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Cimetidine (Monograph)

Brand name: Tagamet
Drug class: Histamine H2-Antagonists
VA class: GA301
CAS number: 51481-61-9

Medically reviewed by on Nov 21, 2023. Written by ASHP.


Histamine H2 receptor antagonist.b

Uses for Cimetidine

Duodenal Ulcer

Short-term treatment of active duodenal ulcer (endoscopically or radiographically confirmed).a b

Maintainence of healing and reduction in recurrence of duodenal ulcer.a b

Pathologic GI Hypersecretory Conditions

Long-term treatment of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, multiple endocrine adenomas, systemic mastocytosis.a b

Gastric Ulcer

Short-term treatment of active benign gastric ulcer.a b

Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD)

Short-term treatment of erosive esophagitis (endoscopically diagnosed) in patients with GERD.118

Treatment of symptomatic GERD [off-label].105 106 123 288

Self-medication as initial therapy to achieve acid suppression, control symptoms, and prevent complications of less severe symptomatic GERD [off-label].288

Upper GI Bleeding

Prevention of upper GI bleeding resulting from stress-related mucosal damage (erosive esophagitis, stress ulcers) in critically ill patients.118 142 143 144 145 146 147 152 153 154 155 156 157 161 162 163 164 165 166 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 179 188 191

Treatment of upper GI bleeding [off-label] secondary to hepatic failure, esophagitis, duodenal or gastric ulcers when hemorrhage is not caused by major blood vessel erosion.b

Heartburn (pyrosis), Acid Indigestion (hyperchlorhydria), or Sour Stomach

Short-term self-medication for relief of heartburn symptoms in adults and adolescents≥12 years of age.c

Short-term self-medication for prevention of heartburn symptoms associated with acid indigestion (hyperchlorhydria) and sour stomach brought on by ingestion of certain foods and beverages in adults and children ≥12 years of age.c

Cimetidine Dosage and Administration


Administer orally, IV, or IM.118

Administer by IM or slow IV injection, or by intermittent or continuous IV infusion in hospitalized patients with pathological GI hypersecretory conditions or intractable duodenal ulcer, or when oral therapy is not feasible.118

Oral Administration

Administer with or without food; administration with food may delay and slightly decrease absorption, but achieves maximum antisecretory effect when stomach is no longer protected by food buffering effect. Administer oral tablets with water.b

Antacids may be given as necessary for pain relief, but not at the same time.a b

For duodenal ulcer treatment, administration once daily at bedtime is the regimen of choice because of a high healing rate, maximal pain relief, decreased drug interaction potential, and maximal compliance.117 118 119

For gastric ulcer treatment, administration once daily at bedtime is the regimen of choice because of convenience and decreased drug interaction potential.118

For gastroesophageal reflux, once-daily dosing is not considered appropriate.288

IM Administration

May be administered undiluted.a b

Intermittent Direct IV Injection


Dilute 300 mg to 20 mL with 0.9% sodium chloride injection or other compatible IV solution before direct IV injection (see Compatibility under Stability).118

Rate of Administration

Inject over ≥5 minutes.118

Intermittent IV infusion


Reconstitute ADD-Vantage vials according to manufacturer’s directions.118


Dilute 300 mg in at least 50 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride injection or 5% dextrose injection or other compatible IV solution (see Compatibility under Stability).118

No additional dilution required for commercially available infusion solution (300 mg cimetidine in 50 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride injection).a

Rate of Administration

Over 15–20 minutes.118

Continuous IV Infusion


Dilute 900 mg in 100–1000 mL of a compatible IV solution (see Compatibility under Stability).a b

Rate of Administration

Over 24 hours.a b

Adjust rate to individual patient requirements.a b

Volume <250 mL: use controlled-infusion device (e.g., pump).a b


Dosage of cimetidine hydrochloride expressed in terms of cimetidine.118

Pediatric Patients

20–40 mg/kg daily in divided doses has been used in a limited number of children when potential benefits are thought to outweigh the possible risks.118

Heartburn, Acid Indigestion, or Sour Stomach
Heartburn Relief (Self-medication)

Adolescents ≥12 years of age: 200 mg once or twice daily, or as directed by a clinician.268

Prevention of Heartburn (Self-medication)

Adolescents ≥12 years of age: 200 mg once or twice daily or as directed by a clinician; administer immediately (or up to 30 minutes) before ingestion of causative food or beverage.c


General Parenteral Dosage

Parenteral dosage regimens for GERD have not been established.a

General parenteral dosage (in hospitalized patients with pathologic hypersecretory conditions or intractable ulcer, or for short-term use when oral therapy is not feasible):a


300 mg every 6–8 hours.118

Intermittent Direct IV Injection

300 mg every 6–8 hours.118

300 mg more frequently if increased daily dosage is necessary (i.e., single doses not >300 mg), up to 2400 mg daily.118

Intermittent IV Infusion

300 mg every 6–8 hours.118

300 mg more frequently if increased daily dosage is necessary (i.e., single doses not >300 mg), up to 2400 mg daily.118

Continuous IV infusion

900 mg over 24 hours (37.5 mg/hour).a b See Pathologic GI Hypersecretory Conditions under Dosage: Adults.

For more rapid increase in gastric pH, a loading dose of 150 mg may be given as an intermittent infusion before continuous infusion.a b

Duodenal Ulcer
Treatment of Active Duodenal Ulcer

Dosage of choice: 800 mg once daily at bedtime.117 118 119

Patients with ulcer >1 cm in diameter who are heavy smokers (i.e., ≥1 pack daily) when rapid healing (e.g., within 4 weeks) is considered important:118 1.6 g daily at bedtime.117 118 119

Administer for 4–6 weeks unless healing is confirmed earlier.117 118 If not healed or symptoms continue after 4 weeks, additional 2–4 weeks of full dosage therapy may be beneficial.118 More than 6–8 weeks at full dosage is rarely needed.118

Healing of active duodenal ulcers may occur in 2 weeks in some, and occurs within 4 weeks in most patients.117 118 119 120 121 122

Other regimens (no apparent rationale for these other than familiarity of use) that have been used:117 118 300 mg 4 times daily with meals and at bedtime; 200 mg 3 times daily and 400 mg at bedtime; 400 mg twice daily in the morning and at bedtime.b

Maintenance of Healing of Duodenal Ulcer

400 mg daily at bedtime.118 Efficacy not increased by higher dosages or more frequent administration.b

Pathologic GI Hypersecretory Conditions
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome

300 mg 4 times daily with meals and at bedtime.118

Higher doses administered more frequently may be necessary;a b adjust dosage according to response and tolerance but in general, do not exceed 2400 mg daily.a

Continue as long as necessary.118

Continuous IV Infusion

Mean infused dose of 160 mg/hour (range: 40-600 mg/hour) in one study.a

Gastric Ulcer

Preferred regimen: 800 mg once daily at bedtime.118

Alternative regimen: 300 mg 4 times daily, with meals and at bedtime.118

Monitor to ensure rapid progress to complete healing.a b

Studies limited to 6 weeks, efficacy for >8 weeks not established.118


Once daily (at bedtime) not considered appropriate therapy.288

Treatment of Symptomatic GERD† [off-label]

300 mg 4 times daily has been used.105 106 123

Treatment of Erosive Esophagitis

800 mg twice daily or 400 mg 4 times daily (e.g., before meals and at bedtime) for up to 12 weeks.118

Upper GI Bleeding
Prevention of Upper GI Bleeding
Continuous IV Infusion

50 mg/hour; loading dose not required.118

Safety and efficacy of therapy beyond 7 days has not been established.118

Alternative dosage: Some clinicians recommend 300-mg IV loading dose over 5–20 minutes, then continuous IV infusion at 37.5–50 mg/hour; titrate with 25-mg/hour increments up to 100 mg/hour based on gastric pH (e.g., to maintain a pH of at least 3.5–4).118 143 144 173 174 176 188

Intermittent IV doses may be less effective in preventing upper GI bleeding than continuous IV infusion.155 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 188 189 191

Treatment of Upper GI Bleeding† [off-label]

1–2 g daily in 4 divided doses has been used.b


1–2 g daily in 4 divided doses has been used.b

Heartburn, Acid Indigestion, or Sour Stomach
Heartburn (Self-medication)

200 mg once or twice daily, or as directed by clinician.268

Maximum 400 mg in 24 hours, but not continuously for >2 weeks except under clinician supervision.c

Prevention of Heartburn (Self-medication)

200 mg once or twice daily or as directed by a clinician; administer immediately (or up to 30 minutes) before ingestion of causative food or beverage.c

Maximum 400 mg in 24 hours, but not continuously for >2 weeks except under clinician supervision.c

Prescribing Limits

Pediatric Patients

Heartburn, Acid Indigestion, or Sour Stomach
Heartburn (Self-Medication)

Adolescents ≥12 years of age: Maximum 400 mg in 24 hours, but not continuously for >2 weeks except under clinician supervision.c

Prevention of Heartburn (Self-medication)

Adolescents ≥12 years of age: Maximum 400 mg in 24 hours, but not continuously for >2 weeks except under clinician supervision.c


General Parenteral Dosage

General parenteral dosage (hospitalized patients with pathologic hypersecretory conditions or intractable duodenal ulcer, or short-term use when oral therapy is not feasible):

Direct IV injection

Maximum 2.4 g daily.a

Maximum 300 mg per dose.a

Maximum concentration 300 mg/20 mL.a

Maximum injection rate: 20 mL over not less than 5 minutes (4 mL per minute).a

Intermittent IV Infusion

Maximum 2.4 g daily.a

Maximum 300 mg per dose.a

Maximum concentration 300 mg/50 mL.a

Maximum infusion rate: 15–20 minutes.a

Short-term Treatment of Erosive Esophagitis

Safety and efficacy beyond 12 weeks of administration have not been established.a

Heartburn, Acid Indigestion, or Sour Stomach
Heartburn Relief (Self-medication)

Maximum 400 mg in 24 hours, but not continuously for >2 weeks except under clinician supervision.c

Prevention of Heartburn (Self-medication)

Maximum 400 mg in 24 hours, but not continuously for >2 weeks except under clinician supervision.c

Duodenal Ulcer
Intermittent Direct IV Injecton

Maximum 2.4 g daily.a

Intermittent IV Infusion

Maximum 2.4 g daily.a

Gastric Ulcer
Short-term treatment of Active Benign Gastric Ulcer

Safety and efficacy beyond 8 weeks have not been established.118

Intermittent Direct IV Injection

Maximum 2.4 g daily.a

Intermittent IV Infusion

Maximum 2.4 g daily.a

Pathologic GI Hypersecretory Conditions (e.g., Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome)

Maximum usually 2.4 g daily.118

Intermittent Direct IV Injection

Maximum 2.4 g daily.a

Intermittent IV Infusion

Maximum 2.4 g daily.a

Upper GI Bleeding
Prevention of Upper GI Bleeding
Continuous IV Infusion

Safety and efficacy beyond 7 days have not been established.a

Special Populations

Renal Impairment

Severe (Clcr< 30 mL/minute)

300 mg every 12 hours.118

Accumulation may occur; use lowest frequency of dosing compatible with adequate response.118

Increase frequency to every 8 hours or more frequently (with caution) if required.118

Presence of hepatic impairment may require further dosage reduction.118

Direct IV Injection

300 mg every 12 hours.118

Accumulation may occur; use lowest frequency compatible with adequate response.118

Increase frequency to every 8 hours or more frequently (with caution) if required118

Presence of hepatic impairment may require further dosage reduction.118

Continuous IV Infusion

Prevention of Upper GI Bleeding: One-half recommended dosage (i.e., 25 mg/hour).118


Decreases blood levels; administer at the end of hemodialysis and every 12 hours during interdialysis.b

Hepatic Impairment

May require further dosage reduction in the presence of severe renal impairment.118

Cautions for Cimetidine



General Precautions

Cardiovascular Effects

Rapid IV administration associated rarely with hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias; avoid.a b

Gastric Malignancy

Response to cimetidine does not preclude presence of gastric malignancy.118

CNS Effects

Reversible confusional states reported, especially in geriatric (i.e., ≥50 years) and severely ill (e.g., hepatic or renal disease, organic brain syndrome) patients.118 b Usually occurs within 2–3 days after initiating cimetidine and resolves within 3–4 days after discontinuance.118 b

Respiratory Effects

Administration of H2-receptor antagonists has been associated with an increased risk for developing certain infections (e.g., community-acquired pneumonia).302 303

Specific Populations


Category B.a

Pregnant women should consult a clinician before using for self-medication.268


Distributed into milk.118 Generally, do not nurse during therapy with cimetidine.118

Nursing women should consult a clinician before using for self-medication.268

Pediatric Use

Safety and efficacy not established in children <16 years of age; do not use unless potential benefits outweigh risks.118

Safety and efficacy for self-medication not established in children <12 years of age; do not use unless directed by a clinician.c

Renal Impairment

Dosage adjustments necessary in patients with severe renal impairment.118 (See Renal Impairment under Dosage and Administration.)

Hepatic Impairment

Further dosage adjustments may be necessary in presence of severe renal impairment.118 (See Hepatic Impairment under Dosage and Administration.)

Immunocompromised Patients

Increased possibility of Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection with decreased gastric acidity.118 269 270

Common Adverse Effects

Headache,118 144 dizziness, somnolence, diarrhea.118

With ≥1 month of therapy: gynecomastia.118 b

With IM therapy: transient pain at injection site.118

Drug Interactions

Inhibits hepatic microsomal enzyme systems, decreases hepatic metabolism of some drugs.118 If necessary, adjust dosage of hepatically metabolized drugs when cimetidine therapy is initiated or discontinued.b

Specific Drugs





Possible increased blood alcohol concentrations,256 257 258 259 260 261 263 264 265 psychomotor impairment256 257 258 259 260 261 267

Potential for psychomotor impairment controversial, 256 257 258 259 260 261 267 but use caution during performance of hazardous tasks requiring mental alertness, physical coordination257 258 261


Decreased cimetidine absorptionb

Administer 1 hour before or after cimetidine in the fasting state, or 1 hour after cimetidine is taken with food.a b


Potential for delayed elimination, increased blood concentrations of certain benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, triazolam)118

Adjust dosage if needed b

Calcium-channel blockers (e.g., nifedipine)a

Potential for delayed elimination, increased blood concentrations of nifedipine118

Adjust dosage if needed b


Absorption of ketoconazole may be affected by altered gastric pH118

Administer ≥2 hours before cimetidine118


Potential for delayed elimination, increased blood concentrations of lidocaine118

Adverse effects reported, adjust dosage if needed b


Potential for delayed elimination, increased blood concentrations of metronidazole118

Adjust dosage if neededb

Myelosuppressive drugs (e.g., alkylating agents [e.g., carmustine], antimetabolites) and/or therapies (radiation)b

May potentiate myelosuppressionb


Potential for delayed elimination, increased blood concentrations of phenytoin118

Adverse effects reported, adjust dosage if needed b


Potential for delayed elimination, increased blood concentrations of propranolol118

Adjust dosage if needed b


Potential for delayed elimination, increased blood concentrations of theophylline118

Adverse effects reported, adjust dosage if needed b


Potential for delayed elimination, increased blood concentrations of triamterene118

Consider potential of clinically important interaction108

Tricyclic Antidepressants118

Potential for delayed elimination, increased blood concentrations of certain tricyclic antidepressants118

Adjust dosage if neededb


Potential for delayed elimination, increased blood concentrations of warfarin118

Monitor PT, adjust dosage if neededb

Cimetidine Pharmacokinetics



Oral: 60–70%.b


≥70% decrease in basal acid secretion within 45 minutes after single 300- or 400-mg IV dose in healthy males.100


Dosage Regimen

Effect On Acid Secretion


Oral: 800 mg at bedtime in duodenal ulcer patients118

Mean hourly nocturnal secretion decreased by 85% over 8 hours.118

No effect on daytime acid secretion118

Oral: 1600 mg at bedtime in duodenal ulcer patients 118

Mean hourly nocturnal secretion decreased by 100% over 8 hours, 35% decrease for additional 5 hours.118

Moderate (<60%) 24-hour suppression118

Oral: 400 mg twice daily in duodenal ulcer pateints118

Nocturnal secretion decreased by 47–83% over 6–8 hours 118

Moderate (<60%) 24-hour suppression118

Oral: 300 mg 4 times daily in duodenal ulcer patients118

Nocturnal secretion decreased by 54% over 9 hours118

Moderate (<60%) 24-hour suppression118

Oral: Single 300-mg dose within 1 hour after meal in duodenal ulcer patientsa

Food-stimulated secretion decreased by 50% for 1 hour, then 75% for 2 hours.a

Oral: 300-mg dose at breakfast in duodenal ulcer patientsa

Continued suppression for 4 hours, with partial suppression after luncha

Effect enhanced and maintained by additional 300-mg dose with luncha

Oral: 300-mg dose with foodb

Mean gastric pH 3.5–4 at 1 hour, 5.5–6.1 at 4 hoursb

Oral: Single dose 300 mg with fooda

Mean gastric pH: 3.5, 3.1, 3.8, 6.1 at hour 1, 2, 3, 4, respectivelya

Placebo mean gastric pH: 2.6, 1.6, 1.9, 2.2 at hour 1, 2, 3, 4, respectivelya

Oral: 300–400 mg in fasting state in duodenal ulcer patientsb

Anacidity for up to 8 hoursb

Oral: 300 mg in duodenal ulcer patientsb

Basal gastric acid output decreased by 90% for 4 hoursb

Meal-stimulated acid secretion by 66% for 3 hoursb

IV continuous infusion: mean dosage of 160 mg/hour (range:40-600 mg/hour) in pathologic hypersecretory conditionsb

Maintained secretion at ≤10 mEq/hourb

IV continuous infusion (37.5 mg/hour or 900 mg daily) in patients with active or healed duodenal or gastric ulcerb

Maintained gastric pH at >4 for >50% of the time at steady-state.b

Intermittent injection: (300 mg every 6 hours or 1200 mg daily) in patients with active or healed duodenal or gastric ulcerb

Maintained gastric pH at >4 for >50% of the time at steady-state.b

IV: Single 300- or 400-mg dose in healthy males

≥70% decrease in basal acid secretion maintained for 4–4.5 hours100


Delays, slightly decreases absorption.b However, administration with meals achieves maximum blood concentrations and antisecretory effect when stomach is no longer protected by food buffering effect.b



Widely distributed throughout the body.b

Distributed into human milk.b

Crosses the placenta in animals.b

Plasma Protein Binding




Metabolized to sulfoxide (major metabolite) and 5-hydroxymethyl derivatives in liver.a b More extensively metabolized after oral than parenteral administration.a

Elimination Route

Excreted principally in urine.a b Single oral dose: 48% (unchanged) excreted in urine over 24 hours.a IV or IM: about 75% (unchanged) excreted in urine within 24 hours.a Single IV dose of radiolabeled cimetidine: 80–90% (50–73% unchanged, remainder as metabolites) excreted in urine over 24 hours.b About 10% excreted in feces.b


2 hours.a

After IV administration in children 4.1–15 years of age: Apparent biphasic decline of plasma cimetidine and cimetidine sulfoxide concentrations with half-lives of 1.4 and 2.6 hours, respectively.102

Special Populations

2.9 hours in patients with Clcr 20–50 mL/minute.b 3.7 hours in patients with Clcr <20 mL/minute.b 5 hours in anephric patients.b




Liquid and Tablets

Tight, light-resistant containers at 15–30°C.b



15–30°C.b Protect from light.b Do not refrigerate.b Stable in most IV solutions for at least 3 days at room temperature in concentrations of 1.2–5 mg/mL,b but use within 48 hours when diluted as directed.118 b

Injection for IV infusion only

15–30°C.b Protect from excessive heat; brief exposure up to 40°C does not adversely affect stability.b Stable through the labeled expiration date when stored as recommended.118



Solution CompatibilityHID


Amino acids 3.5, 5.5, or 8.5% with electrolytes

Amino acids 5.5 or 8.5%

Dextrose 5% with Ascor-B-Sol

Dextrose 5% and Electrolyte #48

Dextrose 5% and Electrolyte #75

Dextrose 5% in Ringer’s injection, lactated

Dextrose 5% in sodium chloride 0.2, 0.45, or 0.9%

Dextrose 10% in sodium chloride 0.9%

Dextrose 5% in water

Dextrose 10% in water

Dextrose 5% in water with vitamins

Fructose 5% and Electrolyte #48

Fructose 5% and Electrolyte #75

Invert sugar 5% in water

Invert sugar 10% in water

Ionosol B in dextrose 5% in water

Ionosol MB in dextrose 5% in water

Ionosol T in dextrose 5% in water

Mannitol 10% in water

Normosol M, 900 cal

Normosol M in dextrose 5% in water

Normosol M and Surbex T in dextrose 5% in water

Normosol R

Normosol R, pH 7.4

Normosol R in dextrose 5% in water

Plasma-Lyte 56 in dextrose 5% in water

Plasma-Lyte M in dextrose 5% in water

Ringer’s injection

Ringer’s injection, lactated

Sodium bicarbonate 5%

Sodium chloride 0.9%

Drug Compatibility
Admixture CompatibilityHID


Acetazolamide sodium

Amikacin sulfate


Atracurium besylate

Cefoxitin sodium

Chlorothiazide sodium


Clindamycin phosphate

Colistimethate sodium

Dexamethasone sodium phosphate


Epinephrine HCl

Erythromycin lactobionate

Ethacrynate sodium



Gentamicin sulfate

Insulin, regular

Isoproterenol HCl

Lidocaine HCl

Lincomycin HCl


Metaraminol bitartrate

Methylprednisolone sodium succinate

Midazolam HCl

Norepinephrine bitartrate

Penicillin G potassium


Polymyxin B sulfate

Potassium chloride

Protamine sulfate

Quinidine gluconate

Sodium nitroprusside


Vancomycin HCl

Verapamil HCl

Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B complex with C


Amphotericin B


Ampicillin sodium

Cefazolin sodium

Metoclopramide HCl

Y-Site CompatibilityHID


Acyclovir sodium





Atracurium besylate








Dexmedetomidine HCl

Diltiazem HCl


Doxorubicin HCl

Doxorubicin HCl liposome injection


Esmolol HCl

Etoposide phosphate

Fenoldopam mesylate



Fludarabine phosphate

Foscarnet sodium

Gallium nitrate

Gemcitabine HCl

Granisetron HCl

Haloperidol lactate

Heparin sodium

Hetastarch in lactated electrolyte injection (Hextend)

Hetastarch in sodium chloride 0.9%

Idarubicin HCl

Inamrinone lactate

Labetalol HCl



Melphalan HCl


Methotrexate sodium

Midazolam HCl

Milrinone lactate

Nicardipine HCl

Ondansetron HCl



Pancuronium bromide

Pemetrexed disodium

Piperacillin sodium–tazobactam sodium


Remifentanil HCl






Topotecan HCl

Vecuronium bromide

Vinorelbine tartrate



Allopurinol sodium

Amphotericin B cholesteryl sulfate complex


Cefepime HCl

Indomethacin sodium trihydrate


Warfarin sodium


Advice to Patients


Excipients in commercially available drug preparations may have clinically important effects in some individuals; consult specific product labeling for details.

Please refer to the ASHP Drug Shortages Resource Center for information on shortages of one or more of these preparations.

* available from one or more manufacturer, distributor, and/or repackager by generic (nonproprietary) name



Dosage Forms


Brand Names




300 mg/mL*

Cimetidine Hydrochloride Oral Solution


Tagamet (with parabens, povidone, and propylene glycol)


Tablets, film-coated

200 mg*

Tagamet HB 200


Tagamet HB (with povidone)


300 mg*

Tagamet (with povidone and propylene glycol)


400 mg*

Tagamet Tiltab (with povidone and propylene glycol)


800 mg*

Tagamet Tiltab (with povidone and propylene glycol; scored)


* available from one or more manufacturer, distributor, and/or repackager by generic (nonproprietary) name

Cimetidine Hydrochloride


Dosage Forms


Brand Names




300 mg (of cimetidine) per 5 mL*

Tagamet HCl (with alcohol 2.8% parabens and propylene glycol)




150 mg (of cimetidine) per mL

Cimetidine Hydrochloride Injection


Injection, for IV infusion only

150 mg (of cimetidine) per mL

Cimetidine Hydrochloride ADD-Vantage


Cimetidine Hydrochloride in Sodium Chloride


Dosage Forms


Brand Names



Injection, for IV infusion only

6 mg (of cimetidine) per mL (300, 900, or 1200 mg) in 0.9% Sodium Chloride

Cimetidine HCl in 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection (available in flexible plastic container)


AHFS DI Essentials™. © Copyright 2024, Selected Revisions December 1, 2009. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc., 4500 East-West Highway, Suite 900, Bethesda, Maryland 20814.

† Off-label: Use is not currently included in the labeling approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.


Only references cited for selected revisions after 1984 are available electronically.

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101. Peterson WL, Richardson CT. Intravenous cimetidine or two regimens of ranitidine to reduce fasting gastric acidity. Ann Intern Med. 1986; 104:505-7.

102. Lloyd CW, Martin WJ, Taylor BD et al. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cimetidine and metabolites in critically ill children. J Pediatr. 1985; 107:295-300.

103. Richter JE. Treatment of severe reflux esophagitis. Ann Intern Med. 1986; 104:588-9.

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116. Randolph WC, Peace KE, Seaman JJ et al. Bioequivalence of a new 800-mg cimetidine tablet with commercially available 400-mg tablets. Curr Ther Res. 1986; 39:767-72.

117. Lewis JH. Summary of the 30th meeting of the Food and Drug Administration Gastrointestinal Drugs Advisory Committee: January 16–17, 1986. Am J Gastroenterol. 1986; 81:495-8.

118. SmithKline Beecham. Tagamet (cimetidine tablets, cimetidine hydrochloride liquid, and cimetidine hydrochloride injection) prescribing information. Philadelphia, PA; 1994 Jul.

119. Seaman JJ (Smith Kline French Laboratories, Philadelphia, PA): Personal communication; 1985 Oct.

120. Delattre M, Dickson B. Cimetidine once daily. Lancet. 1984; 1:625.

121. Howden CW, Jones DB, Hunt RH. Nocturnal doses of H2 receptor antagonists for duodenal ulcer. Lancet. 1985; 1:647-8.

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125. Smith Laboratories, Inc. Chymodiactin (chymopapain for injection) prescribing information. Northbrook, IL; 1985 Jun.

126. Deutsch PH. Dermatographism treated with hydroxyzine and cimetidine and ranitidine. Ann Intern Med. 1984; 101:569.

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129. Irwin RB, Lieberman P, Friedman MM et al. Mediator release in local heat urticaria: protection with combined H1 and H2 antagonists. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1985; 76:35-9.

130. Farnam J, Grant JA, Lett-Brown MA et al. Combined cold- and heat-induced cholinergic urticaria. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1986; 78:353-7.

131. Duc J, Pecoud A. Successful treatment of idiopathic cold urticaria. Ann Allergy. 1986; 56:355-7.

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