Spironolactone and Tiredness: What Users Say
Brand names: Aldactone, CaroSpir
Reviews for Spironolactone
- Anonymous
- March 24, 2012
Aldactone (spironolactone) for Heart Failure "Didn't work for me. Muscle aches, itch, and most importantly, it dropped my blood pressure too low along with the other medication I am taking. Pressure was 87/54, normally I am 130/70. I was exhausted, tired, weak, and constantly falling asleep. This medication was not for me. Called the doctor, he told me to stop taking it, and this was at 1/2 pill dosage."
- Nic...
- February 10, 2020
For Hirsutism "I started spironolactone 3 weeks ago at 100 mg. These past weeks, I have experienced nausea, tiredness, headaches, and dizziness. 2 days ago, I actually fainted and fractured my jaw by smashing it on a counter I fell on when fainting. I am now undergoing surgery for my jaw and having teeth removed. I have never experienced this before. My blood pressure has gone from 120/85 to 85/55 in the past 2 days. Spironolactone has caused me new medical conditions."
Frequently asked questions
- Winlevi vs Spironolactone: How do they compare?
- What is the strength of CaroSpir (spironolactone) oral suspension?
- Fin...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 17, 2022
For High Blood Pressure "Took half of a 25 mg tablet with food. Within 6 hours, experienced bloating, loss of appetite, tummy pains, and nausea. I started reaching heavily, uncontrollable, then diarrhea (like a tap had been turned on). This was for three days and nights. My feet felt numb, and I had terrible leg and foot cramp. I was extremely tired and thirsty. I am now on day seven, diarrhea finished but left with back pain and headache. Give it time and rest. All this was with half of a 25 mg tablet. Unbelievable, so dangerous."
- Jew...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 19, 2013
For Acne "My doctor prescribed spironolactone (50 mg per day). It seemed to work rather quickly, and I was thrilled. However, I have gained 11 lbs in one month, my hair seems to be thinning, always tired, double cycle in one month! So I have stopped as of 3 weeks ago, now my face is breaking out again, but I have lost 9 lbs and seem to have more energy. I am so frustrated! I am 45 and should not have to deal with this cystic acne."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Tas...
- January 31, 2020
For Acne "Update 2 (original post 2020-01-12): Ok! So I decided to take the 50 mg once a day. I'm over the tired feeling and feeling sluggish. I just couldn't handle two a day. I'm 3 weeks in on this medication plus my tretinoin cream every night, and I am seeing a difference in my skin. My scars and pimples are fading slowly but surely, and my face looks amazing with makeup now! I'm so glad I didn't quit taking this. If you feel like it's too much, listen to your body and cut back if you can't handle it. I will update again in a few weeks. Good luck to you, Spiro users, and hang in there, it does take time."
- Mim...
- February 11, 2018
For Hirsutism "57. Spiro for 2 months. PCOS. Bleached hair from 11-17. Shaved from 2017 until now. Black and white course on all body parts including toes, fingers, beard, breast, upper thigh, pubic area, arms, eyebrows, back, buttocks, abdomen. On Metformin for years for mild diabetes. 80 extra pounds, but not until the last 20 years, but still hairy. Post-menopausal. No high blood tests, probably due to menopause per Dr. 50 mg 2x a day. Side effects 1 mo: nausea, headaches, tiredness. Gained 7 lbs in 2 mos. Pores on nose smaller. Drier skin and hair. No reduction in acne or hair. Hair on face so coarse it is painful to rub it. Feel like a man. Has stopped me from ever dating again due to not wanting to shave everything anymore. Depressed (was before). Asking to up dosage."
- its...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 12, 2025
For Hirsutism "My doctor added it for my facial hair about a year ago, but it just puts me in a brain fog and makes me pee all night and hasn't done anything for the facial hair. I'm getting really sick of feeling so tired after taking it and getting up all night to pee and thinking of just quitting it."
- Arw...
- February 5, 2018
For Gender Dysphoria "Worked great for a while, then I started losing weight, feeling tired, trouble swallowing, etc. My GP and the multiple specialists she sent me to told me it was an eating disorder and referred me to an eating disorder clinic... honestly don't trust MOST doctors after this. It turned out spironolactone was the cause, because when I asked the endocrinologist (not the one that originally prescribed Spiro for me) prescribing my meds to switch me to an alternative, the side effects went away, and now I'm able to eat the same portions as those around me. If this medication works for you, great. But if you do start feeling unusually tired, bloated, can't eat, can't sleep, and have trouble swallowing... GET OFF OF IT! It's not worth it."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 26, 2013
For Acne "Update from 8/26/13. My 16-year-old has been on spironolactone for under 3 months. Bye-bye concealer and makeup. Skin is now clear on the face, and having to wear makeup is now an option versus a must. THANK GOD, self-esteem is back. She went off the pill, she had side effects. So far, side effects from spironolactone are small. She is more tired than usual. Also has 2 periods a month. The doctor said it should stabilize in the next few months. Her skin is truly clear. Not just sort of, but clear. Let it work and be patient. Can take 4 to 6 months to work."
- Tas...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 24, 2020
For Acne "UPDATE: Been on the Spiro for 2 weeks now, and the side effects are awful! I feel so tired most of the time, with absolutely zero energy. I was hoping this medication would be right for me and that I could stick with it, but I don't know about that anymore. I am nauseous most of the day, and I'm actually supposed to take 50 mg b.i.d. (twice daily), but I just can't. So it looks like I will be going on Accutane in the near future. I have noticed breast tenderness, and they do feel fuller, but I can't handle the 'no energy' part. It works for some people, I guess, but definitely not for me. I'm sure it takes a while to see results too, like I said, I'm 2 weeks in, and my face is worse now than before. Good luck to the rest of you. I hope it works for you."
- Nov...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 9, 2017
For Hirsutism "Been on this drug only for a week, and I have noticed a decrease in facial hair. Started in conjunction with Ortho Cyclen, though. Have had the following side effects—very, very tired, heartburn, nausea, lack of appetite, vivid dreams, and peeing a lot. I only take 25 mg once per day. Even with these side effects, I look forward to seeing how it goes since I am seeing an improvement in only a week."
- SHa...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 15, 2018
For Acne "Best pill for acne! I experienced no purge. Was a bit tired for the first week and peed a little more, but that's about it. Started working right away pretty much, and I didn't even think I had hormonal acne! I was doing the natural route for a bit but saw no improvements and gave up. I was seeing a naturopath, and it showed I was sensitive to sugar, wheat, and dairy, so I was eating a strict diet. If this is you, then it is probably hormonal! So happy I can eat whatever now and not have to worry. I have been on it for only 2 months also."
- Meg...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 13, 2016
For Acne "Started taking this drug about 3 months ago. It took about a month to completely clear up my chest and back acne. It had a significant effect on my facial acne. The cysts only last a couple of days now, and my face is noticeably clearer. Very happy with this result! The only side effect I personally am not super happy about is the weight loss. I am 5'8" and usually 125-130 pounds. Three months into this drug, I now weigh 114 pounds and feel very tired all the time. I have tried drinking more water than usual and have increased my sodium intake, which is helping with the lightheadedness. Otherwise, I have not changed my eating habits, and the pounds keep coming off. Not sure how to combat this besides stuffing myself."
- Blo...
- October 15, 2019
For Acne "Started taking 100 mg spironolactone in June 2019 and saw visible results in my acne in 5 days of taking it. I suffered from the extremely tiny bumps all over my face, not really pimples but under-the-skin bumps that had to be pushed out or they would remain regardless. My face routine: any wash or water and extreme moisture, Cerave, Aloe Vera, and Vaseline! This is the only tough moisture barrier for the dry TX winter. Main side effect for me was exhaustion; sleep for 4 extra hours and sleep all throughout the night. I began to take it at night. Now on 150 mg in response to being taken off of antibiotics. Miracle drug, I am the only one in my family that suffers from acne; my entire family, including extended, is known for their porcelain brown skin. Spironolactone has brought my period to be more regular. In addition to that, I have noticed some boob growth, and they are sore at all times; not an unbearable amount, but noticeable. Though I don't plan to be on it forever, I would do it all over again."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 30, 2017
For Acne "At first, I thought this was a miracle drug because it cleared up my hormonal cystic acne FAST. My skin was flawless after just one month. However, the side effects were terrible. I was so lethargic I could barely do anything, I would sleep most of the day, always lightheaded, my cycle was completely out of whack, and I gained weight like crazy. I just didn’t feel right at all. When I went back to my doctor, she said Spiro can’t be the culprit of all my side effects (mainly the weight gain), and so she kept me on it but lowered it from 100mg to 50mg. I disagreed and stopped taking it. After a week of being off of it, my energy and happiness totally returned. My skin is no longer perfect, but I’d rather have acne than be fat and lifeless."
- Acn...
- November 30, 2016
For Acne "I took Spiro for a total of 6 months for moderate hormonal acne around the jawline. I started off taking 25 mg for the first 6 weeks and had a bad breakout, then I increased to 50 mg and had another bad breakout. My skin only got worse using this medication and scarred easily, and I got acne in places that I never got before. Also, in the beginning, I felt very tired and in a brain fog, but got used to it, I guess. Since I have been off the medication for only 5 days, I feel so much more awake without it. I was wondering why I was getting so forgetful, and now I realize it was the brain fog from the medication. It also made my skin very saggy, and since being off it for only 5 days, it has already improved. The only plus for me was I lost 3 pounds."
- Thr...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 31, 2022
For Acne "The good: it will give you very clear skin if you stick with it. My derm put me on this + a topical. The first couple of months were rough, but it’s been 5 months, and my skin looks better than it has in years. I used to get bad hormonal breakouts and then a few random breakouts as well, lots of PIH, and my breakouts took forever to heal. My skin looks 1000% better, but it did take a good 3.5 months to really see the difference, and now it’s blatant how much better it looks overall. It’s the first time in a long time that I feel comfortable without face makeup on. The bad: I have ZERO sex drive, and I have always had a healthy libido. I have slowly been putting on weight (1-2 lbs a month it seems), and I just feel sluggish and tired/achy/moody and bloated. I am going to ask to stop this med and pray the acne doesn’t come raging back."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- January 23, 2020
For Acne "I was on Spiro for 10 months. I probably didn't need to go on it as I would only get cystic pimples around my cycle. My issue was whiteheads, and my derm told me Spiro is more for cystic acne, but I went on it anyway, desperate. It definitely smoothed and brightened my complexion, but as the doctor said, I still got whiteheads, and my skin was never really 100% clear, which is the result I was hoping for. It also made me very tired, dizzy, and I had CRAZY mood swings for the whole time I was on it. I was taking 50mg a day and phased myself off it. I did 25mg for about a month, then cut that in half until it was all gone. I was extremely nervous as I heard it can come back once you stop it, but I think the phasing out helped. My skin is clear for the most part, and I am in a much happier mood all around and have way more energy. Wouldn't recommend unless you really have the right acne for it."
- Ste...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- November 11, 2022
For Acne "I took this for 2 years for hormonal acne. My side effects: lack of appetite and weight loss, feeling tired/weak all the time, sleep schedule became a mess, massive brain fog and memory issues, hair loss. Heart racing, shakiness, lightheaded when I would stand. UTIs, peeing frequently but barely anything would come out. Zero sex drive/dry as the Sahara Desert. I stopped experiencing ovulation symptoms, was spotting all throughout the month, periods were super light even when given progesterone to see if it would help. One of the scariest side effects was double vision, which is how I discovered this medicine was causing so many issues. I went to an endocrinologist because I thought I had hyperthyroidism/Graves' disease. I learned my cortisol levels were high and that my cholesterol was off the charts (I was only 86 lbs). Within 2 weeks of quitting this medicine, all of the side effects had gone away. It worked for acne, although I would still get 1-2 pimples before my period."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 19, 2018
For Acne "I've only taken about a week's worth of this medication, but I've experienced dizziness, tiredness, and cramps, which is the worst. It feels like menstrual pain or contractions every 5 minutes, like I'm about to have a baby or something. My menstrual cycle is usually on the 4th day, very light. I'm still bleeding on the fourth day. I took painkillers and am still experiencing terrible cramps. This is not for me, I'll take the acne any day."
- Tas...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 12, 2020
For Acne "I have been on spironolactone 25 mg 1x a day for 1 week, then up to 2x a day for just 4 days now. I have noticed that I've been peeing a little bit more than normal, and I am exhausted, and I feel nauseated for the most part. I'm going to hang in there and keep taking it unless it gets to the point I can't stand it. My face must already be going through the dreaded purge everyone talks about because I have several cystic pimples, closed comedones, and painful, itchy pustules as well. I am also on tretinoin 0.025% every night and clindamycin during the day (which makes my skin very oily, so I decided to only use it when my skin felt dry). She also gave me a selenium sulfate face wash to use once a day. I will update once a month has passed to let you all know of any changes. I'm going to hang in there and see if this medicine works for me. I'm hoping and praying it does."
- Qas...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 27, 2018
For Acne "Today is my Day 15 taking this medicine. I just want to leave a record here for further reference. Thanks to those who left the positive comments here who support me in continuing to take this medicine. Since I started taking the medicine, the drugs have caused me more frequent urination than before. My face now has new small pimples all over, even on my rare forehead and chin, one or two behind. I also have lethargy, emotional pessimism, etc. Wait. My face has been plagued by acne for four years, and I have been troubled by the fact that it did not break out before. Most of my problems are on my cheeks, all of which are closed comedones. I will continue to take it because this is my last hope. I hope to keep a progress report on how it goes."
- Cla...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 24, 2020
For Acne "I am 18 years old and was put on this medication about a month ago. I have PCOS, but was put on this medication for hormonal acne on my chin and jawline. I went on Accutane when I was 15, and it cleared up my acne so well until I left for college this year. I take two 25 mg spiro pills a day. It had helped my acne a little bit, but the side effects outweigh this so much. I am EXTREMELY tired. I have trouble getting out of bed, and I am getting 9+ hours of sleep a night. It’s not normal for me to feel this tired. I’m going to try it for a couple more weeks, but I can’t continue to be this tired every day."
- Jbl...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 15, 2021
For Acne "I’ve started spiro a month ago, a 100 mg. I was so tired, lightheaded, and nauseous I couldn’t take it. After reading up on it, I realized it’s actually a blood pressure medication. I checked my blood pressure and realized the medication was causing it to drop super low, which is why I was feeling so fatigued, lightheaded, etc. I was actually embarrassed I didn’t read up on it prior, but my derm never mentioned it, only really saying it could make me pee a lot. I then halved my dose, and my blood pressure went back into a normal range and removed the fatigued/lightheadedness. However, on 50 mg, I was still feeling nauseous during the day, so I moved to taking it before I go to bed and found it actually seems to help me fall asleep and only causes me to get up once in the night to pee. I’m in the purging stage now... not sure how long this lasts, but I’m going to stick it out to see if I can get the results everyone is raving about."
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- Drug class: aldosterone receptor antagonists
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- En español
Aldactone (spironolactone) for Heart Failure "Didn't work for me. Muscle aches, itch, and most importantly, it dropped my blood pressure too low along with the other medication I am taking. Pressure was 87/54, normally I am 130/70. I was exhausted, tired, weak, and constantly falling asleep. This medication was not for me. Called the doctor, he told me to stop taking it, and this was at 1/2 pill dosage."