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Latest Questions (Page 142)

Does Chantix goes with doxepin,Remeron, melatonin?

Spironolactone - When should I take this medication? early in the morning or just before bedtime?

I am 77 and I have been diagnosed with heart failure and heart attack. My doctor prescribed Aldactazide 25mg with other BP drugs for me. What time of day is best to take Aldactazide? I don't want to wake up to urinate in the middle of the night.

Effexor XR - My doc is slowly weaning me off effexor from 187mg to 150mg and it's only been a week?

I don't know if I can do it - I get anxious, panicky, and cry for no reason. Can anyone please tell me what to expect, based on your experience? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you

8 weeks on escitalopram and anxiety is back?

Im now 8 weeks in and past 9 days felt back to normal, 2 days ago i woke with anxiety and now every morning i wake up clammy and anxious, do i need to increase my dose, feel so disheartened as i was feeling good and now this sudden drop feels like im starting all over again

Is Tabrecta a chemotherapy drug?

What is betahistine used for?

Taking 4mg Dilaudid. Can I use 10 or 15mg for breakthrough pain?

4mg Dilaudid every 4 hours and have severe breakthrough pain occasionally. I switched to 4mg Dilaudid after 15mg oxycodone lost its effect. I have 15 mg oxycodone pills left over from my previous treatment and I’m wondering if I can take an oxycodone in between the Dilaudid for breakthrough...

Shorted on prescription of Ubrelvy at pharmacy?

I have a prescription for Ubrelvy. 16 pills per month. The first time I filled at Walgreen's, but my normal pharmacy is CVS. Last week I went to pick up my prescription at CVS and they would only give me 10. They stated that they could not break a new box open. Apparently, it comes 10 to a...

Is tinnitus from amlodipine reversible?

I took amlodipine for high blood pressure for 18 consecutive days. Stopped them on 4 November as they were giving me issues with brain fog, headaches, joint pain etc. However after two weeks off them I started experiencing tinnitus. Please can you let me know how long does it take for them to leave...

Can Tarceva (erlotinib) cure lung cancer?

What is the mechanism of action of Banzel (rufinamide)?

How does Banzel work?

Does Fycompa cause weight gain?

How effective is Xywav for Idiopathic Hypersomnia?

Can you take ondansetron while pregnant?