I have been taking 25m of Zoloft for 5 days. I’ve decided that I’m stopping it today. I had some anxiety before taking it so The doctor thought Zoloft would help.It has been the 5 worst days that I’ve had in years.The anxiety tripled. I feel like my insides are shaking so bad. I feel like I’m in a bubble.It’s been an awful 5 days.After
2 days I cut the 25 into half for 2 days then to 3/4 for 2 days and today I’m going off of it.This is a very low dose,should I have any withdrawal symptoms from going off. I know it takes weeks to work but I can’t stand the side effects.will Xanax help if I any problems
getting off of Zoloft after being on it such short a time. Thanks for any help you can give