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Latest Questions (Page 129)

How long can Bydureon be unrefrigerated?

How long can I take Sotyktu for?

I started taking Ozempic on Saturday, Jan 14 and have not experienced nausea. How common is this?

Most of the literature said nausea and vomiting are common. Has anyone else had this surprise?

Can I take a 2nd shot before the two weeks are up if it didn’t seem to work?

If my Dupixent was left at room temperature for longer than 2 weeks , would the medication be less effective? If so, can I take another dose before I am due ?

Can I drink apple cider vinegar with lisinopril?

I had been on amitriptyline for three years, for chronic nerve pain in my shoulder.

I started off on just one tablet at night just to numb the pain and to help me sleep. My partner noticed a few months later that, in her words "you have changed, you're not the man I met." I instantly told her that it was utter rubbish and I was still the same man that she had met....

What is Daxxify, the recent FDA-alternative to Botox?

How does Auvelity work / moa?

Can Lexapro stop working temporarily? I have been on Lexapro since early September last year.

It took 13 weeks to get relief. I have a great few weeks but now I day 8 of feeling anxious and depressed. I take 20mg in the morning

Quviviq vs. Ambien: How do they compare?

I take all this medicine together in the mornings, except my ambien and clonazepam. Is that safe?

I only take the vitamin D on Wednesday night.

If you have not been on Paxil for years?

I was on Paxil years ago and it had worked for my depression. Can you go back to a drug and have it work again.

Venlafaxine - Venlaxafine - 7 weeks in and wondering whether to increase fro. 150?

I’ve just completed a 6 week cross taper from 200mg (Max Dose) Sertraline to Venlafaxine ER. The Sertraline stopped working after 16 great years and anxiety and depression returned. I have now been on Ven a total of 7 weeks (3 *75, 2 *112.5 and 2 * 150). I’ve just completed cross taper...

In the state of Washington, how many sleeping pills can a doctor issue at one time?

Can my doctor give me at the same time Belsomra 20mg take one, trazodone 50mg take four, and Zolpidem12.5mg take one?