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Latest Questions (Page 137)

Is Tecvayli FDA approved as a multiple myeloma treatment?

Where can I find the Tecvayli FDA package insert?

When will I finally see the effects of sertraline?

Hi there. I am a busy mother with a full-time job and a busy life in general. I have never taken antidepressant in all my life. I've always been quite happy and never really thought I would end up taking them, but covid and its consequences have hit a bit too hard. I have started taking...

Is Mounjaro covered by insurance or Medicare?

Does Mounjaro have a $25 coupon available?

Can trazodone cause tremors?

I started taking 100mg at bedtime 3 years ago for depression and anxiety. I’m also taking Lexapro for the last 10 years. I developed a hand tremor when I added trazodone. Was diagnosed with primary essential tremor. Could it be caused by the SSRI’s? I am taking propranolol 3 times a...

How is the best way to stop taking Duloxetine HCL DR 60 MG?

I have been taking this for approximately 5 years. My last visit to my doctor he wrote in my chart to stop taking this medication, but gave no indication as to how to go about this. Cold turkey or just cut back gradually?

How can I get my Vyvanse since my pharmacy says there's a shortage?

My pharmacy and psychiatrist both told me there's a nationwide shortage on my Vyvanse and all stimulants. How can I best get my Vyvanse filled? I'm almost due for my refill and pharmacy doesn't have it and says they probably won't have it for awhile.

No generic Adderall? Problems with other generic medicines?

I have been taking generic Adderall for quite some time and over the last 4 or 5 months its been hard to fill with any pharmacy. This month, there IS NO generic Adderall at at all! They are no longer making this generic medicine. I was not notified, my doctor was not notified and on and on....

Will Humira also treat psoriasis that's on penis/vagina?

Just started medication. My doctor is aware of psoriasis on my body but I did not share it was on my penis as well. Just assumed since it was already in so many places, that sharing that private detail wouldn't matter...

Does Leqvio cause weight gain?

Who is the actor in the Leqvio commercial?

Is Leqvio FDA approved as a high cholesterol treatment?

Anyone else on 50mg paroxetine?

Is there anyone out there on 50mg of paroxetine? I was on 40mg for six years and had my dose increased to 50mg four weeks ago. It has been terrible so far – increased anxiety, depression and OCD thoughts.

Can Leqvio be taken without a statin?

Paroxetine - Does it take a long time for paroxetine to work?

Have been on 20mgs.for 12 weeks now on 30 mgs.for 8 weeks.I see only minor changes.Please can someone give me advice.Linda