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Latest Questions (Page 127)

How effective is Lumakras, what's the survival rate?

How effective is Tabrecta?

Trazodone for sleep while on Buspar?

Is it safe to take 10 my of Buspar (5 mg twice a day) with trazodone at night to sleep?

Cymbalta - Cymbalta isn’t working that great and it’s hell to come off.

I hate taking a shower due to depression and I don’t even know what to try. I wish my doctor never put me on this.

Pill dissolved in water accidentally. Should I take another?

I take atenolol and hydrochlorothiazide for blood pressure. As I was taking my daily dose of both, the hydrochlorothiazide pill fell into my half-full water bottle and dissolved. I drank the water pretty soon after but am not sure if the medication will work the same way as some pills don't...

Does insomnia from Bupropion XL go away?

I have been taking Bupropion XL for 11 days. The drug seems to be helping with anxiety and depression. My problem is that I have insomnia. I tried getting thru the night by not taking any sleep aids but found I was only sleeping 2-3 hours. Has anybody else had this issue and if so does the insomnia...

Adderall XR - Am I taking a dangerous dose?

I’ve been taking about 60mg xr with a 20 Ir boost in the afternoon. How much trouble am I in?

Constipated and gassy what is the best remedy?

Exactly 1 year ago I had small bowel obstruction surgery or I think it was called a bowel resection procedure but I have recently been constipated for 3 days with gassy stomach but unable to move my bowels due to severe constipation from a new medication for back pain. Have tried Miralax daily for...

Does Gemtesa cause hair loss?

Buspar 5mg fluctuating heart rate and headaches?

My dr is starting me on 2.5 mg twice a day for 2 days then up to 5 mg of buspar. Is it normal to experience headaches/slight feeling of being off balance and headaches? I really want this medication to work for GAD/overthinking. I can’t take xabax anymore :(

Depression - Has anyone switched from bupropion to Auvelity (new antidepressant)? Advice please!?

I was on 450 mg of Wellbutrin and 40 mg of Lexapro with not much relief. I've been on both for 4 years. My doctor recently switched me from Wellbutrin to the new antidepressant Auvelity. I now take one Wellbutrin with two Auvelity and two 20mg pills of Lexapro. The Auvelity is also Bupropion...

Has anyone lost hair while on Saxenda?

Has anyone lost hair while on Saxenda? I was on Wegovy and lost weight but when I was on the highest dose, 2.4mg, I lost a lot of hair so I stopped taking it. Nervious about starting Saxenda for potential hair loss.

What medicine can I take for a cold?

What medicine can I take for a cold while on bp medicine, a blood thinner, and depression medicine?

Lorazepam one pill, 0.5 mg?

I literally just started this last night. I only need to take one pill at night for anxiety and stress. Does this mean I can’t drink at all alcoholic beverages?

What condition requires 4 pills at once?

What illness requires 4 pills to be taken at once?