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Latest Questions (Page 138)

Paroxetine - Does it take a long time for paroxetine to work?

Have been on 20mgs.for 12 weeks now on 30 mgs.for 8 weeks.I see only minor changes.Please can someone give me advice.Linda

Has anyone tried Joyous ketamine?

I have read that ketamine is effective for treating depression and am wondering if anyone has tried the Joyous ketamine treatment provider? I would like to know if they send the medication on time and if it is helping you.

I’m scared to take sertraline for anxiety and panic because of side effects.

Are side effects that bad?

How is Leqvio injection administered?

Mouth blisters since beginning Eliquis?

Does Eliquis cause mouth blisters and soreness?

How does Leqvio work in treating high cholesterol?

What is the mechanism of action for Leqvio (inclisiran)?

Where can I find the Leqvio FDA package insert?

How long does it take for Prozac to work?

Is Prozac a controlled substance / addictive?

Does Prozac cause weight gain or loss?

What’s the difference between Eylea, Eylea HD, and Avastin?

Metoprolol succinate ER 25 mg 1/day or 2/day is that right?

My cardiologist prescribe me Metoprolol succinate ER 25 mg 1/day. Now my primary doctor issue a prescription for metoprolol succinate ER 25 mg 2/day. As it is a slow release I think there is something wrong and I am going to have an overdose.

Does Paxlovid interact with Advil?

Can I take Advil while I'm on Paxlovid? What about Tylenol?

Anti-rabies vaccine and atorvastatin?

Should atorvastatin be stopped if rabies vaccine is being monitored concerning studies suggesting atorvastatin is immunosuppressive?