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Latest Questions (Page 143)

Is amoxicillin and penicillin the same?

Allergic to penicillin but got amoxicillin is it the same

Why am I not losing weight on Saxenda?

How effective is Xenpozyme?

How quickly does Xenpozyme (olipudase alfa-rpcp) work?

Lyrica for post herpetic episodes?

Anyone have success using Lyrica to prevent post herpetic episodes.? I want to take it a few hours before I play tennis which triggers the post herpetic pain.

Escitalopram - I started Lexapro 9 days ago for anxiety, depression and tremors?

I feel worse than before I started it. Does it mean it’s not working for me? Or should I give it some more time? I’m literally lying down most of the day exhausted. Thanks for any suggestions.

What is Nimesulide used for?

What is the difference between Benlysta and Saphnelo?

What are the side effects of Janumet?

I have very little use of my legs due to pain in my hips and neuropathy in my feet. I heard that muscle pain is a side effect?

Valsartan and Bystolic ED med question?

I have been trying to figure out what would be a safe ED med to take with My combination of meds of valsartan 320 mg and Bystolic 20 mg. I read upon something about Viagra would be a moderate thing to take but Bystolic making it lose its effectiveness but nothing about tadalafil. Not sure if these...

Does anyone here have Tardive Dyskinesia from anti depressants?

I am looking for moral support for TD. Any help is appreciated greatly.

When taking cefdinir and the symptoms my son has are listed under incidence not known?

When taking the antibiotic cecdinir orally for my 5 year old child who already suffers from allergies year round, now he has been prescribed cefdinir for his ear, but since his first dose of cefdinir yesterday he has had eye burgers or excessive mucus coming out of his eyes and his eyes are very...

Provigil - General question about Provigil side effects?

I’ve been taking Provigil 200/mg 2#times a day for several months…it definitely gets me out of bed.. before I would just sleep hours on end. I have a very odd question though.. this medication makes me sooooo lazy.. even though it gets me through the day without taking a nap..I just...

Lorazepam side effects long term for 1mg, any downsides? I have bad insomnia.

Any possible side effects of taking 1mg for 6 months on and off?

I taken it 1mg for alternate days can I suffer any side effect?

can i take for long term

Don't know when my ovulation date was but still going to take a Plan B?

With work and life I don't even remember when i got off my period. Well today me and my husband was of course having sex and he says he pulled out just in time but was close to my opening and doesn't really know if a little got in or not so here i am. I'm gonna get the plan b...