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Latest Questions (Page 134)

I have recently been diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency and am experiencing severe...

... fatigue and muscle weakness. I have also been off work for a number of weeks. I am just wondering what other peoples symptoms are and how long before I see an improvement as I have been on supplements for 4 weeks?

I am at the end of my tether?

I have only joined this group today & I don't know which way to turn. Hoping somebody can please help me. I will try & condense it. Pain in my knee started February 2022. Got progressively worse until June 2022 when I fell off a stool measuring curtains. Since then I am in constant...

Is it okay if these drugs interact?

If I’m taking Tamiflu and I take a Plan B will it affect me?

Can gentamicin and Biafine be taken at same time?

Being used for wound staph infection.

What is vaginal prolapse?

Does buspirone 5mg cause anger on low doses?

I have been taking medication for years now. I recently requested buspirone 5mg (low dosage) when needed from my doctor. My anxiety was a little spiked more than usual. I was prescribed 12 days ago and only took it maybe.. 5 days to a week ago. I only took it once. Since then I have had a severe...

How can I have my doctor up my Klonopin to 2mg?

I don't want my doctor to think I'm seeking cause she just up it to 1mg for my panic disorder but it's still not enough it barely take the edge off so what do I do? Any help would be very much needed and appreciated.

How was discontinued pill cor 239 taken?

Was it long lasting, extended release, crushed, 50/50 release?

Zoloft insomnia side effect?

I took 50mg of Zoloft for two years to help manage anxiety I was having in college. Never had any side effects or problems. I stopped taking it 7 months ago because I didn't see a need. Had absolutely no issues going off it. This past month, I found I needed to be taking it again to curb...

Where can I find the Evkeeza FDA package insert?

Need Information on a pill that I can't find anything on?

I was cleaning out a box where I store extra bottles of vitamins and medications that is shipped through my pharmacy and found a pill that I don't recognize, it is a peach color with 229 imprinted on it, on the other side is a logo with a triangle with what looks like a horse head or a P that...

Can you take ibuprofen on an empty stomach?