NP Thyroid User Reviews & Ratings
NP Thyroid has an average rating of 3.5 out of 10 from a total of 245 reviews on 24% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 69% reported a negative experience.
Condition | Avg. Rating | Reviews | Compare |
Underactive Thyroid | 136 reviews for Underactive Thyroid | 39 medications | |
Hashimoto's disease | 78 reviews for Hashimoto's disease | 29 medications | |
Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal | 26 reviews for Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal | 29 medications | |
Thyroid Cancer | 3 reviews for Thyroid Cancer | 25 medications | |
TSH Suppression | 2 reviews for TSH Suppression | 31 medications |
Reviews for NP Thyroid
- Eli...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- November 6, 2019
For Underactive Thyroid "Do not take this medicine! Started in July. He gave me samples first. Those were good. Did blood work again, doubled dosage and got script in August. My hair dried out and started falling out. Then insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, crying for no reason, menstrual cycle irregular, throat burning, stomach hurt, headaches, very greasy, complete brain fog, itchy with bumps, could barely talk, bad back shoulder and neck pain. Barely functioning day to day, I felt empty inside, like I was losing it. I couldn't talk right. I was waking up at 12 am wide awake, couldn't relax, completely amped and exhausted at the same time. I didn't understand what was happening. I stopped taking it. Every day my brain got clearer and felt more like me, my personality came back. I have always been healthy and didn't look at the side effects. I feel stupid for not, lesson learned. This isn't ok! I'm so glad I found this site and it all makes sense now. Please report this! I am!"
- Ann...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 11, 2020
For Underactive Thyroid "I’m updating everyone from my September 2019 post under the name 'Annie 55 yrs old'. I took NP Thyroid for 1 month and 5 days before stopping the med. I had 3 months of massive hair loss and a rollercoaster of emotions. I lost 95% of my hair. It is now coming back, thankfully, and I also feel like my emotions are back in check. NP Thyroid, I believe, was the cause of my hair loss. I just received a letter from Kroger (where I had my prescription filled) that there’s a recall for certain lot numbers of NP Thyroid because testing found these lots are super potent and may have 115.0% of the labeled amount of Liothyronine (T3)! This is unbelievable and so wrong! Everyone who starts feeling worse on this med needs to stop immediately and get on something else. I made a report with the FDA and haven't heard back since last September, very disappointed with them as well. This should be rated a 0 instead of 1."
Frequently asked questions
- Den...
- February 12, 2020
For Underactive Thyroid "I’ve been on NP for 4 months. I haven’t been feeling well and have a splitting headache, so I googled side effects. I don’t know what made me think it could be thyroid medicine. For some reason, it just popped into my head. I have very bad headaches daily, bloated stomach, constipation, I’m very cold all the time, foggy, and just out of it. I’m so tired and have a 'I don’t care' attitude. I used to take levo and didn’t have any of these problems. My numbers aren’t changing, so the doctor keeps increasing the dosage. Now at 120 mg, I have such blurry vision, which is sometimes double vision. Heart palpitations. Chest pain. Joint pain. I can’t sleep. I'm glad I came here to read, I thought I must have a terrible disease. Seeing doctor in a few days."
- Van...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- February 1, 2020
For Underactive Thyroid "Just picked up my NP Thyroid and it smells horrible! Like cat urine. I will not be taking this. Already contacted my doctor's office to switch to Tirosint and Cytomel. Shame on you, NP Thyroid. I'm planning on taking this pill to get analyzed to see what is in it."
Are you taking this medicine?
Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Anonymous
- October 28, 2019
For Underactive Thyroid "I have been taking NP Thyroid for about one year now since NatureThroid became unavailable in 0.5 grain. It's been okay but the last two months I have begun feeling horrible. I have no energy, feel very tired, digestive problems, bloated painful stomach, headaches, brain fog, leg cramps, anxiety/panic attacks, depressed, complete loss of libido, fat gain around the middle, and more. In early September, I noticed my NP Thyroid refill smelled horrible. I contacted my pharmacist and he told me batches vary - it's normal. So I continued to take it, feeling worse over time. I stopped taking it for 3 days as a trial this week and felt somewhat better. I since found a few websites and blogs that discuss the issues. I am not alone. Will contact Naturopath tomorrow to see what my options are. I too, like others, feel poisoned. It seems like my reaction is more than just hypothyroid symptoms. I did not feel this badly before starting thyroid hormones."
- Bar...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- September 24, 2019
For Underactive Thyroid "Used this product for a couple of years and would have rated it a 9 until disaster struck with the August 2019 refill. It now has the worst smell and taste you can imagine. Smells like cat urine, must have a lot of ammonia which is dangerous to eat. Other people who have been very happy with this thyroid pill in the past are complaining their symptoms are coming back and some are getting quite ill and having burning throat and stomach. Something is very wrong and the company has been notified but doesn't care."
- Rev...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- December 7, 2019
For Underactive Thyroid "I have used this without a problem until I refilled my prescription in October. I have become increasingly sick since taking this bottle. It started with a flu/cold that wouldn't go away, then horrible stomach pains, and then the fatigue set in, where I literally could not get out of bed. In addition, I had abnormally high blood pressure. I went to a few doctors who had no answers until one day I noticed when taking my NP that it tasted different. I might have noticed it before but disregarded it. I did some research online and found that the specific batch I am taking which is M330E19-1 is on the STTM website list of problematic batches. I discontinued it today and will switch to Armour. It's becoming harder to get reliable desiccated thyroid."
- Mad...
- September 22, 2019
For Underactive Thyroid "I was on NP Thyroid for 3 years and finally got my life back. There’s a change in my most recent refill that has made me sick to my stomach, headache for days along with unbelievable fatigue. The pills smell like cat urine and taste the same. How dare you endanger so many people that are trying to regain their health. Do NOT buy NP Thyroid!"
- Ann...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- November 27, 2019
For Underactive Thyroid "Something is very wrong with NP Thyroid. My stomach hurts very bad on it now. My TSH blood level went from 0.14 to 9.48, T4 is 0.8 from 1.0, T3 is 97 from 114 all in 5 weeks on it. The medication smells like a cleaning product and like poison. Something is not right with this new formulation, and FDA needs to look into this medication. What are the dark specks and what is in the medication? Why did they have to change something that was already good? Now I don't know what to take."
- Kat...
- October 1, 2019
For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "I have been on the NP Thyroid medication for almost 7 years. I did pretty well on it. About 3 months ago, I started feeling really bad. To the point where I had to go to different doctors to figure out why suddenly I was feeling so bad. Well, thousands of dollars of tests later, everything is fine with me, but I still feel like garbage. Then I came across this page, and it all made sense. The NP Thyroid medication no longer looks or smells the same. I have proof, I found an old bottle of the same strength and compared the two. Something changed, and now I will have to figure out what I need to change so I can feel normal again. Shame on you NP Thyroid - Acella for messing up something that worked just fine, but most importantly, messing with people's lives and well-being. Own up to it!!!!!"
- Kas...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- November 21, 2019
For Underactive Thyroid "I was on Nature-Throid for quite a long time and was doing great until it wasn't available. Then, I switched to NP Thyroid for the past year or so. The NP Thyroid has given me horrible insomnia, heart palpitations, terrible anxiety, and many more symptoms. I was so grateful to find this site and read everyone's reviews because I didn't really put it together until I started digging. I don't know what I'm going to do now for meds, but I am not staying on this any longer. The last few batches have been really bad, and I've been feeling much worse. Thank you all for writing!"
- Jas...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- April 11, 2020
For Underactive Thyroid "I've been on Armour Thyroid for years and felt fairly good. My doctor switched me to NP Thyroid recently because Armour is no longer covered by insurance. NP Thyroid is awful. Not only did it cause some thyroid symptoms to return (trouble waking up in the mornings, extreme fatigue, depression, weight gain, and irritability to name a few), but it also caused new symptoms. My stomach hurt a lot with acid reflux symptoms, and I had constant mucus in my throat, which created a chronic cough, to the point where I had to clear my throat every 15 minutes. After being back on Armour for a couple of weeks now, all of the symptoms/side effects have disappeared, and I feel good again."
- Aim...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 1, 2021
For Underactive Thyroid "Doesn’t even deserve a 1. Do yourself a favor, and don’t bother with this awful “medicine,” NP Thyroid! It changed for the worse in the fall of 2019 and hasn’t been fixed since. Keeps getting recalled also. Most recently, this past month in late April 2021, it’s recalled again, this time for sub-potency! Do a search for it. You’ve been warned! Acella can’t get it right, and it’s just not a reliable choice. Go with brand-name Armour Thyroid instead (it’s literally the only one left that isn’t horrible), or get a script for 2 synthetics (Tirosint/Tirosint-SOL are the cleanest T4) along with T3 (Cytomel/liothyronine, or compounded synthetic) to balance the thyroid. OR if Naturethroid/WP ever come back on the market, try one of those."
- Rob...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- August 28, 2019
For Hashimoto's disease "I am in a Hashimoto's support group, and there's a big red flag right now about Acella's NP Thyroid. People are reporting a return to hypo symptoms and that the pills have changed in smell, appearance, and taste. I know I was feeling great, but as of my mid-summer refill, I have gone downhill with symptoms. Acella says they haven't changed anything. Then why are the pills different (size and have flecks in appearance)? This would be the 4th NDT thyroid medication to suddenly change, sending goodness knows how many people back into sickness. Don't let this go unresearched!"
- Kin...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- October 10, 2019
For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "I started on levothyroxine. It never helped, so I switched to NP Thyroid. I felt more energized and didn’t fall asleep everywhere. Recently, I started to feel tired again, falling asleep at stoplights, feeling bloated, even if I didn’t eat, feeling like I can’t catch my breath, increased anxiety, and I have this pain in the right side of my neck I’ve never had before. I noticed when I got my refill of NP Thyroid in September 2019, the color, smell, and taste were noticeably different. All these new symptoms started with this new prescription; nothing else has changed. The drug company may claim it’s still of as high a standard as before, even with their new supplier, but clearly, something is wrong if many people have the same experience I have. Let’s make this about helping your patients feel better instead of any other reason that’s been concocted; go back to the old version. I’ll be switching to something different because NP Thyroid is no longer a product worth buying."
- Abb...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 5, 2019
For Hashimoto's disease "Switched from Nature Throid to NP Thyroid last summer and was delighted, it worked great. However, this new refill, obtained fall of 2019, has been terrible. My body is exhausted, my brain non-functional, all my symptoms came roaring back with a vengeance. Scary. I read somewhere they were getting their raw material (pig thyroid) from a new supplier, which clearly is not working. Please get it together, NP, you are losing customers in droves."
- des...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- December 7, 2019
For Hashimoto's disease "Manufacturer clearly changed the formulation. Ingredients are different, and it doesn't work--I hate when they do this. In 2017-18, they did it to NatureThroid, and before that, they changed Armour several times. People rely on this medication, and manufacturers could care less! Awful!"
- RCK...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- June 1, 2020
For Underactive Thyroid "Was on Armour for 10 yrs with good results, good consistent labs. Last year, the pharmacy refilled with NP Thyroid on and off, claiming availability issues, then insurance denial. So, in November 2019, decided to just keep the script NP. Labs last year not as good. In January 2020, had a horrible episode of nausea, dizziness, increased BP, irregular pulse, and flu-like symptoms. Took a few days to realize intensity increased a couple hours after dose. Stopped for a few days, then took a partial dose for a month, noted puffy face, so went back to full dose. This past week, symptoms recurred along with a very bloated, gassy stomach, constant belching, scary high BP, palpitations, and dizziness. Ended up in the doctor's office. EKG showed PACs. My weight also went up 10 lbs past year. Just picked up Armour, paid out of pocket, hoping all these symptoms disappear. See many here had similar experiences."
- Sch...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 23, 2021
For Underactive Thyroid "I was put on this after Nature Throid was recalled. I ended up with atrial fibrillation. I stopped the drug. A cardiologist told me to restart it. I then had hyperthyroid symptoms after four days when I am actually hypothyroid. This drug needs to be recalled. Nature Throid never caused me any problems. It just did its job."
- Mis...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 17, 2021
For Underactive Thyroid "Have been on thyroid meds for years and have taken many brands due to insurance changes and product unavailability. Some were better than others for sure. New insurance would not cover the Armour that worked best for me, so they substituted NP Thyroid last November. Since then, life has been bad. The pill does smell like cat pee! I have had every symptom listed above and have spent hundreds of dollars bouncing from specialist to specialist. I have gone from being a very, very healthy person to someone who can barely function and can't work. I have gained 8 lbs and hardly eat due to stomach issues. Found out today that this med has been recalled several times in the last few months. This manufacturer needs to STOP making this medication altogether! They can't get it right! BEWARE!"
- Buc...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 19, 2019
For Underactive Thyroid "I’ve been on Acella thyroid medication for several years, and it really helped me. I had it refilled approximately a week ago. I always take this medication sublingually. However, the first dose tasted so bad that I immediately spit it out and knew something was really wrong. Went online and saw all the posts from others suffering with the same issues. Since I was so afraid my hypothyroid symptoms would return, I forced myself to keep taking it. However, it got to the point where I was so sick that I couldn’t get out of bed. Today, I decided that I couldn’t tolerate another dose and would speak with my doctor next week. It’s amazing how much better I feel! I don’t feel nauseous and have enough energy to at least get out of bed and function. I don’t know what’s going on with this company, but this medication felt like it was literally poisoning me!"
- aka...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 20, 2021
For Underactive Thyroid "Last week, my pharmacy gave me NP Thyroid instead of regularly prescribed Armour Thyroid. At first, I noticed the strong smell and taste of mildew/cat wee. I checked the label on my prescription and noticed it wasn’t Armour. A week into taking this, I noticed my body aching and heart palpitations. Then my heart started pounding, and I got all jittery. My hands and knees were shaking, and I felt weak with a headache and brain fog. I called my pharmacist, and after talking to them, they exchanged that medication for my regular Armour. After looking into this medication, I found out it has been recalled multiple times, and my symptoms were identical to other multiple people's reviews. Please do not take this medicine. It is terrible."
- Car...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- August 14, 2019
For Hashimoto's disease "I'm here today to find out if anyone else has noticed a urine-like taste/smell from their NP Thyroid tabs lately? I've been taking NP Thyroid for years now, and I feel as well on this almost as well as I did on Nature Throid, which is my overall favorite. But I never tasted this before. My thyroid journey: Nature Throid was unavailable in my area for quite a while, and I did Armour, but it was expensive, so I was offered NP. All of the natural options have made me feel better than Synthroid ever did in the 17 years I took that. No one checked my free T3 back then, nor told me I had an autoimmune disorder. My doctor just said you have an underactive thyroid, here, take Synthroid."
- PM ...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 1, 2019
For Hashimoto's disease "If I could list -1 as a rating, I would. Proceed with caution with this medication. I did not know what was happening to me until I spoke with two mutual friends over the holiday weekend. The confusion, depression, exhaustion, unable to sleep, and rapid heartbeat are the short list. I started NP Thyroid in May of 2019 and reached out to my doctor to switch me back to my RX in October. I've been on my old script for less than a month, but my symptoms are still present. Gained 15 lbs quickly, and joint pains are overwhelming. My life has been affected! Be careful... please!"
More about NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated)
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- Drug class: thyroid drugs
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Patient resources
Other brands
Armour Thyroid, Nature-Throid, Westhroid, WP Thyroid
Professional resources
Other brands
Armour Thyroid, Niva Thyroid, APur Thyroid
For Underactive Thyroid "DO NOT TAKE THIS. I was on Nature-Throid with no problems for about a year before being switched to this garbage due to recall. I took NP Thyroid for about a week and ended up in the back of an ambulance this morning because my husband thought I was having a heart attack. I am a 30-year-old female athlete with no underlying health conditions other than an underactive thyroid. The past week on it has been a blur. Brain fog, irritability, heart palpitations, achy body and joints, breathlessness, migraines, nausea, dizziness, extreme fatigue, and anxiety. I don't know what's in this stuff, but it needs to be pulled. There is something very wrong with NP Thyroid. Stay far away from this stuff."