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Latest Questions (Page 39)

Continuing Mestinon after starting Solaris?

After starting Solaris do you need to continue oral medication like Mestinon and Cell Sept?

I found the pain injection before the manipulation was much more painful than the Xiaflex injection?

Was this anyone else’s experience?

Taking two meds at the same time?

Can I take a diclofenac sodium 75 mg and a extra strength Tylenol at the same time or should I wait a few hours?

Does pepsin work for indigestion?

what is acid looking such pepsin i have gerds. nothing works. doctor giving overdose which now i have chronic pain for 22 years otherwise healthy at 77 y/o someone mentioned pepsin has anyone take thi supplement

Is there a medication that I can take along with my warfarin that will help stop my hair loss?

I have a mechanical valve in my heart so therefore I have to take warfarin for the rest of my life. I am losing a lot of hair. And I'm wondering if there's any medication out there I can take along with my warfarin that will help me stop losing my hair?

Can I use nicotine gum while taking Eliquis?

What is the dose of diltiazem for PSVT?

What is olopatadine HCL used for?

In the eye

Vyvanse & increased joint pain? Will it stop?

I'm 57 and just diagnosed with ADD (inattentive) and suddenly my life makes sense! My doctor put me on 20mg of Vyvanse and today is my second dose. I definitely felt better until about 2pm yesterday at work (took my dose at 5:30am) but then I became very tired & unfocused. I also noticed a...

Thinking about Zoloft for the 2nd time?

I took Zoloft from 2019-2021 and weaned off early 2021 and was OK until now. Drug worked well for me but it was a rough ride to get to the right dosage which was 150 having started all the way at 25. Was hoping it might be easier to get back on now maybe start at 50 and work way up quicker?...

Are guaifenesin or phenylephrine stimulants?

Lexapro, how do I decide if I should stop taking?

I have been taking 20mg Lexapro for 12 years. My Doc prescribed it when I was having a difficult time after being laid off from a 20 year career. I really don't know if taking it helped me, but I continued it for all these years and im not sure why. Now Im trying to decide if I should continu...