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Latest Questions (Page 126)

How long can you take Esbriet for?

What is treatment for hypersomnia?

My husband has been prescribed modafinil and I am concerned about the possible side effects.

I have severe PTSD and daily night terrors. Therapy is not helping, my PM Dr won't prescribe?

... anything other than Lamictal due to buprenorphine use for chronic pain. I can't do this anymore, I'm afraid I'll have a heart attack. Is there any help for me drug wise? I wake up and firmly believe I have died and can't move, just scream. Is this just me?

What are the rules for controlled substance prescription refills?

I'm prescribed lisinopril and I take it daily and I'm also prescribed alprazolam but I'm scared.

How long should I wait to take my Xanax after I've stopped taking my blood pressure medicine lisinopril?

Why is Xylitol toxic for dogs? Symptoms and treatment FAQs

What causes low heart rate?

Paxlovid side-effects blood pressure?

Can Paxlovid cause blood pressure to drop my blood pressure is usually 125/ 78 but for the last 5 hours it has been 95 over 60 should I call a doctor or Hospital

Anyone experience lethargy or lack of energy while taking Losartan for blood pressure?

Started Losartan for high blood pressure several months ago - no energy, lethargy. About the only time my blood pressure was high at 150/90 is when I am in the doctor's office. At home it is normal.

Taking 2 different medications?

If I take a 50mg tramadol in the morning (if needed) , is it ok for me to take a 1mg Xanax later in the day?

I've been off Buspar for one month. My usually controlled blood pressure has been rising.

Since going off Buspar my blood pressure has risen several times a day. Is this related?

Triazolam - Can you take Halcion and Xanax together?

I’m trying to sleep

Is Juxtapid FDA-approved as a high cholesterol treatment?

High blood pressure that isn't going down with medication?

I have had high blood pressure for over a year if not longer. Here is the problem. My doctor has put me on Losartan 100mg, I have been taking it for 2 months now with no relief. Presser is running higher after I take it, presser is averaging between 156 to 210 over 94 to 106. I take an Allergy...