Spironolactone and Acne: What Users Say
Brand names: Aldactone, CaroSpir
Reviews for Spironolactone
- Cas...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- March 3, 2021
For Acne "I wrote my experiences a while back about how I was doing so great on 200mg a day spironolactone for 2 years. It took almost 6 months for my skin to completely clear up in the beginning. Then, I started having bad breakouts again for over 6 months. I finally found out the reason I started breaking out again. I read online on the spironolactone site under the drug and food interactions that table salt, in large amounts of all things, can decrease the medication's effectiveness. Spironolactone makes me crave salt badly, and in the past, I was using sea salt which didn't cause any issues with the spironolactone. I started using table salt again, and that is why my face went nuts. When I switched back to using sea salt, my bad acne went away, and I now have clear skin again. Just sharing this in case others might be having problems and they are eating lots of table salt."
- ano...
- June 25, 2014
For Acne "Wanted to give an update on the review I wrote 10 months ago. If you are an adult female with acne involving the jawline, hairline, neck, back, chest, or upper arms, there is a great chance it could be hormonal. I had mild to moderate acne that suddenly worsened at the same time I started having irregular periods. It literally went from controllable to a disaster. I started researching and asked my doctor about trying spironolactone. This was almost exactly one year ago. The first month consisted of a nasty initial breakout, but following that, I saw gradual improvement and am 100% clear for the first time in my adult life. My life is completely different. I used to hide. I can wear any clothing I want now. I will NEVER give up this medication."
Frequently asked questions
- Winlevi vs Spironolactone: How do they compare?
- What is the strength of CaroSpir (spironolactone) oral suspension?
- Spo...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- May 25, 2014
For Acne "I took spironolactone for 3 years for moderate to severe cystic acne on the lower part of my face. I had suffered from acne to varying degrees for about 12 years and had tried most available treatments, including IBs, oral contraceptives and Roaccutane. Some of these had temporary benefits. With spironolactone, I had a bad initial breakout in the 1st month on 100mg, then my skin cleared up almost completely over the next 2 months. I increased to 125mg per day for about 1 year, then lowered to 100mg and only taking it 4 or 5 days per week. I had flawless skin. When I stopped, my acne returned after about 6 months. I have now started again, and my doctor has recommended continuing until menopause. I am 41. I have no serious side effects."
- Kat...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- September 18, 2020
For Acne "I was put on Spiro for acne. My face was the WORST the first 2-3 months after starting on it. My face had never had that many pimples/redness on it. However, I decided to stick it out. After 7-8 months on Spiro, my face is completely clear! I almost never get any pimples anymore, and my face feels soft and smooth!"
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 10, 2015
For Acne "I wanted to share my experience with others who suffer from acne because these reviews were the only thing that kept me hopeful during my initial stages of spironolactone. I'm a 30-year-old woman who suffered from back acne since the age of 21. I tried EVERYTHING (besides Accutane) to clear it up. Nothing got rid of my problem. I felt like the older I got, the worse it got. I had cystic acne all on my upper back, neck, and shoulders. It was embarrassing and humiliating. I've been on spironolactone for 3 months and I could cry, I'm so happy. The initial breakout was bad, but I stuck with it and I'm so happy I did. I'd say I'm 90% clear. If you are a woman suffering from hormonal acne, you need to try this, it's a lifesaver!"
- Anonymous
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- April 22, 2015
For Acne "I never write reviews, but for this medication, I feel obligated to warn about the side effects. I was a healthy 22-year-old and started getting cystic acne from the Mirena. I then was put on 75 mg of Spiro every day. All was well for the first few months, and then I started noticing progressively worse digestive issues. I couldn't eat more than a handful at a time, and some days it would hurt so badly to eat that I wouldn't. I lost 25 lbs in a matter of 2 months and was diagnosed with gastroparesis about 7 months into taking Spiro. After I stopped the meds, I was able to eat again within weeks. Be careful, and if you start having stomach issues, please consider that Spiro could be making you sick."
- bol...
- March 9, 2020
For Acne "Started in July 2019, taking 50 mg. After 3 months (Oct 2019), switched to 100 mg per day. I had a breakout each time, which lasted a few weeks. It definitely got worse before better. After 4 months on 100 mg (Feb 2020), I switched to 150 mg per day (100 in the AM and 50 at night). Had a little breakout from increasing dosage. Overall, my skin is far less oily, and I haven't had a painful cyst in months. I do get a few breakouts here, but I think my body is still adjusting to the medication. I have not had a single migraine since I started the medication (used to get multiple a month around ovulation and period and would have to take Imitrex). I use benzoyl peroxide wash in the morning (every couple of days I use Cerave SA renewing cleanser for exfoliation), followed by Cetaphil lotion and Elta MD sunscreen. At night, I wash with Neutrogena gentle hydrating cleanser, followed by Cetaphil lotion. Right before bed, I apply Tretinoin 0.025 gel."
- Sam...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 11, 2013
For Acne "If you have acne that is likely hormone-related (if it's not, then this medicine won't help you) and you are taking spironolactone but are getting impatient, DON'T GIVE UP!! I have been taking spironolactone 50 mg/day for about 4 months and finally started seeing results a few weeks ago. It really can help you, just be patient! My life has changed because of this medicine. No more painful, incessant cysts on my chin, no more piling on makeup trying to hide my acne, no more shutting myself in my house because I don't want to see anyone. I did have a BAD initial breakout, but now that I am seeing results, it was so worth it."
- mtg...
- September 20, 2014
For Acne "I started taking spironolactone over a year and a half ago for moderate-severe acne that had been giving me awful self-esteem. I was afraid to go out, and I was so depressed I was not myself anymore. Spironolactone has given me back my life. I didn't think it would ever be possible for me to feel pretty without makeup, but I'm starting to. I did have a TERRIBLE breakout about a month after starting spironolactone that almost pushed me over the edge; it was miserable. But it cleared and has continued to do so. It took at least 3 months to see the results I hoped for, but it has just gotten better and better. I'm just hoping this is a good solution for me long-term; I want kids someday, and I know I will have to stop this med before pregnancy."
- Hea...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- April 22, 2015
For Acne "After suffering from cystic acne my whole life (I'm 33) and using salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide for years to manage it, I noticed my skin was noticeably aging more than my twin sister, who wasn't on these products. After reading Clear Skin Forever and the dangers of those products, I took myself off and immediately broke out. The breakouts got worse for several months until I saw a dermatologist who put me on Spiro. I've been on it for almost a year, and it changed my life. It takes a while for everything to heal, especially cystic acne and scarring, but my skin looks amazing now. I started noticing the benefits after a month, and it's gotten continually better. Stay away from Clean and Clear and Clearasil products and see a dermatologist."
- Joj...
- December 12, 2017
For Alopecia "I have excessive hair loss, and it’s been like that for months, maybe a year now. Anyway, I first wanted to try natural stuff, but it never stopped the hair loss. After months of hair loss, I decided to ask my doctor what medicine would reduce the hair loss caused by high testosterone, and she gave me spironolactone 50 mg. I have been Googling about it before she gave it to me for months, and based on people's experience and the comments here, I was excited, like finally something would stop it. I only took it for 5 days, and OMG the hair shedding I had every day was crazy, clumps and clumps. I stopped it, and the crazy shedding was still there for two weeks. Plus, I hardly get acne, and I got like 5 spots on each cheek. Obviously, people are different, but it didn’t work for me."
- Jew...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 19, 2013
For Acne "My doctor prescribed spironolactone (50 mg per day). It seemed to work rather quickly, and I was thrilled. However, I have gained 11 lbs in one month, my hair seems to be thinning, always tired, double cycle in one month! So I have stopped as of 3 weeks ago, now my face is breaking out again, but I have lost 9 lbs and seem to have more energy. I am so frustrated! I am 45 and should not have to deal with this cystic acne."
- Ano...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 5, 2013
For Acne "Give this medication time to work. I have been suffering with acne since I was 12 years old, and I am 39 now. I started spironolactone 8 weeks ago. I would say that the bumpiness in my skin improved within the first week. But the breakout during the 2nd week and the residual mess during week 3 had me wearing turtlenecks. But after that, I saw nothing but improvement. Less and less acne, skin smoothing out, less oiliness. Now I am about 95% clear, and I only expect it to get even better!"
- cal...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- July 8, 2015
For Acne "Months 3-5 were very difficult for me. I had been very optimistic after reading reviews, and I wanted a quick fix after trying everything else. Sometimes my acne seemed even worse than before I started treatment. Thankfully, I didn't give up, and it seemed like one day, overnight, my face stopped producing acne!! I guess that it just took 6 months for my hormones to adjust to treatment and balance out. But my skin has never looked better in my whole life, and I am so grateful and thankful for this medication and that I stuck with it! I don't wake up anymore expecting to see a new cyst on my face, I can just live my life not worrying about my skin anymore! Took 6 months, but it's the only thing that has worked, and my skin is CLEAR for the 1st time!"
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 15, 2014
For Acne "I was taking Bactrim DS prior to spironolactone (50 mg 2x/day) and clindamycin from November to April, but I started to build resistance around March and waited until it just stopped working. I recently went to my dermatologist about a week ago, and from the large painful cysts all around my mouth and chin, he told the PA and me to prescribe spironolactone as it is hormonal. I wish I had gone on this sooner! The persistent cysts are shrinking and drying! I had an initial breakout (still have a little), but I am keeping a positive attitude, which helps a ton. This will be the medicine that cures my acne of 9 years, I just know it. I'm glad my dermatologist stopped talking about Accutane with me, this is a much safer alternative if you have persistent hormonal acne."
- The...
- September 12, 2015
For Acne "Like many of the women posting here, I have used almost every prescription and non-prescription acne treatment over the last 15 years. I was prescribed spironolactone, 50 mg a day at the end of April 2015. The first 3 months were horrendous. My cheeks and sometimes forehead broke out so badly, and the pimples lasted for weeks or months and left red scars. I was so depressed, I came on these sites for answers. I found hope when others stated that it took a while to start working. I was noticing a decrease in the amount of oil my skin produced. I can honestly say that as of today, 9/12/15, my skin is amazing. I have a few light red scars, but other than that, my skin feels amazing, no pimples, very little oil. I hope it stays this way!"
- Bee...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- July 16, 2019
For Acne "Girls, please be careful. Spiro was my miracle drug for the first year. But now after 2 years, it's not working, my body has gotten used to it. It's aged me so much my face has sunken in, I feel so ugly. It's made me anorexic from dehydration (I drink 3 liters a day). You can see all my veins. It also caused extremely purple veins all over my legs. I'm depressed, and all my muscles ache. Plus, acne comes straight back when you stop. It might be worth it for a few months, but it's not worth it in the long run. :( FYI, I'm a 27-year-old."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 4, 2012
For Acne "Only used it for 2 weeks, and people are already like... WOW... it's crazy how much better your skin looks. I know I won't see the full effects for another few months, but I have noticed that my face is not nearly as oily. It's more normal now, before, by the end of the day, I used to be able to use 5 of those Clean & Clear oil-absorbing sheets! My redness has gone down a lot too, my acne was crazy. Not all over cystic, but it looked like a rash but wasn't rosacea. And now it's getting better! Yay! I am excited."
- Dt2...
- September 5, 2020
For Acne "I was on spironolactone when I was about 14 and going through puberty, which brought some unfortunate acne. My skin cleared, and I got off of it up until 2 and a half weeks ago when my dermatologist put me back on it at 50 mg. I started dealing with hormonal acne that was making me self-conscious. My skin purged for 2 weeks, and literally at the 2-week mark, bam, my skin cleared up so fast. Everyone is different, but please stick with it because it will get better, and you can feel confident about your skin again."
- Kir...
- December 8, 2013
For Acne "I have been on this three months and one week. Boy, am I frustrated. I am on 100 mgs a day. I thought things were getting better, yet here I am with cysts, pimples, and red marks. I'm also on Solodyn for almost 2 months and using Tazorac, and I picked up benzoyl peroxide spot treatment. I just want to feel normal and pretty and not have huge painful ones just pop up on my neck and jawline. Even when they go away, I'm left with red marks. I've begged my dermatologist to raise my spironolactone, but he won't. I'm so confused on what to do. And I just thought I'd have better skin by now. Without makeup, all I want to do is hide and cry. And the pain from the big ones. I am 26, with a four-year-old, and should be enjoying life, and instead, I feel depressed and defeated."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- June 6, 2017
For Acne "I have always had annoying acne, which wasn't terrible but wasn't fixed by birth control. I quit taking birth control, and my doctor prescribed Spiro instead. I've been on it for almost two years, with only one or two little pimples per cycle. I also noticed that the switch gave me a slow, steady body change. I've lost about 15 pounds over the two years, without any other changes in diet or exercise. It made me a little thirstier than usual, so I'm drinking more water than I used to. No other terrible side effects like others have reported, though. Overall, very happy with the switch and would recommend for sure."
- Eli...
- December 10, 2015
For Acne "I decided on Mirena as my birth control of choice, and I thought I'd found my match after some bad side effects with Yaz. I loved having an IUD, and for the most part, I did not have any side effects... besides the acne. Insane breakouts that were debilitating. I thought this was behind me being 23, and as a saleswoman, it was embarrassing. I'd tried everything under the sun in my teens to no avail. My derm put me on spironolactone in September 2015, and my skin experienced a miracle. My face is glowing, I still have some breakouts around my period, but besides that, I am impressed. I've also lost weight (125 lb to 116 lb), which is amazing, and I can even see hair growth in my thin spots. This drug is a miracle, and I will preach it from the rooftops!!!!"
- Liv...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- January 19, 2017
For Hirsutism "I had a stroke after being on low-dose birth control for five years, Apri. At the age of 41, my docs immediately took me off all estrogen and my BCs, but my face began to react violently. I never had teenage acne, but this adult acne was the worst! Nothing worked, plus I had hair on my chin and upper lip, as well as a few strands in between my breasts. Needless to say, it was extremely embarrassing to meet people in that condition. I went to my derm, and she looked at my thinning scalp and my werewolfish chin and immediately prescribed 25 mg of spironolactone. She said that she couldn't promise anything, but together with 1% tretinoin cream, we could try, and a RX for 0.05% fluocinonide, we could try to regrow my lost hair."
- Lil...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 1, 2021
For Alopecia "I've been on spiro for about 6 months. The reason I got on was because of my genetic alopecia, and so far, I’ve had a lot of new hairs grow, but not many where I need them to grow (a specific spot). However, my acne (I’m 15) has almost completely gone away. I used to have bad back acne and a little on my cheeks, but now I get a pimple every once in a while. The only thing that scares me would be that I don’t know if my teen acne will come back if I get off of spiro in a couple of years. Nonetheless, I definitely recommend spironolactone, but you need to have patience."
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- Drug class: aldosterone receptor antagonists
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For Acne "I wrote my experiences a while back about how I was doing so great on 200mg a day spironolactone for 2 years. It took almost 6 months for my skin to completely clear up in the beginning. Then, I started having bad breakouts again for over 6 months. I finally found out the reason I started breaking out again. I read online on the spironolactone site under the drug and food interactions that table salt, in large amounts of all things, can decrease the medication's effectiveness. Spironolactone makes me crave salt badly, and in the past, I was using sea salt which didn't cause any issues with the spironolactone. I started using table salt again, and that is why my face went nuts. When I switched back to using sea salt, my bad acne went away, and I now have clear skin again. Just sharing this in case others might be having problems and they are eating lots of table salt."