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Latest Questions (Page 145)

How can I get emergency methadone?

Is Lyrica addictive? My doctor just prescribed it for me today?

My doctor prescribed Lyrica today for my anxiety and now I'm finding myself anxious over this medicine. Dec 16th of this year I will have 7 years being off pills like benzos and narcotics as well as alcohol. I am concerned about taking Lyrica for the simple fact that I will not allow myself to...

Voltaren gel on back ache?

How does Xenpozyme work?

Does Xenpozyme cure acid sphingomyelinase deficiency (ASMD)?

I am facing a total hip replacement due to bone on bone with no cartridge left in one of my hips.

I have been in chronic pain and severe arthritis pain for 25 years and I’m not getting treatment for it until now, I recently got an orthopedic surgeon appointment at the first meeting my X-rays showed my fears my left hip has degenerated to bone on bone extremely painful and also rheumatoid...

I take two 25mg Paxil CR a day. When is the best time to take them or how far apart?

I take two 25mg Paxil CR a day. When is the best time to take them?

Medication interaction with grapefruit?

Does the grapefruit interaction with hydroxychloroquine include topical use also? Or just ingestion?

I'm addicted to tramadol. How can I stop it?

Is Rhodes Pharmaceuticals RP 10 325 Percocet the same as other brands?

I get 10/325 every once in a while to get through really bad pain times as my whole spine seems to just be falling apart. I always get some relief from10 325 prescriptions until today, when CVS gave me Rhodes RP Pharmaceuticals Percocet 10 325. I immediately noticed they're small round tablets...

Neupro patch is just not working for me!?

I started on a 1mg Neupro patch a couple of weeks ago with no relief at all. My doctor recently increased my dosage to 2 mg, but I still have no relief-constant jerking of knees and sometimes shoulders and very, very little sleep. I recently had radiation for prostate cancer and need to get lots of...

Why does Ofev cause diarrhea?

What food should I avoid while taking Ofev?

How quickly does propranolol work?