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Latest Questions (Page 125)

How will Benadryl affect me?

How will Benadryl affect me 7 hours after taking half a Xanax?

Pill - Can I crush cimetidine tablets?

I cannot swallow pills. Is it okay to crush cimetidine tablets and mix with yogurt or applesauce?

How long does Percocet stay in your system?

Cymbalta - I’ve been on duloxetine for generalized anxiety for 3-1/2 years.

I’ve had the dose decreased slowly and have been on 30mg for two months now. Doctor said I could quit, but I’m afraid I would have anxiety again. I still have several side effects so I’d like to decrease it to 20mg. Do you think this low dose is effective for preventing anxiety?

How does Retevmo work?

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - has anyone used Opdivo infusion's alone without any other drugs?

Has anybody had Opdivo treatment alone and had it help?

How effective is Dovato for HIV?

My sertraline brand has changed and I'm experiencing anxiety symptoms again.Anyone else had this?

It yes, how long is it likely to last?

Cymbalta / duloxetine - not weight gain?

There’s an ongoing debate about whether this drug causes weight gain, weight loss or is weight neutral. I’ve been on 30 mg of duloxetine for over 2 years. Concurrent issues with multiple gastric ulcers, diverticulitis and oesophagitis have meant that I eat very little. My stomach is...

Does insomnia from Austedo diminish over time?

Have been taking Austedo for four days. Getting very little sleep.

Can I stop taking lisinopril?

Those of you that take venlafaxine,how long did it take you to start noticing marked positive...

... effects from the drug? Also, at which dose did you notice those marked effects? Thanks!

When should I take Levemir A.M. or P.M?