... without treatment? I had a benign cyst removed from my throat 7 years ago and this triggered my burning tongue syndrome. What hell! I've been to countless dentists, ENTS, oral surgeons, GPs and NONE of them know what to do. I've had my teeth ground-down, capped and night guarded, all to no avail. This site helps me feel I'm not so alone and suffering in silence. I can't stand to think I will live with this the rest of my life. Is it possible for it to just dissappear and resolve on its own? Thanks all
Burning Mouth Syndrome - I've had BMS for seven years. Has anyone had this go away on its own?
Question posted by gonzo jen on 5 Sep 2013
Last updated on 5 May 2024
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
143 Answers Page 2
Is there a significant moment you think may have caused your condition? I was contemplating some of the events which may have caused my pain and one of them was when I had a deep tissue massage in 2009. I remember the massage giving me a headache for weeks. It's it possible that I trapped a nerve somewhere? One nerve is the Vargas nerve, which I believe can cause this issue. One other thing I get is ringing in my left ear which also happens to be the side my mouth and tongue hurts the most. I thought it would be good to share some of this as it might also remind you of an event and help join the dots.
I, too thought of a significant moment shortly before my mouth started getting very dry and burning. I saw a periodontist to have a tooth pulled and the following month, he began the tooth implant process. From this time on, which was 2 years ago, my condition became worse. After dozens of doctor visits with specialists, I was referred to Johns Hopkins, I saw an Oral surgeon and he referred me to one doctor at Hopkins. Not long after, I received a packet in the mail with the dates and times to be seen by several different specialists, but all appointments are within a 2 day span, so I will stay overnight and see these doctors.
Hi there! So I’m knew to this ailment. Not sure I have it as I haven’t been officially diagnosed. For me, my symptoms began towards the end of June this year. For me I could only describe is as a menthol feeling on my tongue. Today it feels like a slight burning but still mentholated. I will say, I had intense anxiety during the onset of COVID-19-19-19-19-19-19-19. Mom of a toddler here and my mind has been overwhelmed with keeping my family safe. I have a variety of symptoms leading up to this. Along with the anxiety and stress, gut problems developed in May, i began losing hair. My doctor thought it was thyroid or diabetes problem but all blood work came back normal. I need to confirm if I was tested for Vitamin B levels.
So then June comes around and here comes this weird symptom/menthol sensation on my tongue. Next problems were intense inflammation in the body, just over all aching. And intense low back pain. After seeing the chiropractor religiously, my back is just starting to feel better. However, this tongue thing is still here and as of recent I’ve developed a “nerve pain” in my elbow. I literally feel as if I am falling apart. I’m beginning to think this is a nerve issue maybe brought on by the overwhelming stress. Maybe my body seize up so tightly it’s pinching on nerves.
So now begins my journey. I see my PCP next week, and will get some referrals from there. My chiropractor suggested I get an MRI done. I did a search on YouTube and found a chiropractor who claims to have success curing patients of this by stabilizing the neck with prolotherapy. It is his belief this has something to do with the Vagus Nerve being compressed. He will be my last resort. Lol
Hi, I have had my condition for 2 years. I finally have an appointment with a doctor at Johns Hopkins in March 2021. I would suggest you find a doctor who really knows about this mouth thing. Mine turned out to be Sjogren's Syndrome.
Hi, I have had my condition for 2 years. I finally have an appointment with a doctor at Johns Hopkins in March 2021. I would suggest you find a doctor who really knows about this mouth thing. Mine turned out to be Sjogren's Syndrome.
Did your BMS go away I am also a mom of a toddler and have been battling this for 4 months with no true relief .
Hi all, please check to see if you have an intolerance to fructose. I believe this is what the issue is for me. I'm going to be referred to an allergist/immunologist, I'll see what comes out of it. Thanks
I read about you using CBD oil, I just happen to have purchased it on trial and I put the drops in my morning tea. How do you use it, thanks for the additional info about B 12 and zinc
My tongue was torturing me for over a week this time,
I am approaching 9 months w burning mouth. The first 4 months were unbearable and miserable. The last few months I have been getting through most days w a mild discomfort of my lips. I went on a combination of gabapentin and amitriptyline. I also used tobacco sauce as a rinse 3-4 times a day. The last 6 weeks I cut my dosage way down of gabapentin and do not use the tobacco. I chew gum usually once a day and feel Colgate toothpaste helps morning and night. It’s not perfect and some stressful days are worse than others . I do sleep much better at night w the 25 mg of amitriptyline. I also think my problems began w 2 visits to the dental hygenist for deep cleaning of my gums. The shots or laser pick I believe caused nerve damage. I am curious about the CBD oil and it’s specifics. I am in mild discomfort each day but would like to beat this awful condition!!
My BMS started 01/01/2019 and has accelerated until a few weeks ago. I stopped taking Lyrica and Gabapentin, as I noticed taking the Lyrica, I was extremely agitated and paranoid. When I stopped, my mouth seemed to settle. Now I notice my mouth is dry and that seems to bring on the BMS. I use Biotene mouth rinse a few times a day. I'm also on Amitriptyline and this seems to calm it a little.
wow. thank you all for your posts! i still have bms but have had tremendous relief with cbd oil and b12 injections. green earth medicinals is the cbd brand i use. i have used it twice a day without fail now for two years. it’s the BEST thing i’ve tried. lyrica was the worst. made me feel like i was falling down a cliff. Klonopin was best rx but started giving me migraines. amitriptolyne was ok but felt its effects systemically. cbd was a godsend. good luck all.
Hello gonzo jen, in December of 2018 I had a tooth pulled and was in the process of getting a dental implant. By the end of Jan of 2019 (a month later), I noticed my tongue running over my front teeth, I saw a video of a family birthday party and I was in the video. I thought it was strange that my tongue ran over my front teeth nonstop. I spoke to my Periodontist off and on while he was building up the bone for the implant. He sent me to an oral surgeon. He said to take Gabapentin. It's now the summer of 2019 and it's getting worse. I saw a neurologist, oral surgeon, primary care dr., and finally a dermatologist. They put me on Lyrica and I thought I died and went to heaven, it really helped... only for a month or two. I felt paranoid, on edge, gained 22 lbs. I have been researching BMS online, day and night. On July 7 of 2020, I stopped taking the Lyrica, and immediately everything stopped! I was thrilled until a few days ago, everything came back.
So, as of today, I'm not taking anything for this horrible condition and I noticed that Lyrica caused serious depression, so I'm taking Amitriptyline but it's not working. So to answer your question, yes it can stop, but for how long, I don't know. I use Biotene mouth rinse, chew gum, and use oral gel on my tongue at night. I wish you luck.
I have had BMS for about 2 yrs and cannot remember any particular incident that could have triggered it. However on my annual exam via phone with my GP, she suggested B12, B6 and zinc along with Sertraline (generic for Zoloft) 25mg, She also prescribed a diuretic. I'm not sure what it was for. This combination gave me almost immediate relief. All I have is a slight "tingle" on the side of my tongue which "comes and goes". I hope this may be of help.
Please further explain your Vitamin regimen as well as the Zinc and Sertraline. What type of diuretic? Thank you in advance
I am on Nature Made Super B-Complex, B6 and Zinc. Thankfully, my GP was familiar with BMS. She prescribed the vitamins along with Sertraline as a substitute for Compazine. I had mentioned that several people on this chat line had mentioned Compazine. I basically think the Sertraline is to calm/level you out from stress/worry over the BMS and especially with the quarantine which I have been under for almost 4 months. I think it works but will make you sleepy for the first hour. Have no idea about diuretic. I am a cardiology patient but have never needed one. Both my GP and cardiologist are in the same group so I know they share info. Wish I could be of more help with the diuretic. I take the vitamins, diuretic and Sertraline when I get up (7-8:30). Be sure and take some food with vitamins. Hope this has been helpful.
I am on Nature Made Super B-Complex, B6 and Zinc. Thankfully, my GP was familiar with BMS. She prescribed the vitamins along with Sertraline as a substitute for Compazine. I had mentioned that several people on this chat line had mentioned Compazine. I basically think the Sertraline is to calm/level you out from stress/worry over the BMS and especially with the quarantine which I have been under for almost 4 months. I think it works but will make you sleepy for the first hour. Have no idea about diuretic. I am a cardiology patient but have never needed one. Both my GP and cardiologist are in the same group so I know they share info. Wish I could be of more help with the diuretic. I take the vitamins, diuretic and Sertraline when I get up (7-8:30). Be sure and take some food with vitamins. Hope this has been helpful.
Is Sertraline a prescription? What type of diuretic? How many mg of the Vitamins do you take?
Sertraline and the diuretic are both prescription drugs which I take on pill a day. The vitamins are taken one pill including the zinc.
Thanks for the input.
What is the Zinc for. How many mgs do you take. Can’t you get the Zinc from your daily diet?
I am not being flippant about the zinc but that's what the doctor ordered. I can't find my last blood workup so I may have been low in it? I did notice that zinc was not included in the B-12 Complex list. In reading some posts, I noticed several people felt dental surgery might be the cause of their BMS. I had two implants done in March and for a week after the surgery had no burning tongue. I was not on pain killers and a liquid/soft diet. Decided my diet might be the cause of my burning tongue but no. Cutting out sodas, red wine, spicy foods, etc. didn't help.
Thank you for your message
Update: After 4 months of pain-free BMS, it has come back. I am still taking the vitamins and Sertraline. I really believe stress is the underlying cause of BMS. My husband unexpectedly had open heart surgery and this may have caused the flare-up. Also being quarantine has not helped the BMS. Has anyone tried using Tabasco Sauce?
Do you have any arthritic problems?? Read about Sjogrens Syndrome and look at Johns Hopkins Rheumatoid Arthritis specialists, I see a group of specialists there next month for burning mouth and or Sjogrens Syndrome.
I have had severe BMS for 3 years. As I was told by many doctors that there is always an underlying cause for burning mouth. In January they found mine. I have Follicular Lymphona for 10 years according to previous scans. That is in my lymph nodes where your immune system is. I have had 5.5 chemo treatments and my mouth is 90 percent better at this point. My oncologist said that no one should even know you have a tongue in your mouth. It should never hurt but with that he said that would have to be the most painful place to hurt because the tongue has so many nerves in it! He said anybody whose tongue hurts and they cannot find out the reason should have a whole body scan done to help figure out what is causing it! Certainly most everyone is not going to have cancer but they might detect what is going on in your body that could cure it! I understand y’all pain and it hurts!
Can I ask, do any of you have a crown fitted with a post? I'm seriously thinking that my crown is what is causing the issue with my BMS. Anyone else out there with a crown that hasn't considered the link?
I have Crowns with posts and don’t think there’s a connection. But you never know. My crowns have been there many, many years with no issues. But from talking to Doctors and their rare knowledge of BMS they say it’s a viral issue.
hi, thanks for your response. A week ago i took a whack on the crown and since then my BMS has flared up. It may be just a red herring.
I have suffered since October. My story started with acid reflux and then awful dry mouth. In November my mouth, tongue and lips started to burn and along with night time dry mouth . It severely limits quality of life . I suffered through winter and was in awful moods losing sleep and just not wanting to interact w anyone . Gabapentin took away my anxiety and helped a little . Then my doc prescribed Amitriptyline. I take 25 mg before bed and sleep is better. I also do the tobacco sauce in water a few times a day. Chewing mint gum helps for an hour or two. Stress free days do help . I am thinking of trying the mouth tape to help w dry mouth b/c my lips are my main issue in April . I can tolerate BMS and most days my pain level is a 3.. I want to eliminate or move it to a 1.. After half a year I am more positive it could happen.. I feel all your pain.. good luck and keep sharing ideas .
Yes mine continues but it seems better some days. Another person here told me about dexamethasone ( oral rinse 4x day) and valacyclovir so many mg for 30 days and a lesser dose there after. This seemed to the best but still carbonation hurts, wings are no go, some pepperoni on pizza and hot beverages still create flare ups. Seems that this is a bigger issue than the doctors let on and I’m really confused why more research isn’t done to find answers. I feel your pain Coach33
Yes mine continues but it seems better some days. Another person here told me about dexamethasone ( oral rinse 4x day) and valacyclovir so many mg for 30 days and a lesser dose there after. This seemed to the best but still carbonation hurts, wings are no go, some pepperoni on pizza and hot beverages still create flare ups. Seems that this is a bigger issue than the doctors let on and I’m really confused why more research isn’t done to find answers. I feel your pain Coach33
Yes mine continues but it seems better some days. Another person here told me about dexamethasone ( oral rinse 4x day) and valacyclovir so many mg for 30 days and a lesser dose there after. This seemed to the best but still carbonation hurts, wings are no go, some pepperoni on pizza and hot beverages still create flare ups. Seems that this is a bigger issue than the doctors let on and I’m really confused why more research isn’t done to find answers. I feel your pain Coach33
Yes mine continues but it seems better some days. Another person here told me about dexamethasone ( oral rinse 4x day) and valacyclovir so many mg for 30 days and a lesser dose there after. This seemed to the best but still carbonation hurts, wings are no go, some pepperoni on pizza and hot beverages still create flare ups. Seems that this is a bigger issue than the doctors let on and I’m really confused why more research isn’t done to find answers. I feel your pain Coach33
Yes mine continues but it seems better some days. Another person here told me about dexamethasone ( oral rinse 4x day) and valacyclovir so many mg for 30 days and a lesser dose there after. This seemed to the best but still carbonation hurts, wings are no go, some pepperoni on pizza and hot beverages still create flare ups. Seems that this is a bigger issue than the doctors let on and I’m really confused why more research isn’t done to find answers. I feel your pain Coach33
I’ve had BMS since July 2018. Same story, dentist, GP and ENT are mystified or tell me there is no cure. Suggested medications, mouthwashes have done nothing for me. Anything cold is soothing but it’s there 24/7. I do think it is a nerve issue because it started about the same time as trigeminal nerve pain on one side of my face. That has gone away but I’ve noticed when I move the tip of my tongue across that side of the roof of my mouth I get a tingling on the side of my face. My lips on that side burn most of the time too. It’s terrible because although I get hungry I can’t taste food very well and many foods aggravate it. I wonder if I’ll ever get to enjoy eating a nice meal again. I love chocolate and now I can’t taste it. It feels lonely because people can’t relate and no one really wants to hear me talk about it again so I don’t. So then friends and family tell me they thought I didn’t have it anymore because I never say anything.
A previous person informed me about dexamethasone oral solution. I rinse 4 times a day and while I still have BMS this solution seems to have calmed mine down. Carbonated products and vinegar (coleslaw) and other foods still irritate it but some of my taste buds have come back. Give that a try. No one else seems to have a answer. I have also been taking valacyclovir. I took 3xday for 10 days and now I am on a 1xday for the 30 days. Maybe it’s the 2 of them together helping but it seems a bit better. Good Luck. And you are correct that no one can imagine how it feels. Horrible
A previous person informed me about dexamethasone oral solution. I rinse 4 times a day and while I still have BMS this solution seems to have calmed mine down. Carbonated products and vinegar (coleslaw) and other foods still irritate it but some of my taste buds have come back. Give that a try. No one else seems to have a answer. I have also been taking valacyclovir. I took 3xday for 10 days and now I am on a 1xday for the 30 days. Maybe it’s the 2 of them together helping but it seems a bit better. Good Luck. And you are correct that no one can imagine how it feels. Horrible
Hey everyone! I have suffered from BMS since September 2019, to the point I thought I was going crazy. Doctors had no clue and neither did my dentist. Filed some teeth down, used a steroid cream in my inner lips (most of my burning and painful irritation was the inside of my upper lip and tip of my tongue. I HAVE FOUND RELIEF, by accident. I got a huge fever blister on my mouth (same side as BMS) my doctor prescribed me Valtrex and in one day I was having relief in my mouth. I am on day 6 of taking it 3 x's a day with little pain unless I really hit it with something irritating like almonds/chip etc. I read that a few other people have found relief with doing the Valtrex 3 x's/day for 10 days then going to 1 x/day for 3 months. I hope and pray this continues working as I was losing my mind! :) Studies say that the people that Valtrex worked well on had i high count of HSV1 which is what causes cold sores on your mouth. Has anyone else tried Valtrex???
Hi Bekzzz, that is awesome that the Valtrex is working for you. Isn't it wonderful to find some relief? I wonder if you could keep us updated now and again as to its long-term effects. In other words, once you are not taking it anymore, if the BMS comes back on you or not. I am swishing with the dexamethasone and having good results with that, but I'd LOVE to get my mouth back to the point where I don't have to swish or take anything. In other words, get rid of this dang affliction once and for all. With the dexamethasone, I have to watch what I eat, and I can go for even 2 months without an issue, but ultimately the BMS will try to make a comeback with me if I do eat something that irritates it. Dry stuff like chips, popcorn, heavily salted stuff... and more, will cause a flare up.
Anyways... good to read about your success and do keep us posted!
My oral surgeon gave me a trial
Prescription to an antinflamatory oral rinse called dexamethasone. It has really helped. It’s like a steroid rinse to calm the body’s immune response. I urge you to ask a doctor to let you try it. People who haven’t experienced mouth issues like this have no idea the misery. I wish you the best of luck... don’t give up.
Hi everyone! I am also suffering with BMS, It's been 3+ years. I'm going to ask my Dr. about the dexamethasone rinse. I'm on most of the meds. mentioned on this site. I visited my dentist last Fri. for a routine cleaning, I mentioned how quite a few people think it could be dentistry. He became so disengaged all of a sudden and I have known him for years, so Saturday I woke up with not just my usual burning tongue (which looks so gnarly) but also 4 ulcers on the right side of my tongue. And to date they are still there and getting larger! And now, do I feel comfortable letting him know? No! But I will call my internist who treats me for this condition. Such a terribly lonely situation, I talk to nobody about this, they just don't get it. I hope and pray we all find a cure.
I will call tomorrow. Thank you
Hi Retired Guy... I so hope you can give the rinse a try. It's hard to know for sure if all the cases on this website would respond in the same manner. Give the rinse a try for several days if you are having a bad case of the "burning mouth," it took several days for mine to noticeably diminish and finally go away. However, I still do need to use the rinse now and again when I realize that same sensation of burning/hurting/hyper-sensitivity is starting up. If I start using the rinse again, I can nip it in the bud and have a much, much milder and shorter-lived case. I pray it works for you. Let me know how it goes.
I just picked up the dexamethasone and I was under the impression that it was a mouth rinse. My directions says to take 10mg every 6 hours. Now my Dr said it was a rinse so maybe that’s how it’s worded. How long and how often do you rinse?
Not sure if my previous comment was posted so I will post a comment again. I picked up my dexamethasone yesterday. I bag an using it but my directions say to take 10mg every 6 hours but speaking with the doctor we agreed it was an oral rinse. I am asking you how your doctor prescribed it and how you took it. Thanks
Not sure if my previous comment was posted so I will post a comment again. I picked up my dexamethasone yesterday. I bag an using it but my directions say to take 10mg every 6 hours but speaking with the doctor we agreed it was an oral rinse. I am asking you how your doctor prescribed it and how you took it. Thanks
Not sure if my previous comment was posted so I will post a comment again. I picked up my dexamethasone yesterday. I bag an using it but my directions say to take 10mg every 6 hours but speaking with the doctor we agreed it was an oral rinse. I am asking you how your doctor prescribed it and how you took it. Thanks
Hi burning tongue 3, here’s my take on this horrible affliction. If your immune system is over-reactive, to certain foods or to physical disruption, then even the smallest scrape or food reaction can set off the nightmare. Over several years of suffering, I finally figured some things out. Much to my shock, I discovered I’m allergic to quite a few foods. Mind you, the allergic reactions started with a bang, after living for 65 years not being allergic to anything at all... not even poison ivy, so it took me forever to even consider that what was going on with my mouth was allergies. The dexamethasone is ONLY helpful if I don’t eat the things I’m allergic to. So here’s that list: walnuts, apples, blueberries, tomatoes, tomato sauce, any hot spices or sauces (those are the worst, and are also what kicked off my first reaction) and of course, any foods that contain these things.
Here’s why it took me forever to isolate these foods )which I’d eaten for years with absolutely no issues at all... its a very delayed reaction. So if I ate a mouthful of delicious blueberries on Monday, I’d not start getting the first feelings of irritation til Tuesday, so seeing any kind of correlation between the blueberries and the reaction was not real obvious. For the dexamethasone to work best, I don’t eat those things. Here’s why it also maybe isn’t your dentist’s fault... I have found if I brush too vigorously or eat scratchy food, I can get a reaction started that way too. So my theory is that because our immune systems are over-reactive, both physical and allergic insults to the mouth can kick off the reaction. If you are unwittingly eating food that you have developed reactions to, then there is constant pain and torment going on in your mouth. I urge you to try limiting your diet to very mild foods and use the dexamethasone at the same time to see if you can get things under control. The dexamethasone takes several days to bring a bad episode into control, but if you are unwittingly eating foods you’ve developed allergies to, then the dexamethasone won’t likely help too much. I have allowed myself to eat a few blueberries here and there and last summer I could eat a tomato here and there, as long as I rinsed my moth right away with the dexamethasone. Also, after a visit to the dentist... rinse. I know we don’t all have the same issues, but I wanted to share my experience and what I learned from it. Life is good again, even if I can’t eat those foods. That rinse is a God-send. If it works for anyone else, please share because so far, I’ve not seen anyone else whose seemed to have heard of it. Best of luck!
At the suggestion of a friend, I drank kombucha. At first I drank maybe 5 bottles and seriously in a week it was gone. From time to time I will feel my mouth tingling. I drink a couple bottles and it’s gone.
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burning mouth syndrome, burning, mouth, tongue, throat, treatment, syndrome
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