to exercise in the morning, I used to do this fasted but I don't feel great and would prefer to eat something light before workout. However, I can't eat anything for an hour after taking Levothyroxine. I've tried the last couple of nights taking at night time 2 hours after...

Vancomycin - I fell asleep and didn't take an IV infusion when I should have.

How close together can infusions be taken? I am supposed to do it every eight hours. Now the last one of he day will only be three hours apart from the previous one. Is that OK?

Can I take amitriptyline and duloxetine?

Having such terrible buzzing in head and ringing and bad headaches. Diagnosed as having tinnitus

Will oxycodone and hydrocodone ingestion show up the same in a drug screen for PM? Metabolites, etc?

I am currently enrolled in pain management with major back issues. I will have enough medication to make my med count for the month however these few days before my appointment I am out of medication due to breakthrough pain. I have hydrocodone available from a previous injury and I would like to...

How often to take X32 pill?

White oval pill, X on one side and 32 on the other

Alprazolam Identifiers by their codes or lack of a code?

Are there any alprazolam pills without any number or letter codes on them??

Does Prozac cause insomnia?

How to get off clonazepam 1 mg?

How to tolerate Prozac side effects?

I started on Prozac 20 days ago on 5 mg and went up to 10 then 15 then 20 mg in approx 10 days. I had panic, agitation, sleeplessness and a feeling of being very drugged and high. On the lower doses in the beginning where I was vomiting and nausea. I then started to decrease the dose back to 15,...

Has anyone ever heard of Adderall made by ELITE?

I have never heard of that brand. They have them for me at Meijers.

What other depression med can be taken with venlafaxine?

Looking for something to help supplement the venlafaxine without interaction s

Does Guaifenesin raise blood pressure?

When will Prozac kick in?

When will it kick in? I’ve been on 20 mg of Prozac for 12 days and I’m still very anxious! I’m so worried I’m not getting better and it’s just making me worse! It’s so hard to wait! I feel so hopeless.