... without treatment? I had a benign cyst removed from my throat 7 years ago and this triggered my burning tongue syndrome. What hell! I've been to countless dentists, ENTS, oral surgeons, GPs and NONE of them know what to do. I've had my teeth ground-down, capped and night guarded, all to no avail. This site helps me feel I'm not so alone and suffering in silence. I can't stand to think I will live with this the rest of my life. Is it possible for it to just dissappear and resolve on its own? Thanks all
Burning Mouth Syndrome - I've had BMS for seven years. Has anyone had this go away on its own?
Question posted by gonzo jen on 5 Sep 2013
Last updated on 5 May 2024
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
143 Answers Page 8
Try Zantac 150 you may have silent acid reflux. I have had burning tongue up into my sinuses for 6 long months. I went to an ENT that put a scope down my throat and said I have acid reflux and then went to a GI specialist that did an endoscopy and found I have acid reflux with hiatal hernia. Inbox me on face book at vickie mnis and I would love to talk to you. It has been horrible not having answers.
Hi Victoria I’m new to this forum and was just seen by an ENT for acid reflux. I do believe that I have BMS I just seen a couple of your videos on YouTube and wanted to see if u have any pointers. Thx again
Hi suffered so bad for 18 months, me too been everywhere. Just been to a new pain specialist who is going to do an spd block on the nerve at the back of my nose and tongue. You can look this up on you tube, doesn't look pleasant but they can give you local anaesthetic before they start. Can't believe no other Dr. Hadn't mentioned this to me. Doesn't work for everyone but some people can get 9 months relief. I live in UK and will have the procedure done on our NHS so can't help with cost questions. I hope many of you read this I was getting suicidal thoughts the pain was that bad. Will post after I have had it done will be several weeks yet.
I just got this e-mail. It looked like it was just posted. But just came on the site to see you posted this back in Sep 2013. So did the spd block work. Please answer back. I'm desperate. I'm the one who ask the original question. I am Shania 44. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Shania only just posted it, sorry it's called an spg block. I have just ordered some lidocaine nasall spray, if this gives me relief, if only temporary I might decide not to have the block, as I have a severe phobia regarding hospital procedure. I will let you know as soon as I try either treatment. I am currently trying topical clonazepam only been on it just over a week, not sure if it's making a great deal of difference, will keep you posted.
Hi. I'm the one who posted this initial topic question. The best thing for me has been .25mg of klonopin every day. I did that for a year and just finally stopped. I find when my anxiety is high that my bms is worse, also when I start fiddling my tongue across my teeth it gets worse. Such a painful condition. The lidocaine topical ointment helps with the intensity but doesn't last long. I also quit coffee which mildly helped. Yoga, healthy diet, regular exercise, trying to get your mind on something else... all this helps. Good luck and stay hopeful.
The topic question was written by me. I got your e-mail about the spg block. not spd. I had looked up spd. I didn't find anything. So thanks for the update. I've tried everything. That all of you are saying. Nothing works. So if I could get a block. Tell me where to sign up. I have no quality of life left. Going into my 8th year now. Please keep me posted. Thank you. Shania44
hi, i have seen the new pain specialist again. he has increased the dose for the clonazepam to 5mls twice a day i can split this up if i need to, i.e. half the dose 4 times a day. had quite a bad four days last week so had two tramadol on friday which gave some much needed relief. the spg block will only be done if i get no relief from these medications. hopes this helps someone out there.
I've tried, the medication your trying now. I never got any relief. Even the lidiocane mouth wash. It numbed it for about a minute. Then after a while, of walking around swiggin and spitting. Finally it stopped working to. Sorry, for the bad news. But I think I've tried everything known to man. I get no relief. Even from heavy pain narcotic medication's. They don't work either. So sorry, you have this horrible disease. I hate to tell you, but over the years it continues to get worse, not matter what you try. I think I should know. You can also look forward to severe changes in your taste buds. I can only eat the same thing every day. I'm currently looking into admission to clinical trials for rare or un diagnosed diseases. My symptoms sound much more severe than what I hear from people on this site. I have no quality of life left. My pain is so severe. I can barely make it through the day. Good luck to you. Hope they find something to help you.
They never did me. I'm praying and hoping that I'm accepted into the study. Maybe then. They will be able to help me. Keep me posted if you should decide on the spg block. If I get into this study. I will be asking about it. Would do it in a minute if it would stop this pain. Thank you for listening and your responses. Shania 44
Sandraelsie. I receive an e-mail from you. But when I go on the site to find it . It's not there All it says in my e-mail is please try clonazepam oral liquid.. Maybe if you ask to be my friend. We may be able to see each others post. I would really like to be able to read what you wrote. I hope you get this. The site is not very user friendly. Hope to hear back from you somehow.
Hi, My wife had terrible BMS for six months after colon surgery. Thankfully she had an ENT at University of Colo. Anschutz medical center that has been researching and treating patients with BMS. She prescribed clonazepam and CLOVER honey. The honey and clonazepam didn't seem to help. After trying it for a couple of weeks my wife got another appt. to see her and she was told that you not supposed to swallow the pill but hold it on your tongue or where the pain is What a difference! The pain went from a 10+ to a 2 overnight and now a month later pain is totally gone. The ENT said that research has shown clonazepam repairs the fiberous material surrounding and protecting the nerves. She has treated several patients and all have had success! I would suggest trying this and expect results. without spd block.
Good luck and may you be pain free!
This is Mellick, I was finally able to find your comment and when I click on to make a comment back to you, it brought me here. I hope you get this. I wanted to ask you about the clonazepam and clover honey. How much did your wife take. I mean how many times a day and what mg? How much clover honey? Does she mix them together and then swallow or spit it out. I'm a bit confused. I also read somewhere that I can find again, someone else out there is using liquid clonazepam. Would you please explain. When I know, I can call my Doctor and she will prescribe it for me. Thank you, hope to hear back from you soon. Shania 44
i too am on clonazepam. mine is an oral liquid. i swish it in the mouth and after about three minutes spit it out. it is the only thing that has helped me and i was very severe. all i can say to people is please try this it has changed my life.
I am sorry to hear how bad your situation is. I too was in a very bad desperate situation with burning tongue up into sinuses and had sinus surgery. I also went to every specialist under the sun. You sound like you have silent acid reflux. See a GI doctor to confirm - they put you under to do a painfree endoscopy and only takes like 10 mins. I also want to add - take zantac 150, do NOT eat after 6:00 pm so the acid will not creep up into your mouth or sinus area. Do NOT drink coffee or pop/soda at all!!! Do not chew gum with spermint or peppermint. Google to see what to avoid. Also, take a fresh can of pop and swish it around and if it sizzle alot and you spit it out and stringy black comes out - it's acid mixing with the pop and turning the pop into a solid. It's nasty. Acid reflux can be very serious so please get it checked out. Inbox me on face book at vickie mnis. I want to help others.
I also wanted to add that STRESS is a contributor of acid reflux. Try to relax and not worry about this as you will overcome it. Seek the answers and they will come to you. I needed someone to tell me that as it was a long road - 6 months. I"m still recovering - it's a slow process but it is getting better thankfully.
I had a temporary block done under by tongue into the glossopharyngeal nerve. It was temporary freezing to determine if that would take away the pain. It did, very temporarily (about 30 mins), so I am having the block you speak of done in September and will post about its effectiveness afterward. I also use Xylocaine spray, which is also very temporary (and doesn't taste very good) but is effective in providingn temporary relief. I have had this for 7 years :(
Hi, I'm new to this sight. I am going on my 3rd year of what I think is BMT. I've been to Family ENT, Cancer Center ENT & a Rheumatologist. I started out with what I thought was Thrush as it progressed had Bloodwork for abnormal vitamins, allergies have done every swish & spit or swallow I think. No one has ever said BMT only I've ever heard is it might be Oral lichen Planus, it's not Cancer and I believe it's Neuropathy of the mouth. Well, maybe you guys can weigh in. My mouth feels like it is scalded. The roof of my mouth feels like someone has been using sandpaper just scraping away. My tongue (mainly the end) feels like there are thousands of fire ants stinging away. Also, I have a feeling that my tongue is being ripped into 3 separate pieces. I have lesions on my tongue 5 to 6 days a week that makes it even the more painful. This is 24/7. I have several other auto-immune problems but, have been able to manage to have a functional life.
Whatever this is has totally ruined my life. I exist that's it. I have tried many of the things others have tried but, nothing has helped yet. I recently had a port placed in my chest because my veins are just worn out with over 20yrs of use with my other illnesses. I can barely eat like most of you. If I'm lucky I have about 350 calories a day. I did try neurotin but, the side effects were just too bad for me. I had something very odd happen while on neurotin I went from 94lbs to 140lbs in 6 months. I have weighed about 100s my whole life. No one seems concerned I guess because I weigh about 119lbs. I can't keep myself hydrated the last 2 times I went to the ER one could access a vein for bloodwork or hydration so port was needed. I have adrenal insufficiency too & in need of a stress dose sometimes as an emergency. I don't know how you all have managed to live your life. I don't want to die but, I don't want to live like this the rest of my life. I am concerned of complications that may be caused from whatever this is. I'm sorry I don't have any suggestions I guess I wanted to say I don't feel as alone and this is an awful disease. Thanks to all for listening.
This is Shania44. I'm so sorry, would not wish this disease on anyone. I'm going into my 8th year now. The symptoms your describing does sound like BMS (burning mouth syndrome). Not BMT.
The only thing different in your symptoms than mine is I don't have any lesions in my mouth.
There is on cure, there is no medication that really works. The only thing you can do, is keep a cup of ice with you at all times and suck on crushed ice. I find that I can only eat, something real hot or something freezing cold, for relief. I'm on heavy pain medication, but they don't work. When I first started taking them, I would sleep most the day and into the night. Only getting up to have a little something to eat or use the facilities. I was also on several other medication. I have now tapered off 3 medications. No longer taking those any more. They were all narcotics. I've started to taper off the last heavy pain medication.
The reason for this , is they do me no good. They never did. Yes, I've also tried all the other things you mentioned, as well. I've now lost all sense of taste too. I eat very little and eat the same thing everyday. There are very few things I can stand the taste of. Unlike you, even though I eat very little. With chronic pain 24/7 , horrific pain. I'm not able to do anything anymore. I've lost all quality of life. I was always a small person. Since this disease I've gone from 120 lbs to a whopping 210 lbs. That comes to about 10 lbs a year. I just want to go to sleep and not wake up. Back in 2010 I did try and end my life. But that was not in God's plan. He want's me here. So I read my Bible, reach out to those I can. Try and do as God's leads me to do. My hope is when I finally get off the last pill. Maybe I can get some energy back. The weight, makes it even harder to get around, and I know if I don't start to try and do some things. I'm only going to continue to get worse. I do believe though I will still have to take something for depression and anxiety for the rest of my life, or until they find a cure. About that. I have done a lot of research . I believe mine comes from damage to the nerve that controls taste and pain signals from the brain to the mouth. I believe the name of the nerve is the trigemantal nerve. I do know of someone on this site. Her name is Suzzane. She was able to find a neurosurgeon who went in and cut the nerve. She had no more pain after. But was left unable to talk, had to eat through a straw and she drools. I can't find no neurosurgeon, willing to do that for me. But I believe I would welcome it, to get rid of the pain. So now let me say, I will add you to my prayers. I pray each day for strength to make it through another day. In the end, I do know where I will be spending eternity, where there will be no more pain. My advice, is to pray and read your Bible. Ask for His help. That's the only thing that matters, anyway. Shania44
Hi ... I just came across this forum about Burning Mouth Syndrome. I too have it I'm afraid. I thought I was going crazy as I kept sucking/biting my cheeks in what I thought was a bit of OCD or anxiety, that left me with burning cheeks. I have since realised that unconsciously I was trying to alleviate the burning sensation in my mouth that has gradually worsened over the past 8 months or so. I mentioned it to my younger sister a few months ago and she told me she has had it for a few years now and it's called BMS :( It is apparently a pre menopausal symptom. Just wondering if any of you ladies are at this time in your lives like me? I am 53 years old ... 54 in September. I put up with this as I thought it would just gradually get better, but after reading these comments, I am not very hopeful. I actually came online to try and find some kind of remedy for the symptoms, either from a chemist or a natural remedy.
Will try the different things mentioned here and especially will change to a herbal/non SLS toothpaste as I have been recently using Sensodyne sensitive toothwhitening toothpaste. Maybe that is the key? God I sure hope so but I won't be holding my breath. Good luck and lots of love to all you beautiful girls out there with this. <3
This is Shania 44. I'm so sorry. Would not wish this disease on anyone and it only get worse over time. It's called BMS, not BMT..I went from 120lbs to 220lbs in over a course of 8 years now. The pain is so severe. I'm unable to do nothing now (therefore the weight). I was always active. But now I don't even go out of the house. NO cure, no treatment gives any relief. I will be 63 in September and this started 8 years ago. The Doctors don't know what causes it and they don't know how to treat it. It's just that simple. Yes, they want to blame it on menapause. Their all nuts. The don't know. I'm sorry you have this and I hate to give you this bad news. I no longer have any quality of life. I hold on to my faith, I pray and read my Bible and God brings me through another day. That my suggestion to you. He is the only one who really knows, anyway and He is the only one who could cure it. God Bless you, I'll be praying for all who suffer from BMS.. For anyone really who has to endure cronic pain 24/7.
Please read what i have posted on the above question regarding an spd block. Might not work but if you are suffering anything like myself it might be worth considering. I wish you all the best, nobody understands the pain that this causes, I am also trying topical clonazepam but don't know how effective this is as only been on it a week.
Hi i live in the UK. I started with dry mouth syndrome after coming off HRT after taking it for 11 years I wish I could go back on it. The dry mouth went worse and worse and then I also got burning tongue syndrome. It is hell and the pain is off the pain scale ,had no taste buds at one time and can't stand my teeth touching my tongue. Have been to see loads of drs.on both the NHS and private. Nothing has helped. My new pain specialist is going to try an spd block please look this up on you tube, they anesthetize the nerves at the back of the nose and tongue I hope this gives you hope and I will be informing all the drs. who didn't know about this. It doesn't work for everyone but anything is worth trying. Good luck.
hi i have posted beforehand this is the latest information i can give you. i am having some relief from this dreadful illness. i have seen many many medical people regarding this but my latest pain specialist has at last given me some hope. i had changed from a drug called lyrica (pre gabalin) and i was given gabapentin which i think is neurotin, i had to go on this very slowly as the side effects were not good, i started with two 100mg dose for about six days then added another 100mg. i can tolerate a dose of 400mg in the morning and then to further doses of 300mg, one in the afternoon and the other at night. i still get some hot sweats and if i take any more it makes my dry mouth very bad throughout the night so i am sticking with this dose for now. the most amazing thing for me was being offered CLONAZEPAM oral liquid. i have 2.5 mls up to four times a day, i usually manage on three doses, the strength is 0.5mg in every 5ml dose.
since starting this about five weeks ago it feels like a miracle has happened and believe me i had this syndrome at the top of the pain scale. i have only had very minor tingles on about three days in the last 4 weeks and i have taken one tramadol tablet when this happens, i have had virtually no problems since using the clonazepam, (it makes you tired at first) you put the liquid in your mouth and let it remain there for several minutes, i try to leave mine in for at least 5mins. i may not have to have an SPG block now that i am having some relief. this may be something you want to look up, it shows you on you tube. my pain specialist said if i do need it doing eventually, he will sedate me with diazepam before the procedure. i truly hope this post helps someone because i know how bad this problem can get i was very desperate at one time. one other thing that did help with the tingling on the tip of the tongue was oral steroid tablets, these are tiny tablets which you place near the sore areas, you let them dissolve, i did not find steroid swish and spit anywhere near as good as these tiny tablets. in the uk they are prescription free or available from the doctor. one last word the CLONAZEPAM is very expensive i believe it is £75 cost to the uk NHS but i am not using anything other than that and gabapentin at the moment. I'm sorry i do not have any information on the cost anywhere else in the world but even if you can only afford one bottle please try it, its been the best thing for me. wishing everyone some relief from this most painful condition.
I have had it for nearly 6 years and no it doesn't go away, and stress makes it worse all you can do I'd lie down and relax and I think milk helps its , have it at side of ur bed and sip it threw the night
I have had burning tongue for 6 months and have lost a job because of it. I have had tests for thrush, sjogrens, tried antibiotics twice, changed toothpaste to sensodyne , seen doctors and dentists. I am on increasing doses of gabapentin for nerve pain but it doesn't help much anymore. Just my tongue burns and is dry. My mouth is producing saliva. My tongue is white and I get a grit on my lower teeth that comes back within 20 min of brushing it off. I've tried meds to increase saliva also. I did have a lot of stress when it started but don't now. I am not over 50 years old. Had quite a bit of dental work done before it started also. I know the pain so I hope someone can find a cure soon.
Your situation is similar to mine. I had stress and dental work. I also have silent acid reflux and am seeing every specialist out thrre.
have you tried clonazepam you swish it around the mouth for a few minutes then spit it out. i have tried hundreds of things and this is what has worked for me so far. i have suffered with dry mouth since coming off HRT. then think i have sjogrens and i take pilocarpine for this, it wasn't pleasant going on it but i get some relief. i can go for months with relief from dry mouth but for no apparent reason the medication doesn't seem to work, then weeks later i get some relief. i have had the grit on the back off the teeth and can i say change your toothpaste to one that doesn't contain sodium laurel sulphate i use Biotenne. hope this helps
did you realise gabapentin can increase the dry mouth. i am taking oral clonazepam and this has been fantastic. i still have it but the pain is so much better. one problem now is that it has increased the severity of the dry mouth, which sounds like not a lot to cope with , but you get absolutely no sleep with it. i wouldn't stop the treatment but am cutting down the medication slightly in hope it helps the dry mouth. my pain levels are now at the lower end of the pain scale hope this helps.
BMS I have got and myo faciel syndrome, its hell , any one can help me with any way to stop r keep pain at a minimum
I have been suffering from BMS since August 2009 = 6 years and 6 months. I heard that it could take up to 10 years. I hope it won't last more.
I have been using fluoxetine and it it really reduced the symptoms.
Sorry, but just got this. Seems strange, 2 years later.. So both of us have suffered with this disease for about the same length of time. I've never tried fluoxetine. I will look it up and talk to Doctor about it. Nothing I have ever tried has done anything to help me. One question. Has this affected you sense of taste, as well? I eat the same thing every day. Can't eat anything else. I try, but then spit it out. The pain is horrific and I have lost all quality of life. It would be nice to think it could go away. All the docotrs tell me is there is no cure and they really don't know how to treat it. This alpha lopic acid crap is a fairy tale. Most doctor's don't even have a clue what your talking about. If you have found anything new, please let us know. Sorry, for your pain. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
Sorry, but just got this. Seems strange, 2 years later.. So both of us have suffered with this disease for about the same length of time. I've never tried fluoxetine. I will look it up and talk to Doctor about it. Nothing I have ever tried has done anything to help me. One question. Has this affected you sense of taste, as well? I eat the same thing every day. Can't eat anything else. I try, but then spit it out. The pain is horrific and I have lost all quality of life. It would be nice to think it could go away. All the docotrs tell me is there is no cure and they really don't know how to treat it. This alpha lopic acid crap is a fairy tale. Most doctor's don't even have a clue what your talking about. If you have found anything new, please let us know. Sorry, for your pain. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
Hello all. First let me say I'm sorry for all that you are going through. I have a question I have very similar symptoms to what you have all mentioned but mine went to the extreme about 3 months ago my entire mouth filled with sores canker sores mouth sores I'm not sure what they call them to the point where my tongue was completely inflamed and I had to go on to steroids have any of you had this happen to you? Also before I have a break out as I call it my eyes get itchy and tear up excessively. Im am currently feeling the pain and metallic feeling in my mouth the sours haven't started but again it al started with my eyes. . Any support would help.
I have had BMS for seven years but I have never had sores. When the pain gets really bad I take a packet of powdered aspirin and It seems to help a little bit. About a year ago I started have the same problem with my eyes too. They were burning, itching & constantly watering. I also was having sinus problems. I am sure it is all connected somehow. The eye doctor said I have dry eye!!! Seemed the opposite to me but he told me to use eye drops (Refresh) 4xs a day for a month and my eyes are doing much better now. My BMS did go away for a few months once but since has returned. This condition is just awful and I know how you feel. It is Neuropathic mouth pain and it seems there is nothing that can be done for it. The things I have tried have not worked for me. Stress is also a trigger!!! Acid Reflux too!!!
I have been suffering from BMS since August 2009 = 6 years and 6 months. I heard that it could take up to 10 years. I hope that it won't last more.
I have the eyes Itch and the pain is unbearable and cant sleep because of it , I think lying on me back and just resting dose help , iv had it for 6 years it started when the Dentis took a wisdom tooth out with out the needle you have to num it and I was screaming and then when I got home me eye would not close and me mouth went to the left side and stuck like that for hours & got told it was bellporsly with was a scock to me body , feel sorry for who ever gets it & the fizzo dose not help it , makes it worse
I was diagnosed by ENT after tonsillectomy. He told me there is no treatment. He told me to google it. The info I read said it was a neuropathy. I am a nurse and know that neurontin is used for neuropathic pain. I asked my PCP to prescribe it. So far so good. If I slack off and miss doses it comes back .
Its worth a try I would recommend to anyone.
Sounds plausible! Would like to know what form & the dosage? Do you take it daily? Please keep us updated. Best of luck!
Tried it over 10 years ago. Don't work..
Just so you know. I'm Shania44. I'm the person who wrote the original questions that people are responding too. Going into my 10th year. Tried everything possible and all from the ones listed in this forum. Nothing works. So you might as well give up Stop spending your hard earned money on something the doctors know nothing about.There is no cure, they don't know how to treat it. So do the best you can to deal with the pain. If you truly have it. Nothing will work. I hate to say it, but you might as well face it. You will live the rest of your life with this hell of a condition. The only hope you have is if God decides to heal you. Or if there is more research done, and they find a cure. They are not even doing any research now. They have no idea what hell where in. If you truly have it then you know what I say is true. God Bless, the people who truly have this disease. The only thing that can work, is if you have the nerve severed .
The nerve in the brain that controls taste and pain signals to the mouth. You be left unable to talk, you will drink your food through a straw, you will drool and have no control over your mouth. But the pain should then be gone. This is if you can find a neurologist who is willing to do the surgery. So there is your choice. If I had insurance and found the right neurologist to preform the surgery I would have already had it done. That is just how bad my pain is. It is unbearable, and I've lost all quality of life. So if you truly have this,, you will understand what I am saying is true. So please stop with all your answers that are just not true. You don't have it or you wouldn't be saying you have found relief and cures. May God help those who truly do have BMS.
I know how you feel. I have other chronic pain issues with neck and back and have fibromyalgia on top of Burning tounge and mouth sydrome. I wanted to share what I have been doing that helps me survive. I use ONLY OXYFRESH Original tooth paste with a soft brush and I brush 3 times per day. I also now take Folic Acid 2 -3 times per day and it has helped alot. It's not gone but much better. I do take tramadol and ambien and it makes my mouth dry and my condition worse. I hope this helps someone out there! I noticed results in a few days.
BMS is truly no fun... ugh. I have had it for three years, although fortunate to have intermittent periods of remission. So in my ongoing research for relief I came across the possibility of zinc deficiency. For some reason it made sense to me - that delicious metal taste in my mouth?? Hmmm - maybe there's a connection! I've been taking a supplement for less than two weeks - and right away my mouth has returned to normal. Such relief... you know what that means for our elite little group. I'm sure this isn't the answer for everyone, and it may not last... but for now I'm relishing the lack of pain and dry mouth and burning and scummy teeth... so grateful.
I've had BMS for over five years so I know the struggle you are going through. I had my B-12 level checked but it is normal. I will try the Zinc and hope it helps. Please keep us updated on how you are feeling & I will too. Each day is a struggle as the people around me cannot really understand what it is like to live with this horrid condition. It did go away once for a few months but now it has returned. I also have an anxiety disorder which some say may be a connection. Wishing you well...
The burning for me is around the R side of my mouth on outside. Sometimes major tingling over lip and under nose. Tingling lip
Chewing gum helps.
Is this BMS
Hi All--
I totally had burning mouth syndrome- and I went to Drs without getting any luck. Then I met a Dr and he said to not eat gluten, dairy, or sugar for 6 weeks. I was taken aback because who in the world could ever do that right?!
He also looked at my blood work and I'm taking omega3, vitamin d (10,000 a day), and tumero.
I'm happy to say that I've been doing it for about 2 weeks and I feel back to normal!
Try it and tell me if it works for you
What blood work did you have done.
I am wondering if once you introduced those foods back into your diet, did the BMS return? Thanks
Hi- I actually stopped cutting out these foods-- I just couldn't do it. I started using the neem toothpaste cinnamon flavor and my bms subsided. It really only acts up when I eat sugar and bread --- I haven't cut these foods out entirely but try to cut back. I also heard that exercising causes your body to be more alkaline - so I've started to exercise again.
Have had BMS for about 5;years... I started.taking L lysine... alpha lopaic acid ..and an Oral probiotic as well as a regular probiotic... and I use milk of magnisia a couple time a day. It seemed like 95%,of it has gone away... so I am continuing my regimen... let me know if it works for you
I've got a cure for the pain of burning mouth syndrome or litchen planus.
MY NEW ENT prescribed Clonazepam 1 mg, crushed and put into 1 tsp. of water to dissolve,
swish around in your mouth for 3 to 5 minutes and spit 3 times a day.
Since I've been on this no pain!
I should tell you I have terrible Gerd and must eat a very bland diet so if you do too
stick to your diet.I tried different concoctions for over 2 years and this is the only thing that worked for me.
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burning mouth syndrome, burning, mouth, tongue, throat, treatment, syndrome
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