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Latest Questions (Page 123)

Desoxyn shortage is really affecting me!?

I have been taking Desoxyn and its generic for a few years now but it seems there's a shortage of it. Can you tell me what I can take as a substitute or when it will be available again? Thank you for your time and consideration.

Need help in ridding of blood in sperm?

I was on combo of Cialis and Flomax. Flomax was preventing ejaculation and had orgasms I am on only cialis now. When masturbating, I have blood in my semen. What I can take to stop. I see my primary n urologist every 6 months have elevated PSA level and enlarged prostate. Per MRI and biopsy no...

I feel tired and lethargic by mid afternoon?

I take bupropion 150 so I'm the mid morning by 3 pm I am very tired and lethargic. I think I will start taking this around 5 pm being it makes me feel this way. I have only just started 5 days ago for smoking sensation?

How does Korsuva work?

Does hydroxyzine affect birth control (specifically Mili)?

Mili is the brand of birth control Hydroxyzine dosage (25 mg tablet)

How long does nicotine stay in your system?

Antabuse is causing severe itching.. help?

Hi, I've been on Antabuse for 11 days. After two days I started itching like crazy. I'm now covered in cuts because it's unbearable. I haven't got the doctor's for another two weeks, is there anything I can do? Thank you.

How does taking Ozempic affect your face?

Does chocolate contain salicylates?

I am gluten and salicylate intolerant and finding things to eat is not easy. This is particularly the case with salicylates. In the case of chocolate, I have received different advice, some of which says that chocolate is high in salicylates and some that chocolate contains a negligible amount of...

Can I reduce lisinopril 20mg to 10mg?

What are the benefits of ginseng?

Can you take hydroxyzine for anxiety and sleep?

How is Enspryng administered?

Ibuprofen vs mefenamic acid?

Ibuprofen vs mefenamic acid Which is stronger? Which is safer to use?