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Latest Questions (Page 40)

Does anxiety make you nauseous?

What happens when you stop taking Zepbound?

Is Xanax OK to take 4 hours after a Klonopin?

I'm prescribed Klonopin and ran out early, I got some Xanax and want to know If it would hurt me by doing that. I'm having bad anxiety right now. My Klonopins are 1mg and the Xanax is 0.5mg/

Morbidly Obese - I have a Dissected Aorta, Congestive Heart Failure, and Naturally occurring AFIB?

... Arterial AFIB condition. I explained to my Doctor the Phentermine does not effect my appetite for a very long time period. One pill ingested in the early AM with my other medications will only suppress my appetite for a few hours. The rest of the day I am left craving food. My Doctor refuses to...

Shortage on oxycodone 15mg?

I haven't been able to get my prescription for oxycodone 15mg for 2 months. I have been informed there is a shortage in the state of New Jersey. Is this accurate?

Is there a shortage of oxycodone 15mg in the state of New Jersey?

I haven't been able to get my script for oxycodone 15mg in months for back pain I have been using this form of medication for over 3 years I would like to know the status

Are the side effects similar to Neurontin?

Neurontin really screwed up my head. I’m very pensive but the pain’s impossible

Can both amitriptyline and Celexa be prescribed at the same time?

Has anyone ever taken 25 mg of amitriptyline and 20 mg of Celexa together? My primary care doc added Celexa 20 mg to my 25 mg dosage of amitriptyline to help with anxiety. Both she and pharmacist said it was ok. Pharmacist recommended taking one at night and one in the morning. I was under the...

Can I safety stop gabapentin?

I have been on gabapentin 300-500 mg daily for about a week and a half. I am not liking the side effects and want to stop. Can i safely quit cold turkey? I am worried about discontinuation symptoms. Do I need to taper or can I just stop?

Questions about two medications?

I was wondering if lisinopril 5mg blood pressure tablets that I take plus I have to take Ritalin twice a day, would there be any interaction if I take them a few hours apart or how do I need to actually take the medications?

Which painkiller is best for recurrent pain?

Pain comes back after a few minutes after medication.

Can you get tirzepatide from a compounding pharmacy?

Recommended dose for generic Lexapro?