I’m on viibryd for anxiety, 20mg because I’m also on Adderall so anything too high would be pretty dangerous. It worked for a while up until this past year. Some days it works fine, but others I feel extremely anxious and can’t control my anxiety. I take it at the same time every night, with food like told. I’m going to talk to my doctor about seeing if I can get on a low dose of an as needed anxiety medication for the “bad” days, because I know some people do that. However, I know viibryd has a higher risk of serotonin syndrome. Does anyone here take viibryd along with an as needed medication? I really don’t want to switch off of viibryd because if I just miss one dose I have horrible withdrawal side effects and I don’t think I’ll be able to handle long-term withdrawal without it seriously affecting my mental health. I’d really appreciate any help! Thank you!