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What is the best medication for tension headaches?


masso 28 May 2023

Click on the link in order to access a list of medications with user reviews, the link will say headache and other names: "tension headaches":

Votes: +1
masso 28 May 2023

There is no best medication in general for different conditions for anyone. What may be excellent for you and work wonders may not be for someone else and vice versa. Everyone reacts differently to medications, benefits, potential risks, possible side effects and interactions Basically everyone reacts differently to everything in life.

Polk889 29 May 2023

Can I take gabapentin for migraines?

masso 29 May 2023

"Conclusion: Gabapentin is an effective prophylactic agent for patients with migraine. In addition, gabapentin appears generally well tolerated with mild to moderate somnolence and dizziness."

Source: National Library of Medicine
National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Gabapentin in some individuals may cause dependence.

I recommend, if you decide to go ahead and try this drug, which is a prescription medication only, you will have to see a Dr. perhaps a specialist like a Neurologist, well, the way I see it, this medication is a bit risky just to treat tension headaches and in my opinion there are safer medications which do not cause dependence and may help you just as well, but that is only my advice, at the end of the day, you have to decide.

Click on the link:

Polk889 29 May 2023

Thank you!you are great!

masso 29 May 2023

Thank you for being so kind and you are welcome. free discount card

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headache, medication, tension

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