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Latest Questions (Page 141)

Does anyone else get restlessness on trazodone?

I have been taking trazodone for 4 years at a high dose (450mg) and was also taking hydrocodone among other things, with it for a long time for PTSD-related insomnia. I recently had my gallbladder out and had to stop taking my ydrocodone cold turkey because of a liver scare. Once I stopped the...

Extreme tiredness/fatigue Citalopram?

Been on Citalopram 20mg for 5 weeks. Cannot stop sleeping, if I let myself I’d sleep 18 hours a day. I am taking early evening and still doesn’t help. The brain fog is next level. I have hashimotos so tiredness is already a thing. Should I keep going or try a different antidepressant...

Doxycycline - Typical dosage for sinus infection?

Carvedilol - Do you need to wean off Coreg 6.25mg of taken 2x daily?

My doctor said there is no need to wean off, just stop. I had 1 episode of atrial fibrillation. It self regulated before I was seen by a doctor. I wore a holster monitor for 2 weeks. Results came back normal. I want to get off this med.

Escitalopram - Will escitaloprám cause bad diarrhea?

I lost my father about 5 months again and started to get very low and emotional and didn’t want to be here anymore which is unlike me. I was very reluctant to take tablets from the doctor but I did about 2 weeks ago and I must say I have notice an improvement in my self and also the ppl...

How to taper off lorazepam safely?

My wife takes lorazepam 1.5 mg (0.5 mg morning and 1mg at night) and sertraline because of her depression during cancer. Right now she must use a fentanyl patch 12mcg for her chronic pain. We want to stop lorazepam as an interaction with fentanyl maybe major. Any suggestions? Thank you

Can lithium cause symptoms like hypomania as a discontinuation side effect in someone w/o bipolar?

I don't have bipolar disorder or cyclothymia, but when i forget my meds for a day or longer i get symptoms like decreased inhibition, talking too much, racing thoughts, doing risky things, not sleeping as much or at all, feeling out of contol, lightheadedness or an almost buzzy feeling, even...

Mounjaro vs Ozempic: How do they compare?

Is Lyrica a controlled substance / narcotic?

How is Monjuvi given / administered?

How does Monjuvi work?

Which drug has least side effects, clonidine or nifedipine?

Need to add a third pill to my blood pressure medications. I am now on carvedilol 25 mg 2 x a day and losartan 50 mg 2 x a day now it's way too high when I get up in the morning. I don't know why?

Venlafaxine - Venlavaxine and menstrual problems?

Can venlavaxine cause menstrual problems like bleeding between periods, stomach pain and so on?

Does Lexapro blunt emotions?

I don’t cry, can’t show happiness and anger is suppressed to the point where I eventually feel like I’m going to explode

Does Chantix goes with doxepin,Remeron, melatonin?