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Latest Questions (Page 42)

Mounjaro - Just took 2nd shot of 5mg…?

... anything come off on the scale?? Is this normal? Husband and I really only eat one meal a day & randomly snack here and there and my weight seems to fluctuate 5lbs max one way or the other…people keep saying I am loosing weight in my face but I want the weight to come off of my...

Does taking prednisone 50mg have a effect on taste of food?

Doctor recommended taking 50mg of prednisone for 5days after chemo theory?

Which JAK inhibitors are approved in the U.S?

Are there any programs to help with the cost for Medicare patients?

My monthly out of pocket cost is about $575. I am in need of financial assistance to continue my monthly regimen.

Can lorazepam cause dementia?

I've been on lorazepam for about 15 years. I take .5mg every night for sleep and anxiety. Recently a friend of mine said that she read that benzo's can cause dementia in older people. I am 65. I've been slowly trying to get off of it, but I miss my good night sleep! Has anyone else...

What’s the difference between Tecvayli and Talvey?

Isotretinoin stopped working?

Help please! I had bad acne on chin/neck area. Been on isotretinoin for 8 months and up until 1 month ago completely clear. Now 3 weeks out form finishing I’ve started breaking out again in the same areas. I’m so disheartened and totally confused! Why now? Is my body rejecting it??...

Is it recommended to take cyclobenzaprine for Bactrim muscle spasms?

Taking Bactrim for a spider bite infection. Causing muscle spasms. Have had a script for Flexeril,. Can I take one?

How long can you stay on Ozempic?

Can Xanax be taken with Benadryl?

Can I take Valium with Ultram?

Can you take Mucinex while taking Zithromax?

Can you take Mucinex cold and cough medicine with Zithromax and benatate?

What is a good antibiotic for toothaches?