Anyone have answer to how to get mouth flora back to normal? Is it the gut? Yeast? Now I am eating raw garlic to help with the symptoms.
Burning Mouth Syndrome - tongue numb or itchy or tinglilng or burning...anyone had success with?
Question posted by stacyalundblad on 23 June 2014
Last updated on 23 July 2022 by K2Z
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
5 Answers
Eight years ago my Burning Mouth started with an oral Thrush infection. Diflucan, as well as Nystatin did nothing to get rid of it. I was able to go to a Naturopath who helped get rid of it.
She had me buy at any Health food store (she did not sell products) really good Probiotic Capsules, a good brand, and literally open about 3-4 capsules at a time and sprinkle the contents directly into my mouth & on tongue. She told me "Do Not spit it out". Instead, move the contents all around your mouth, gums, tongue, roof of mouth, swish it with your own saliva. Let the probiotic contents sit in mouth 5-10 or minutes and then swallow. Do not rinse it out after swallowing it. Allow it to remain as this will help restore the natural flora. She told me after brushing my teeth to swish with organic coconut oil, swishing it in between my teeth and throughout mouth for 20 minutes (which I did faithfully) and then Spit it out. I believe coconut oil is "anti-fungal".
She also had me buy loose Lavender tea leaves (not a pre-made tea). She told me to make several cups of warm Lavender tea (no sugar, etc) and drink daily. She informed to avoid any and all sugars as they keep the flora from returning to normal, so I did. Believe me when I say, she was the only person (including physicians) who was able to get the flora in my mouth back to normal. It was amazing and worked well for me. Best... K2Z
I know this is an old post but I hope this helps. Take zinc tablets bought over the counter, should go in about two weeks. Pure zinc not vitamin with zinc in.
Your comments were posted back in June. I hope you've found some relief for your BMS symptoms. I, too, have an issue with a burning tongue and have found little help from the medical professionals. Coincidentally, I seem to have relief when taking omeprazole, which is prescribed for acid reflux. Similar products are sold OTC and would be worth a try. I was surprised when told I had GERD as I had no symptoms (someone referred to it as Silent Reflux). I wish you the best. ellie
, I've had bms for 4 years. Tried everything. Nothing worked. I have started eating aloe Vera - yes, the plant. The aloe Vera advice came from a naturopath as a last resort after 18 months of treatment with no improvement. All I do is cut a leaf off the plant, trim off the spikes and the green skin, cut into 1" pieces ( or whatever) then eat it. It doesn't have much taste - can be a bit bitter but that's nothing. I only have small plants at the moment, and am eating maybe a leaf a day - strangely It seems to help. Give it a week and please let me know if you have any luck. At least this is a fairly cheap experiment. I've spent so much on different remedies and this is the only one that's helped. Good luck. Google it to make sure you get the medicinal aloe Vera plant.
Are you drinking enough water ? I have his itchy, uncomfy sensation on tongue in the mornings ... whenever I do not drink enough water, don't sleep on my regular time range and don't sleep well for couple of days in sequence. Deep breathing exercises also help me ... leading me to wonder if this is related to stress. Also give your self some me time, sort your mental matters out and try some meditation alongside the enough water-sleep routine. Pls let me know if it helps u as well.
After reading other people's experience with BMS, I am feeling pretty lucky. Although I have had it for five years now, and I don't really know how severe mine is because of meds, I can tell you the following. On the classic scale of 1-10, I THINK mine is about a 7 or 8. I am on gabapentin in the morning (600 mgs) and amatriptyline in the evening (20 mg) and it has decreased my pain by 60-70%. I get flare ups during the day from things like brushing my teeth and tongue, eating abrasive foods like apple, hard candies, etc., drinking red wine and spicy foods. At those times I take a tiny nip of oralgel and distribute it around my mouth with my tongue. This buys me about 15minutes of numbness and lets the pain to die down from the actual event. Hope this helps.
Lastly, during my journey to find relief I took Lyrica. It reduced my pain by 80%, but I couldn't tolerate the side effects. Bummer.
Hi Stacy. You have not explained much of your symptons but it could be the beginning of Burning Mouth Syndrome. I have had BMS for nealry four years, it is an unknown syndrome, no-one really knows how or why it suddenly appears and there is no known cure, it can only be treated, whatever is best for the person with BMS. Symptons can be mild or very severe. Mine at the moment is on a 4 out of ten, but boy oh boy in the beginning 10/10 for a long time. I could tell you my symptons but some are different, the most powerful was the metallic, burning, singeing, throbbing, soreness of the whole mouth, gums and tongue area. Check it out on google and you will understand more. The only medication for me after about eight months after numerous appts was, and still is Amitriptyline. It gets into your system and helps me tremendously. I take 4/5 tablets a day two on awaking then another two late afternoon and sometimes one in the evening.
Although it is an antidepressant tablet, I have beeen told that it does not go into that mode unless you take 6/7 which I have never done so. Without these tablets I would be in an awful lot of pain and discomfort. It never actually goes away, I can feel it there all the time, the morning is easier but it gets worse thru the day time. You have to take the tablets on a continuious basis otherwise they will not work, if I miss or am out and do not have my tablets with me, my tongue startrs to tingle and burn especially the tip of the tongue. I can only recommend that if it is bad for you at leat you can try Amitriptyline, do not give up because they do work for me and hopefully for you Other people may have other tips for you as well. BMS is a big question mark and you will find that some doctors plus other people have not heard of it. It is not in our minds and BMS can be very painful. Do not let anyone else tell you otherwise. All of us who have this symdrome keep hoping that someone will find the reason why it happens and can it be cured - at the moment no.
Good Luck June.
Related topics
garlic, burning mouth syndrome, burning, mouth, tongue, syndrome, burning mouth, symptom
Further information
- Garlic uses and safety info
- Garlic prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Garlic (detailed)
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