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Latest Questions (Page 36)

Lamotrigine - I recently had one glass of wine, it felt like I had had three glasses. Very?

... uncomfortable. did the medication cause this? Will this go away?

Reducing methotrexate after a water only fast combined with a restrictive diet?

I'm currently on methotrexate but have completed a 6 day water only fast and am currently on a very restrictive diet to see if I can snuff out this Rhuematoid arthritis. Is there any harm in backing off the meth to see if the pain is gone? If the pain is not gone, I would kick it back up to my...

Better alternative to Atenolol with less side effects?

Is there an alternative to Atenolol. Don't get me wrong it's doing what it is supposed to. But the muscle cramps and the stomach issues are getting to be a bit much. If I stop the Atenolol the side effects tend to go away

I’m worried about taking phenytoin/Dilantin too long?

I’ve been taking phenytoin for about 20 years or so for 2 seizures I had 20 years ago. I don’t have a neurologist anymore because mine retired so my regular doctor just gives it to me. I also have bad anxiety for which I go to a psychiatrist. I take gabapentin, Klonopin, Lexapro and...

Side effect possible from Avastin -- my hair loss!?

I am having hair loss to alarming state - could be from Avastin. which I have had for a number of years, but I am now switching to Vabysmo. Anyone having such a sidde-effect from any injections? ==

Sunlight and levofloxacin?

I can’t swallow my Effexor xr 150mg?

Can I open the capsule and sprinkle on applesauce? I cannot swallow the capsule, I’ve been trying for ten mins. It is 150mg xr

Can omeprazole cause insanely bad diarrhea?

How often can you take Nurtec ODT?

Is 1400mg of Metaxalone too much?

I’m 5 feet 2 inches and weigh 155 pounds. How would this dosage affect me if I were to take it?

What is the mechanism of action for Nurtec ODT?

Blood Alcohol Content test results with all new medications?

My husband has been a social drinker for the 26 years we’ve been married in August he was losing weight rapidly but he hadn’t changed his diet, exercise or alcohol intake when he had a physical and was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. He was also B-12 deficient and had a high potassium levels...

Interactions between doses of medicines I take. Don't want to cause a bad interaction?

I took Tramadol and ibuprofen at 10:30 a.m.. Trial and error, didn't work. I want to take my tizanidine and Tylenol. How long do I have to wait?