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Latest Questions (Page 132)

Citalopram - Does citalopram work for disturbing thoughts?

In September I had a nervous breakdown doctor put me on escitalopram 20mg 3 months and it still has not worked. So did a direct switch from escitalopram to citalopram 30mg. It's my second day. I have extremely disturbing thoughts which is probably OCD. I have intense fear and anxiety and...

Is Dayvigo addictive?

Can you take Ibuprofen after the COVID booster vaccine?

Wellbutrin - Anxiety, fear of heart attack?

I am on day 4 of this medication. I have had massive amounts of energy. Too much energy that I can not relax. I have not been sleeping well at all 5-6 hrs of sleep per night so far. I also smoke marijuana not an abuser of marijuana. Just toke here and there per usual. But it’s making the...

Any comforting stories regarding low dose Xanax for insomnia?

I am a 70 year old man that has been battling insomnia for five years. I have tried every supplement under the sun and some sleeping pills that were not that effective. I also practice Yoga Nidra every day. Just got a .5mg Xanax prescription today. I intend to start with half that amount. I am not...

I need help - I;m so scared to take my Prozac?

I'm scared to take Prozac because of the possible side effects.

Does gabapentin cause weight gain?

Mirtazapine and weight gain.

Started 15mg mirtazapine 5 days ago and within that time I have gained 5lbs. Not eating any differently so in my opinion it's the actual tablet that makes you gain weight. I have been regularly following an intermittent fasting protocol since march last year and within that time frame I have...

Buspar at day, trazodone at night?

Trying to figure something out. I'm taking 7.5mg of Buspar 2x a day. Once early in the morning, the second about 2pm. I've also been given trazodone to help as needed with sleep. I would be taking it about 7 hours after my second Buspar dose. Seems to be fine but there are some flags...

How long does it take for Ofev to start working?

Can you stop Paxlovid after 5 doses? The side effects are terrible.

Can you stop Paxlovid after 5 doses? The side effects are terrible, so painful to go to the bathroom. Will anything bad happen if my wife stops taking it after 5 doses?

On pantoprazole. Has anyone developed insomnia?

Higher dosage started off?

My PCP started me off 3 days ago with .5mg vs .25mg. Anyone else start off at that dose? Had 1 episode of diarrhea, now constipated. Have body aches and chills. Anyone else experience body aches or am I just getting sick?!

Hello! I recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure and the Dr prescribed me amlodipine. Can?

... this medication cause dry red eyes? My eyes look blood shot and so dry I can’t wear my contacts