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Latest Questions (Page 130)

Sertraline drug tolerance?

Has anyone else on sertraline experienced drug tolerance after months/years of being on it? I have been on 50mg of sertraline for about 11 months now, and it has been working amazingly. My panic is pretty much non existent and I hardly have any anxiety symptoms-when I do it’s very easy to...

Is gabapentin a narcotic?

I was recently put on Celexa and Wellbutrin XL?

I am diagnosed Bipolar I, I seem to have a resistance to most common Bipolar medications my doctor first tried many meds that were ultimately failures. He then tried me on Wellbutrin XL which has done great for my depression and even mania, this issue now is it is not helping at all with Anxiety...

Does Eylea and Eylea HD raise blood pressure?

What is a normal body temperature?

Switching from Prozac to Zoloft?

I've been taking Prozac 20 mg at night with 200 mg trazodone only to find out you should never use them together. I'm now out of the Prozac & am switching to Zoloft 25 mg starting tonight. Is there a probability of any side effects or issues that I should look for? Thanks in advance.

I have been on Duloxetine for 22 days. I have started to experience some side effects.

Head aches, dry mouth, constipation, ear pain and intense dreams. All of which are affecting my sleep. I am Bi-polar and already take Lamictal and Abilify, both have been great for treating my Bipolar disorder. My doctor put me on duloxetine for severe sciatica pain. How long will these side...

Does perispinal etanercept work for stroke recovery?

I’m on day 7 of Celexa (10mg) does daytime tiredness go away?

I’m feeling frustrated. Does the medication increase some anxiety? Affect heart rate? And cause daytime sleepiness? Do these symptoms pass?

What are the equivalent dosages of bumetanide, furosemide & torsemide?

Can aspirin be taken with Eliquis for DVT/PE?

I recently had a DVT and a Pulmonary Embolism. I was told by one doctor to stop take a daily Aspirin 81mg due to bleeding risks. Another said I can continue the aspirin 2 - 3x a week because they work differently. Which is right?

Does taking vitamin D help with psoriasis?

How does Tykerb work?