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Latest Questions (Page 136)

Tapering off Abilify what is safe dose to taper per week?

Can anyone tell me how much to taper off per couple of weeks if on 25mg of Abilify? I already started with 5mg now down to 20mg on week 2. And should I go longer than two weeks?

Depo-Provera - Has anyone experienced regular thrush on depo never suffered before?

Severe conditions never had before

Can I take 10 mg of Cialis and 50 mg of metoprolol at the same time?

For evening sex

Lexapro - Is Lexapro a good anxiety medicine?

Sick to stomach after Trintellix?

Has anyone been so sick they wouldn't eat for days after being on Trintellix?

Is cyclobenzaprine a controlled substance or addictive?

Dextroamphetamine - how does it affect your appetite?

Compared to Adderall, how is it for your appetite ?

Can I take ibuprofen with blood pressure medications?

What is the difference between Leqvio and Repatha?

What is the mechanism of action for Tecvayli (teclistamab-cqyv)?

Does modafinil cause headaches if you don’t take it every day?

Today, I’m having a bad migraine after not taking modafinil. Yesterday was my second day taking it at 100 mg but today I noticed I have a bad headache. Just wondering if there’s a connection there

My period hasn’t come for a while, can it be related to my medication?

I haven’t had my cycle for several months now. I take gabapentin (300), duloxetine (30 2x daily), Xanax (as needed), tizanidine (as needed), and lamotrogen (25 2x daily). I just want to make sure this isn’t a more serious issue.