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A relative was taking 50mg metoprolol tartrate twice a day for a few weeks to lower his blood...

... pressure. Now his heart rate it’s in the 40’s, told to hold on the medicine till heart rate increase higher than 50. It’s been a couple of days and still his HR is in the 40’s. Any advice or have been thru this? Thank you

Anyone taking Xarelto every other day?

My doctor has me taking 20mg of Xarelto every morning due to me having Factor V Leiden, a hireditary blood clotting disorder. Been taking it every day for 6 years, have noticed my hair getting noticeably thinner each year, just wondering if it’s possible to take it every other day? Anyone...

Wellbutrin and side effects?

I am on day 2 of starting Wellbutrin XL, I also take Lexapro, Depakote and Buspirone. The Wellbutrin was added for depression, energy and the weight gain that Depakote is causing. I feel really weird on it. I'm feeling fatigue and confusion and an overall sick and flu like feeling. Is this...

Does Nurtec ODT cause weight gain?

Sertraline 4th week worse?

I'm nearly 4 week's taking sertraline. Started on December the 9th. I felt a few small positive changes, the first 2 week's. Then u got my menstruation on December the 30th. And thing's have gotten worse! I'm extremely depressed, unable too get out of bed or function....

Is alcohol completely prohibited with Quvivic?

The web site for Quvivic (generic name daridorexant) says to avoid alcohol while using it. This site says "You should avoid OR LIMIT[emphasis mine] the use of alcohol while being treated with daridorexant." Does this mean that you must totally avoid alcohol, or is there some leeway? E.g.,...

What's the easiest way to open a Rybelsus bottle?

Restless Leg syndrome symptoms?

So I’m wondering if I have restless leg syndrome because I have been on Clonazepam for almost three weeks. The way I would describe the recent feeling in my legs is sort of automatic like itching to do something like it has a mind of it’s own and it’s freaking me out and I just...

Our dog is on prescription Flurbiprofen (I believe it's also Ocufen). No one seems to have it?

Our dog (and love of our life) a beagle with eye lense problems is on flurbiprofen (I believe also called Ocufen) It may have been discontinued. We need similar or an alternative or if it's now called something else. We have a prescription (it's an eyedrop solution) and will have no...

Can metoprolol cause anxiety and weakness feelings in the chest?

I have a constant feeling of anxiety and weakness in my chest.

Muscle relaxers that don’t cause serotonin syndrome?

Are there any muscle relaxers that DO NOT cause seratonin syndrome! I take Wellbutrin and had an episode of serotonin syndrome taking it with Flexeril!

Can Oxycodone cause withdrawal-like symptoms in between doses?

For just over 2 years I have been taking Oxycodone (10mg) slow-release formula x 2 per day (morning & evening). I also take liquid Oxycodone x 3 per day (maximum 4ml). Prior to each dose I feel pretty awful; intensely fatigued (my legs feel like they have lead-weights in them), anxious and...

Interactions 1.5 mg alprazolam mixed with 5 mg prednisone?

Alpprazolam is for MTB Prednisone given with Zytiga for cancer. would this small amount of prednisone be expected to cause any problems?

Ashwagandha with Clonazepam/Zonisamide?

So I’m wondering if I can take the supplement Ashwagandha for my anxiety, because before clonazepam I was taking it but now I’m off the supplement due to concerns about side effects(along with my other med Zonisamide). I take clonazepam 1mg as needed maximum twice a day(I’ve never...

Has anyone taking Myrbetriq had episodes of syncope (sudden passing out)?

I've had several episodes of sudden passing out, usually without any warning, but on a few occasions with dizziness. These went away for several months after stopping the med, but reoccurred soon after restarting it. Pretty complete cardiac work up has shown nothing. Current thought is...