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Latest Questions (Page 169)

Does omeprazole cause weird taste?

I am having a very weird taste in my mouth it started 3 weeks ago around the time I began taking omeprazole. Anyone else have this?

What is the best time to take Viibryd?

I’ve been given a trial kit of Viibryd by my doctor for anxiety and trouble sleeping due to my mind racing. I was not given a time to take each daily dose. Looking for guidance.

Why do I feel bloated after taking Plan B? I took this drug in September & I'm still feeling bloated

I'm feeling bloated and I missed my period for October, but I spotted for three days. I got my period yesterday but I'm still feeling sick and bloated. I did several pregnancy tests and they were all negative

Does Janumet cause weight gain?

Switching from 2mg alprazolam ER to 1mg clonazepam?

Does anyone have any experience with this? My doctor told me that the clonazepam should last longer but my concern is with switching from 2mg to 1mg... I've gone a day before where I forgot to take the alprazolam and the withdrawals were the worst, I don't want to feel like that again....

Sucrets are on your discontinued list but is it possible to special order them. They worked for me?

When I was young and worked as a cashier for a grocery store sometimes I would get a tickle cough that would cause me to leave the cash register and cough until the tickle, as I called it, went away. Someone suggested Sucrets and they worked like a charm for me. One lozenge in my mouth and in 5...

Does sertraline help with insomnia?

Hi, I have just been prescribed sertraline for anxiety and insomnia. I am wanting to know how long it will take to work, I am suffering so bad from lack of sleep.

Is Focalin XR 5mg in mornings and Tenex 1mg twice a day for a 6 year old safe and any issues I?

Children around 6 taking both of these medicines, is there any issues/side effects with these doses?

Can rosuvastatin cause muscle pain after use for years with no problem?

My wife age now 82 years has been taking rosuvastatin 10 mg dose once a day for several years without much problem. She has started having pain in lower body, thighs, calves or feet for last few months. Is the pain likely to be due to rosuvastatin?

ADHD and PTSD and anxiety?

Is it safe to use these 3 medications together? Vyvanse 70mg Intuniv 4mg Wellbutrin 300mg

How long does citalopram take to work?

I’ve been on citalopram for 6 days now, started off feeling pretty awful the usual side effects that most people mention.. I’ve had blips of good moments and bad moments where for a second I’ve felt really positive but just as quickly it turns into a downward spiral.. can anyone...

Paroxetine - does paroxetine cause weight gain?

When do it take my medicines?

Trintellix - Worsening symptoms on vortioxetine?

I was using escitalopram for about 3 years had no problems the occasional little bit of anxiety then one day it just stoped working for me then my doctor prescribed me vortioxetine I have been taking this for just a little over 2 weeks and it’s giving me headaches and worsening my anxiety is...