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Latest Questions (Page 135)

Is Evkeeza FDA approved as a high cholesterol treatment?

Is my husband dying from cirrhosis?

My husband was diagnosed with alcoholic cirrhosis almost a year ago. He has continued drinking. Cirrhosis was discovered during gall bladder removal. He hasn’t went to the doctors to follow up after he was diagnosed. I have begged and pleaded as well as others. He has lost at least 40lbs,...

Mirtazapine 30mg is daytime tiredness as good as it gets after 4 weeks?

I have been prescribed this for anxiety - depression and sleep problems . It’s definitely helping , but what’s the the best time to take it for sleep? Sometimes I feel a bit “activated” and take a while to fall asleep. (Sleep fine when i drift off) I’ve been on it...

What is the mechanism of action for Evkeeza (evinacumab-dgnb)?

Yellow tablets vs white tablets?

What is the difference between yellow, round Percocet 10/325 vs white, round Percocet 10/325? I've worked in pain management, I have family/friends with chronic pain and I also have chronic pain. Every person I've asked about this specific issue have all said they can tell a difference...

Klonopin & Gabapentin memory loss?

I take Klonopin and Gabapentin for anxiety. I wish I'd never started the Gabapentin. I've gained about 40 lbs. My question is which is worse for memory loss? I've had some memory loss and I want to get off of one of them but I don't know which one is worse for your memory.

What to expect with Klonopin withdrawal?

On 1 mg Klonopin one time daily at night for 90 days. Doing better and want to stop taking it. What should I expect?

Ozempic - Does Ozempic work for weight loss for seniors? (70+)?

I am 72 and weigh 207lbs. My glucose is on the high side but my A1C has hovered 5.6-5.8 over the last few years. Just wondering if there are any reviews from people my age and what they experienced.

How many cycles of oxaliplatin can you have?

How long does oxaliplatin stay in your system?

Can you overdose on ibuprofen?

How long does ibuprofen take to work?

I want to go off Pristiq 100mg and go on Lexapro. I'm finding Pristiq isn't helping as much as it...

... did a few years ago. How do I avoid withdrawal issues with Pristiq?

Can you drink alcohol with ibuprofen?

Why is Ibuprofen dangerous for dogs? Here are safer alternatives