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Latest Questions (Page 133)

Does anyone take something for anxiety along with Cymbalta?

... depression. I have read a lot of negative reviews here about it, but I have done well on it. Although, it has not done much for my anxiety. If I could find something to control my anxiety, I feel like I would almost have my life back.

Donepezil - Where do I find help for my parents?

My mom has major health issues. She has COPD, CHF, diabetes, Stage IV renal disease, and in 2021 she fell and broke her leg, which gives her a slew of problems. She can't walk from the living room to the kitchen without being out of breath. Then there is my dad. He has been seeing...

Pregabalin losing effect after two weeks?

After two weeks in taking pregabalin it lost its effect. I increased the dose, and the same thing happened. Now the third time. Haven't I found the perfect dose, or am I just tolerant already? Started 50 mg x 3, then 75+50+50, then 75+75+50. Should I increase more?

High anxiety prevails after taking Pristiq?

I have been on 75 mg of Pristiq for 16 weeks without and reduction in anxiety. My doctor wants to keep me on it to help with my depression. Why is it not helping me with anxiety? I am experiencing shakiness and increased heart rate after taking it. Could I be allergic? Could the adrenaline in it...

Can you take expired antibiotics?

Ativan withdrawal symptoms?

I have been taking Ativan at 2mg 3 times a day. I started tapering off at 1/2mg per day. What withdrawal symptoms should I expect?

Efudex - Efudix/acyclovir interaction?

what is the potential danger of using Efudix cream when taking anti-viral tablets?

Can’t identify this pill?

White oval pill with 15 on one side and blank on the other

How does erlotinib work (mechanism of action)?

Can ibuprofen cause constipation?

Vortioxetine dosage increased to 15mg with terrible side effects?

Hello all. First of all, thanks for your reviews, they really give me hope in those difficult times. I started Trintellix 6 weeks ago, first I was on 10mg, it helped ease of anxiety, I was feeling better but not quite there yet. Together with my Doctor, we decided to increase to 15mg. Im half way...

Lexapro withdrawal delayed vertigo?

After 10 years on 5mg I decided to get off the drug. Cutting dosage for about 6 weeks I stoped completely 4 months ago. I’ve experienced most of the withdrawal symptoms, light headed, brain zaps and fatigue. The symptoms were manageable , faint brain zaps when I awoke. The symptoms seemed to...

Does anyone hallucinate taking escitalopram 20mg ? I wll wake up in the bed and I could swear my...

... wife is in the room with me. BTW, she lives in a memory care center. This morning I woke up to her sitting on the edge of our bed, then she got up and walked out. Am I going nuts?

Does amlodipine contain calcium?