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Latest Questions (Page 131)

Can I switch from 3 Klonopin to 2 Klonopin?

I don’t want to taper Klonopin. I just want to take 2 a day instead of 3. Will this cause withdrawal?

Low cortisol levels and clonazepam?

My cortisol levels are low. Borderline low around 5. I don't take any medication for that, but recently due to high frequency of my panic attacks, I was prescribed 0.5mg clonazepam on use when necessary basis. It is for sure effective in breaking the panic attack but could it be affecting my...

Generic buprenorphine brands?

My doctor just recently made me switch pharmacies. The manufacturer of the buprenorphine I was taking was teva. I had no problems with it whatsoever. Now I’m stuck with Rhodes . This medication is no where near as effective. I cannot locate the teva brand anywhere else. Does anyone have a...

What is the correct way to use Nayzilam Nasal Spray?

Celexa week 1 will insomnia and lethargy/tiredness pass?

I’m on day 5 of a starter dose of celexa (10 mg) and the only side effects I have are extreme tiredness/drowsiness during the day likely from sleep disturbance and insomnia. Will the insomnia and exhaustion pass?

Does the Depo shot cause eyelid twitching?

I have noticed muscle twitching in my left eyelid and a delayed response in my right eyelid opening after receiving the Depo shot a month ago. These symptoms started about a week after the shot with the right eyelid delayed opening. The twitching of my left eyelid is about 2 weeks after the shot....

Does Dovato cause weight gain?

What’s a common dose of Pristiq?

I would like to know what dose of Pristiq is commonly taken because I am transitioning from Cymbalta to Pristiq. Right now I am taking about 15 mg of Cymbalta and 150 mg of Pristiq. In the past, I have always taken higher doses of antidepressants, but I am not totally sure what the upper end dose...

How do you get rid of Adderall tongue?

Is Doxycycline safe for dogs? Uses, dosage, side effects

Namenda - Memantine - I was given this medication recently by my psychiatrist for off label use.

What an absolutely horrific last two days had a horrible adverse reaction to an anxiety med which caused me to have some of the absolute worst anxiety! As well as numerous other side less severe side effects. My heart rate was as high as 135 at times. Paiged doctor she immediately had me stop med...

Citalopram - Does citalopram work for disturbing thoughts?

In September I had a nervous breakdown doctor put me on escitalopram 20mg 3 months and it still has not worked. So did a direct switch from escitalopram to citalopram 30mg. It's my second day. I have extremely disturbing thoughts which is probably OCD. I have intense fear and anxiety and...