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Latest Questions (Page 41)

Lexapro side effects - are they normal?

I'm a 2 weeks into starting Lexapro. 1 week at 5mg and just started 10 mg a few days ago. I know that this medication takes time to work. I'm just constantly tired, and feel very out of it almost disoriented, and dizzy And some extra panic and anxiety due to feeling off. I'm really...

Can you cut up a fluconazole pill into 3 to see if you will have side effects?

I am allergic to clotrimazole and the other azole creams and before I take this I wanted to see if I would have a bad reaction. Do you know if I could cut the pill and take a small portion to see?

I have been on Farxiga for about 2 weeks. I am having these episodes of nausea and a gaggy feeling..

... and I am completely panicking about it. I did start a new blood pressure medicine, too. So it might be that. I just wondered if anyone else experienced anything like this. I am so frustrated. Had a bad night, caused a major panic attack and I can’t stop crying. I am seriously considering...

I have cervical dystonia. Take Botox injections quarterly and lorazepam daily. Have depression now.

I take lorazepam daily for cervical dystonia for the last 6 years, I have been dealing with depression for about a year, tried Lexapro and it doesn't work for me, any ideas out there? Thank you

How long to stick it out on Zoloft?

I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience to me and can shed some light? I’m a 44yr old female, have had anxiety and depression since my early 20s. Mostly managed well with citalopram, but around mid 2022 a series of chronic stressors came to a head and I had a mental breakdown...

Wegovy to Zepbound. Is it OK to switch?

Can I switch to Zepbound after being on Wegovy? Been on Wegovy for 9 months and then it stopped working and would consider switching to Zepbound?

My cat got a shot of maropitant and died?

My cat went to the vet for throwing up and a bit lethargic. Had X-rays and blood work and all was ok. They gave him a shot of Maripitant and he passed away 2 hours later. Eyes and mouth wide open like a seizure? Can anyone answer my question of why?

Combination of drugs or a drug to reduce weight gain?

I currently take 100 mg sertraline and 300 mg bupropion for major depression disorder and general anxiety disorder for years now. I have gained a lot of weight, is there another combination of drugs or drug that I can take to reduce the weight gain?

Classify antihistamine and explain the mode of action of nasal decongestant?

Classify antihistamine and explain the mode of action of nasal decongestant

How can I reduce my medications?

I would like to reduce the number of medications I am on. I currently am borderline diabetic, high cholesterol, restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, major depression disorder, general anxiety disorder.

I am being treated for prostate cancer with radiation and hormone shots. My question is the treatm?

The treatments make me feel so very tired and washed out. Do you have any recommendations? Anything I can take? I take all my muscle vitamins, but they don’t seem to help.

Does the weight gain come off after stopping lamotrigine?

I've been on lamotrigine for a year, I've gained weight whilst on it. Does anyone know if the weight comes after stopping?

Does Modafilin give you energy?

Mounjaro - Just took 2nd shot of 5mg…?

... anything come off on the scale?? Is this normal? Husband and I really only eat one meal a day & randomly snack here and there and my weight seems to fluctuate 5lbs max one way or the other…people keep saying I am loosing weight in my face but I want the weight to come off of my...