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Latest Questions (Page 168)

Do moxifloxacin eye drops interact with Klonopin, Seroquel,or Levemir?

I had fast beating heart rate after taking Seroquel after using moxifloxacin drops. Did anyone else have this happen?

Can your hands still smell after washing them?

I'm a huge hygiene freak and I have bowel problems which don't always go well together. I always wash my hands very well after the loo, under nails and everything, yet I notice sometimes they still smell of, well, feces. I'll wash my hands multiple times, lather them for ages and...

Calcium Stool Softener - If expiration date is 09/22, can you still use it?

Or just toss it out like it’s turned to poison?

Should I keep using Bactrim?

I was prescribed Bactrim by my dermatologist for acne. I have been on the medication for more then 7 weeks now and have seen nothing but a worsening in acne. Should I keep on it? I have asked my dermatologist this question and have not been gotten back to.

Taking Ozempic: What foods should you avoid?

Lexapro withdrawal symptom?

I was taking 10mg of Lexapro for 2 months and about 1 week. I am a very active person and I noticed that I started to become permanently exhausted, have gained some weight, and I started to get frequent headaches. These symptoms were not worth it to me, and I decided to try to manage my anxiety...

How does Ozempic (semaglutide) help with weight loss?

Fluorouracil application before bed?

I'm about to begin using fluorouracil 5% cream for a spot on my forearm. When I fall asleep and roll over, my face lays on the area. Should I worry about it getting in my eyes, nose, or mouth? Thank you

I have been prescribed diazepam whilst doctor sorts out my antidepressant.

Now on sertraline 50mg after being on 25mg for 3 weeks. However I’m completely stressed out about taking diazepam when am really stressed out. Keep reading all about addiction. Only took 9 of 2mg last month and 3 so far this month. I really need it but so scared

Zetia - Does Abilify cause weight gain?

Would duloxetine show on a drug test and what class of drug would it be listed under?

Can duloxetine show up on drug test?

Hyperhidrosis - Why I have terrible shoes odor?

Hi. I have a big problem with the smell of my shoes. I'll start from the beginning. 3 years ago I suddenly felt the stench of shoes. I thought it was athlete's foot, so I used clotrimazolum and terbinafine. It helped for a while. Later I had recurrences of this smell, but my new shoes...

Is Zanaflex a controlled substance?

4mg to 5mg a day.

Is Eliquis truly superior to Coumadin in performance?

My husband has been diagnosed with A- fib. He is currently taking daily baby ASA 11 years post CABG after an MI and valve repair that has left him with CHF. Dr just prescribed Eliquis 5 mg prior to cardioversion planned for one month from now. The cost is staggering. We don't know if he will...