... without treatment? I had a benign cyst removed from my throat 7 years ago and this triggered my burning tongue syndrome. What hell! I've been to countless dentists, ENTS, oral surgeons, GPs and NONE of them know what to do. I've had my teeth ground-down, capped and night guarded, all to no avail. This site helps me feel I'm not so alone and suffering in silence. I can't stand to think I will live with this the rest of my life. Is it possible for it to just dissappear and resolve on its own? Thanks all
Burning Mouth Syndrome - I've had BMS for seven years. Has anyone had this go away on its own?
Question posted by gonzo jen on 5 Sep 2013
Last updated on 5 May 2024
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
143 Answers Page 3
I’m telling everyone here... kombucha. It is what cured mine. Every one in awhile I will feel tingling in my mouth so I just drink a couple bottles and it goes away. It’s amazing
What is in the Kombucha that you think would help with BMS. Is it from it being a probiotic or a tea affect. I can’t believe Kombucha would have a curing affect
What is in the Kombucha that you think would help with BMS. Is it from it being a probiotic or a tea affect. I can’t believe Kombucha would have a curing affect
I do not know what properties are in Kombucha that caused it to help my BMS. A friend told me she had BMS and that’s what cured hers. I immediately started drinking it and it cured mine. If love too have someone else try it and see if it was a fluke.
Has anyone tried cbd oil for bms?
After looking it up I see where it can treat a fungal or bacterial issue. However I have tried Nystatin and Magic mouthwash which the two of them at different times were supposed to handle any fungus or bacteria issue. Maybe CBD oil will work. I don’t know. Seems redundant.
Yes, I've tried it. Don't work.
Maybe it is triggered by stress but I don’t know. I got BMS after a bout of Shingles for 10 weeks and the symptoms are still in my body since last June. I have pain in my abdomen and back and I still have the side bulge (some nerve reaction from Shingles) so maybe it is stress related. I asked my Urologist last week. He never heard of BMS but thinks it may be nerve related. Everyone just guesses
Hey everyone! I have suffered from BMS since September 2019, to the point I thought I was going crazy. Doctors had no clue and neither did my dentist. Filed some teeth down, used a steroid cream in my inner lips (most of my burning and painful irritation was the inside of my upper lip and tip of my tongue. I HAVE FOUND RELIEF, by accident. I got a huge fever blister on my mouth (same side as BMS) my doctor prescribed me Valtrex and in one day I was having relief in my mouth. I am on day 6 of taking it 3 x's a day with little pain unless I really hit it with something irritating like almonds/chip etc. I read that a few other people have found relief with doing the Valtrex 3 x's/day for 10 days then going to 1 x/day for 3 months. I hope and pray this continues working as I was losing my mind! :) Studies say that the people that Valtrex worked well on had i high count of HSV1 which is what causes cold sores on your mouth. Has anyone else tried Valtrex???
I am sorry for everyone.As a 4 month sufferer and followed the cycle of Drs and hearing them tell me “I have BMS and there is no cure” sounds ridiculous in this day and age. With so many sufferers you would think someone would know something. Just frustrated and venting.
Yes it is. Try to stay positive. I know it’s hard.
I'm so sorry for you. I'm on my 12th year now. I hope yours goes away soon. LIving like this for so long. I have lost all quality of life. I've been everywhere. Tried so many things. Nothing works, no cure. You would think that by now someone would offer clinical trails and try to find out the cause for most of us or something that helps the pain. Shania44
As I stated earlier that the advances we have made in medical treatments by now someone should know something. I haven’t been able to eat wings, pizza, tacos or a lot of the other comfort foods. It’s terrible. Lately I have started using Blistex on my lips. Don’t know if it helps but it hasn’t hurt yet. Other than that I am sorry for everyone.
Yes, this disease affects your taste buds. I can't eat anything unless it's bland. No foods that I used to love and it gets worse year after year. I hate to hear of other people who have to suffer with this. Prayers always for those that do.
So, honestly. What can be done. Who can we reach out to. I could keep going in the vicious circle but that won’t do anything but be an added expense. There must be something or someone.
See if your doctor will give you a trial of an oral rinse, called dexamethasone. Whether it’s physical trauma or allergies, it’s the body’s immune system overreacting and causing inflammation. Dexamethasone has been a miracle for me. Maybe it will help you. I pray that it will.
See if your doctor will give you a trial of an oral rinse, called dexamethasone. Whether it’s physical trauma or allergies, it’s the body’s immune system overreacting and causing inflammation. Dexamethasone has been a miracle for me. Maybe it will help you. I pray that it will.
Hello All,
I’m sad and sorry to hear these painful stories. I live with this terrible syndrome everyday. Like many, it is most difficult at night and when I am under stress. I have found relief with chewing gum and colonzapam, but try only to take it when absolutely needed as it makes me very tired. I’ve been to the NYU oral clinic and was diagnosed over two years ago. It is hard but I try to block it out and accept my new normal. Wishing you all comfort. ❤️
I'm going on year 4, and was told Kombucha would help, but it didn't. I take Neurontin (Gabapentin), I just started Amitriptyline, it's helping some, also take Xanax which helps calm my mouth down. The other day it burned so bad that two days later my lips peeled. This is a horrible disease, syndrome what ever it is, IT'S pure hell. Yes eating helps but you can't eat ALL day long. Mornings are fairly good but my nighttime I'm in so much pain again. I'm irritable and at my wit's end. I pray for a cure. I don't know if this helps, but know you're not alone
DE Dexi 34 seconds ago
See if your doctor will give you a trial of an oral rinse, called dexamethasone. Whether it’s physical trauma or allergies, it’s the body’s immune system overreacting and causing inflammation. Dexamethasone has been a miracle for me. Maybe it will help you. I pray that it will.
DE Dexi 34 seconds ago
See if your doctor will give you a trial of an oral rinse, called dexamethasone. Whether it’s physical trauma or allergies, it’s the body’s immune system overreacting and causing inflammation. Dexamethasone has been a miracle for me. Maybe it will help you. I pray that it will.
I have started having BMS 2 months ago and already I am focused on it and at times depressed. For me it started at a time when I both had temporary but acute work stress, and a simple tartar removal at the dentist. Since it Wasn’t long ago, I remember distinctly having used my tongue way too much at that time, to feel the back of my teeth, my gums, eating my lips etc.
I can tell from having read every post in this thread that there are several and different cases of BMS : ones where the tongue changes in aspect, ones where nerves may have been impacted by dental surgery or intervention, ones, among which my case, where there are no visible symptoms and no specific event to link it back to. I add that I am only 41 so I think not menopausal. I was wondering if you/your doctors had ever considered it could be a muscle sprain or contracture, one that is very difficult to resorb since the tongue is in constant movement, from eating, drinking, speaking...
Has one of you ever taken anti-inflammatory drugs to treat BMS? I have been thinking this could explain why you feel no pain when eating or chewing gum (your tongue muscles warm up from chewing) and why the pain comes back with a vengeance after eating. It could also explain why you don’t feel anything in the night and before eating breakfast - which is my case, for now anyway, except when I have slept clenching my tongue in my teeth all night. This could also explain why amitriptyline works for some. Thank you for your answers, and thank you for this thread.
See if your doctor will give you a trial of a prescription of an oral rinse called dexamethasone. It’s an anti-inflammatory, and is effective in keeping the lining of your mouth from over-reacting. It has been a miracle for me . My oral surgeon suggested it, and it’s been wonderfully effective.
See if your doctor will give you a trial of a prescription of an oral rinse called dexamethasone. It’s an anti-inflammatory, and is effective in keeping the lining of your mouth from over-reacting. It has been a miracle for me . My oral surgeon suggested it, and it’s been wonderfully effective.
Going on 7 years of suffering from BMS.
Pretty sure I am going to suffer chronically forever.. Turning 40 this April and life has been... challenging. Some days the pain is so bad I don’t know what to do.
I feel for you if you are going through this.
Same here they don't know what's going on. I had dental work done and then they thought it was from the many crowns, I could pay a costly amount to have them redone or pull them, I did thinking it would help, but nope. I read where one Lady has had it for 11 year's.
I don't know about you but I can't imagine having this for the rest of my life. Supposedly they're doing CLINICAL studies on it now, so I pray for a CURE.
I take Neurontin, Xanax, and Benadryl.
My Dog smells my mouth all the time, if only she could tell me what is going on!
I've had it for 12 years. I've tried everything. No cure, nothing helps. About all you can do is eat ice chips all day. FOr all of you that have it. I hate to tell you but it get's worse year after year. It will eventually ruin your taste buds as well. So sorry for anyone who has this horrible disease.
I have had BMS for 2 1.2 years. I just came back from seeing doctors at the University of Florida, where I was sent to from the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL. There is a possibility that BMS can go away. They say 66 percent of women it goes away in. It hurt like nobody's business. I went to 11 doctors in Mississippi before recently going to FL in November 2019. They prescribed for me 0.5 dissolvable clonazepam . Drink a little water spit it out, place clonazepam on the sore places in your mouth and then swish it around for 3 minutes and spit it out. This help some at bedtime. I was also given a rinse that seems to help deadens it at times. I will share this if you need it.
Praying for you.
Mine has more or less gone. It does flare up but if I take low dose tramadol straight away it doesn't get any worse and usually goes within a couple of days. I had it really bad I was very very ill with it, so there is hope. I think mine started due to a sudden drop in hormones, I went to see many specialist both private and British NHS. Tried liquid morphine as a mouth wash which helped slightly but oral clonazepam worked much better, this was also a swish and spit out treatment. Tramadol was the other medication which helped, I didn't have to stay on it all the time. My tongue looked like it had been slashed with a sharp knife, I couldn't eat or drink due to the pain and I had electric shock like pain 24 hours a day in my mouth. It was a very dark time but I am now much better. I found mouthwashes made it worse, as did alcohol. Hope it gets better soon.
Turns out I didnt have burning mouth syndrome but mandibular tori which was a bone growth behind my lower gum which started irritating my gum and toungue..not knowing this I thought it was a variety of diff things starting with Thrush..tried many oral rinses to kill bacteria..more I did worse my mouth felt..I actually wound up with such a dry mouth and irritation it felt like burning mouth..along the way stopped taking omeprazole which I really need everyday because someone mentioned long term use could cause burning mouth..I finally figured it out on my own from much internet research.when I asked my dentist to check for the bone growth behind gum and he confirmed it..the slight irritation now is just something I've learnt to live with and ignore it and not stress myself out ..I hope this helps someone looking for answers
I certainly know how you feel, I'm like what the heck is going on. I'm praying it goes away, or they find a cure. The thought of the rest of my life with this burning is something that I'm ready to be done with. Do you take anything for it? I take Neurontin, Xanax and Benadryl, they help for now. I've researched this and for now we're basically figuring this out on our own.b
I have been suffering with BMS for 7 months or more now and it is no fun at all to put it mildly. Also notice I must push my tongue against the back of my teeth at night and wake up with teeth impressions on edges of tongue. I have no clue why I would start that! I drink k cup coffee(one a day) and was wondering if the BMS could be an allergic chemical reaction to whatever makes up the plastic in the k cups. I also put the artificially flavored coffee creamer (oh so good but so bad) in my coffee. I only have one cup a day but think I need to give this up also and see if I clear up. I do not think it is a vitamin deficiency with me as I have always taken numerous supplements over the years - most of which are recommended for BMS. Anyone else look into kcups, preservatives, even cooking frozen vegetables in those plastic bags they come in and popping corn in the micro in the bags they come in - might be problematic to some of us? Since doctors have no clue, it seems to be left to all of us sufferers to try to get to the bottom of this‼️
Try a mouth guard for night time. It sounds like you may need it for your teeth anyway?
I see some here suggest 6 drops of Tabasco sauce in 1 tsp of water and swish for one minute, then spit out. I have been in so much pain lately with BMS I was willing to give anything a try. So I swished it in my mouth yesterday morning for one minute and spit it out. It was agony. Talk about pain!! Tabasco sauce on a mouth that already feels raw and on fire!! Well, after about 10 minutes of letting the agony of this settle down, i virtually was pain free the rest of the day‼️Today I repeated the rinse - just once sometime in the morning and had another virtually pain free day‼️ Totally recommend giving this a try people‼️‼️
Whether it’s an allergic reaction or physical trauma, it’s the mouth overreacting via an inflammatory response from your immune system. My oral surgeon prescribed an oral rinse called dexamethasone. It’s been an awesome help for me and life was miserable with my BMS. The rinse helps settle the over-response from the immune system. Best of luck to you! It’s a miserable condition.
I have had the same issue for 7 months and the pain is hell. My doctor seems to think it will go away on its own. I have tried every special mouth wash and toothpaste but nothing has helped. Today I went to Boots and purchased corsodyl toothpaste which has antiseptic in it and an oral mouth liquid called ANBESOL which you dab onto your mouth and tongue which gives oral pain relief. I have used it today on my tongue, mouth and lips. It is unpleasant but it soothes within a minute and actually gives pain relief. It is also suitable for teething babies.
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burning mouth syndrome, burning, mouth, tongue, throat, treatment, syndrome
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