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Latest Questions (Page 170)

Trintellix - Worsening symptoms on vortioxetine?

I was using escitalopram for about 3 years had no problems the occasional little bit of anxiety then one day it just stoped working for me then my doctor prescribed me vortioxetine I have been taking this for just a little over 2 weeks and it’s giving me headaches and worsening my anxiety is...

Does Trileptal cause weight gain?

What happens if I accidentally take sertraline with paroxetine?

I thought the sertraline was my cholesterol meds. I had been given the sertraline to try and get off the paroxetine.

Will Mounjaro causes issues with my gallbladder?

I am not diabetic, although have to watch what I eat due to gallbladder issues. Will mounjaro add issues to my gallbladder? Will it create issues with my pancreas?

Can I stop taking metoprolol/lisinopril without weaning off either one?

I've been taking this combination for about a month and do not feel as though it is helping at all. I still get winded when walking up a couple flights of stairs. I felt a lot better just taking CardioFitMD

Is amoxicillin safe for pregnant woman?

Will I ever get better on sertraline?

Hi, I have been on sertraline 50mg for 4 days now for ocd,panick attacks and anxiety. I understand it takes a while to kick in but how do you cope with the side effects? I have every single one. Racing thoughts, panick, anxiety, nausea, hot flushes. I haven’t ate or slept in 4 days maybe...

Is there any real help for insomnia?

I had a bilateral cerebellar stroke 3 months ago and I was topamax 50mg x2 a day which caused severe side effects. I got off of it asap. I am now suffering from post stroke insomnia which is causing me fatigue all day and am tired and worn out all day long, Sleeping pills all seem to be sedatives,...

Where & how do I enter my prescriptions I’m taking?

Prescriptions I’m on & where to enter them?

Has anyone been on Bupropion long term and then try to get off it? Or is off it and not taking any?

So has anyone been on bupropion long term and then got off this? What was your experience? side effects? Did it change you not being on any antidepressants whatsoever? I am just starting to take this 150mg and I don't want to take this for the "rest" of my life type of thing. I am...

Why would my 74yr husband be prescribed Prozac?

Rybelsus - Does Rybelsus cause flushed cheeks?

I started Rybelsus 4 days ago. Today my cheeks have been flushed all day. Has this happened to anyone else? My dr said it’s not a side effect but it’s the only thing I’ve done different. Thanks!

Is Oxtellar XR the same as Trileptal?

Does carvedelol cause extreme tiredness ?

I have stage 3 CKD and DDD, DJD Hypercholesterol and Hypothyroid Disease. I hydrate well. I started Farxiga in June 2022. Was active at 80.