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Pantoprazole for GERD User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Protonix, Protonix IV

Pantoprazole has an average rating of 4.7 out of 10 from a total of 251 reviews for the treatment of GERD. 33% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 50% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Pantoprazole

  • Dlighty
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 17, 2019

"I was taking pantoprazole for around 2 years. My primary doctor said to get off it as she doesn't like me on it long term. After about a month of being off it, my stomach aches stopped. I no longer have bowel problems, the drowsiness stopped, and I feel better. I haven't had any GERD issues yet either."

2 / 10
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49 Report
  • Steph
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • February 24, 2019

Protonix (pantoprazole) "I started on Zantac, and it just stopped working for me. I've been taking this pill for years, and it does wonders! I have 0 noticeable side effects. It's important to take it both every day and before you eat, or it is not as effective."

10 / 10
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52 Report
  • Paully
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 14, 2021

"I thought I was going mad! I started out with bloating, diarrhea, headaches, to feeling complete body pain and racing heartbeat. Then the anxiety full on. My doctor switched me from Nexium, which comes with its own faults, to pantoprazole. Saves him having to make a call for a prescription number, as Nexium in Australia is restricted. I searched online after feeling terrible and found this page. Thank goodness I'm not alone. I hope others heed our warnings."

1 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • D PRO
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 13, 2015

Protonix (pantoprazole) "Best medicine ever! I have taken Protonix for over 5 years now with no complaints other than when I run out and have to use over-the-counter meds that do not work. I usually take the Protonix first thing in the morning. It lasts all day. There have been times I have forgotten to take it first thing in the morning, however, no matter when I take it, the pill still works within 15 minutes of being taken as if I had taken it in the morning."

10 / 10
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68 Report
  • Sucks
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 17, 2021

"This drug was horrible for me. I woke up at 2:30 in the morning to use the restroom and was unable to go to sleep after. Racing thoughts kept compiling into more racing, anxious thoughts about things I shouldn’t even be anxious about. My anxiety was through the roof, and I don’t have any meds for anxiety. Constantly needing to use the restroom and nausea, vomiting was constant. A whole day wasted from no sleep. This drug did not help me at all, it made my life worse. I am going to try a probiotic instead in addition to the Pepcid another poster recommended."

1 / 10
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30 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Niles
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 31, 2020

"Prior to taking this medicine, I had IBS, which had me vomiting daily and had years of diarrhea, gas, bloating, food restrictions, abdominal pain, and swelling. Just an overall feeling of unwellness. Food coming back up my throat when I lay down. Then, after my mom was diagnosed with GERD, my doctor prescribed me this medicine, pantoprazole, it changed my life. I woke up not sick. I felt alive again. My mind was more focused. I could do my job better. My body felt healthier. But if I miss a pill, even by an hour, my gas comes back and indigestion for a day, and then it evens back out again. Take your pills on time. I also take this at 4 PM every day, or try to."

10 / 10
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33 Report
  • DublJ
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 1, 2016

Protonix (pantoprazole) "I took this medication until my HMO dropped it from their formulary. While taking it, I felt great. I took only one a day, and if I forgot to take it or forgot to refill it before running out, I could miss a day or two without the heartburn returning. My doctor subsequently put me on Prilosec, twice a day. If I miss one, heartburn returns with a vengeance. If I miss a whole day, it takes three to five days to get the heartburn under control, again."

10 / 10
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58 Report
  • MJano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 10, 2019

"I was just diagnosed with GERD. Was on Nexium, and it really didn’t work well. Went to a gastro, and now I am on day 7 of pantoprazole (generic for Protonix). It worked so well for the first 5 days. Day 6 and now 7, I am having pretty mild heartburn and waking up with it instantly in the morning. My symptoms have returned. I know it takes a while to work fully, but... is this normal? Why is this happening?"

5 / 10
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39 Report
  • throa...
  • August 9, 2010

Protonix (pantoprazole) "Protonix totally eliminates my throat pain, hoarseness, reflux, etc. After 6 years, my insurance decided not to cover it, so for the last few months, I've been on several other medicines, and they just don't work. My doctor is trying to convince them I need the Protonix. Wish me luck."

10 / 10
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79 Report
  • Barr
  • February 2, 2020

"I have been on pantoprazole prescribed by my primary doctor. About four weeks, 40 mg. The reason why my doctor put me on it was that the acid reflux was becoming worse by the day. In addition, I had an esophagram, and it confirmed that I had GERD. During this 4-week stretch, I feel worse by the day. On and off constipation, flatulence, sore throat, burning, insomnia, and constant hacking, coughing up white foamy phlegm that is syrupy. I know one thing that has caused this GERD to come on is tomatoes. I used to eat them in one fashion or another daily. My body rejects them and causes terrible heartburn. Now, I must make life changes in my diet. That’s not easy to do."

2 / 10
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34 Report
  • Rhi
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 30, 2018

Protonix (pantoprazole) "I have had GERD as long as I can remember. It wasn't quite so bad before pregnancy that I decided against medication. Since becoming pregnant, it was to the point of throwing up stomach acid a few times a day, and I could barely move. We tried a few other medications that just did not work. I have been on Protonix for 1 month, and I have not had a single bit of heartburn since the very first day I took it."

10 / 10
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41 Report
  • Baby...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 23, 2017

Protonix (pantoprazole) "I had tried every other medicine out there, and none of them has worked for me like Protonix does. In combination with Carafate, I feel like me again. The chest pain, burping, and burning have almost completely gone away. No side effects at all. I highly recommend this medication."

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • Boopie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 20, 2020

Protonix (pantoprazole) "My GERD mainly affected my voice and was the source of mild chest pain. I started Protonix about a week ago, and it's been a massive help already. I feel like I can finally breathe again. I've tried OTC drugs in the past, such as omeprazole and Gaviscon, but neither helped. I'm virtually symptom-free now and have experienced no side effects."

10 / 10
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29 Report
  • Gastr...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 20, 2017

Protonix (pantoprazole) "I have had GERD for years now. I started out taking Prilosec, but it started making me burp a lot, and it would just absolutely hurt. My doctor switched me to Protonix, and that has helped so much. I take 40 mg twice a day. I don't burp nearly as much, and food doesn't creep back up into my mouth like it did so much either. I also take Zantac at night, but it still had helped a lot even before then. It's been such a relief. I didn't get any side effects from it either. I take it 30 minutes before breakfast and 30 minutes before lunch."

9 / 10
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46 Report
  • mmurr
  • April 20, 2020

"I've had pretty bad acid reflux for years now, probably about 6 years, and I finally went to the doctor to get it checked out. He put me on this medicine, pantoprazole, and I thought it worked for the first couple of days. But now I have severe chest tightness and pain, and my symptoms got worse. I'll be calling them and seeing if they can put me on something else."

2 / 10
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31 Report
  • Narg
  • February 10, 2010

Protonix (pantoprazole) "I was recently diagnosed with GERD. Of course, this was after a trip to the hospital thinking I was having heart problems. The doc put me on Protonix, and after about 1 week it's as if my life was back to normal. Unfortunately, my insurance doesn't cover it anymore, so I gave it a '9' instead of a '10' rating for this alone. With many generic others costing only $5 for 60 days. Anyway, I suggest that if you do try it, give it a few days to work."

9 / 10
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75 Report
  • Lilly
  • July 27, 2014

Protonix IV (pantoprazole) "I would cough like I was having asthma attacks, but come to find out, after taking everything there is on the plant for lung disease. This pill stopped it all. I had acid, and it caused the rest to stop. But I have flare-ups now and then still."

9 / 10
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57 Report
  • Waldo
  • August 8, 2021

"I developed GERD and was prescribed Pantoprazole. It seemed to help quickly. A month ago my stomach pain became unbearable and I started sleeping almost all day and night which is very unusual for me. Then I started with diarrhea and nausea and could not eat or drink anything. The thought of food or even water made me nauseous. After two weeks I went to the ER. I could barely walk and had lost 15 pounds. I was dehydrated and received an IV for fluids. They could find nothing such as a bacterial or parasitic issue for my distress. I was told to go home and continue the Pantoprazole. After six more days of dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, sleeping all day I though of the medicine as the one thing different in my life. I stopped it three days ago and finally was able to start eating and drinking liquids again. This drug should NOT be on the market. I wish I had researched the side effects earlier."

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23 Report
  • Liv
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 17, 2020

"Went on this medication due to reflux that couldn’t be fixed with over-the-counter medication. It did help with the burning sensation, but in return, I got chest pains that spread to my back and neck, constant burping, coughing, cold sweats, and a whole heap of anxiety. Heading back to my doctor tomorrow to hopefully find something else that will work."

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  • Tstorm
  • April 16, 2008

Protonix (pantoprazole) "After two years of SEVERE PAIN in my stomach and esophagus, I finally decided to go to the doctor and get help. I thought all the pain was coming from an ulcer, and after two years of pain, I found out that I did not have an ulcer (yet). The doctor prescribed me Protonix. In less than two days, all the pain and acids in my stomach stopped! I finally don't have acid reflux."

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76 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 17, 2019

"I was prescribed this medication like 4 years ago, and ever since taking it, I had complained about always feeling dizzy. I’ve even gone to the ER about this! Countless blood tests found nothing wrong. I felt hopeless and weak and almost like I couldn’t do life. There were about 7 months of NON-STOP migraines, like I couldn’t shake them or get rid of them. It wasn’t until I went to my doctor begging for more answers that she told me it was side effects of the medication. I’ve been off it a week and a half, and symptoms have subsided. Unbelievably, I mean I still have the heartburn attacks, but I got to find relief soon."

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  • pwcca
  • November 5, 2014

"I was prescribed Protonix for GERD after having a heart attack. I had been prescribed omeprazole prior for the same condition, but after about 3 days, I had a very painful stomach, and eventually, my stomach failed to empty, and I spent a night over the toilet, throwing up everything I had eaten the afternoon before. I stopped the omeprazole, and then tried it again about 3 weeks later, same result. Protonix was new to me, and I decided to give it a chance, but 5 days after taking my first dose, I just spent a day in pain and once again, threw up my dinner and lunch from the day before."

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  • Donna...
  • September 24, 2015

Protonix (pantoprazole) "I was put on this medication after my insurance company stopped covering another PPI that worked well for me. I lasted one month and spent most of it popping ranitidine since anything I ate or drank caused almost immediate heartburn. By the end of the month, I was vomiting. It was awful. I hated to be a pain, but I called my PCP and told them I needed to go back on my previous med, which, of course, involved a lot of paperwork on his part. I have a friend that swears by this medication, but mostly all I did was swear during the month I took it."

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46 Report
  • Rano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 24, 2018

"I've always had heartburn, but not to the extent that it lasts 3 days straight in a row. I went to my family doctor, and he prescribed 40 mg Pantoprazole. That evening, I took 1 pill. The next 2 days were absolute hell. It started off with a huge headache, then both of my arms started to hurt, then my chest, the back of my neck started aching and burning, and then my jaw. I honestly thought I was having a heart attack. I will never take this medication again."

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33 Report
  • haden...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 1, 2019

"I also took pantoprazole for GERD , it cause me dizziness, fatigue, and when I was told to take twice a day, started getting a burning rash all over my body, its been a week and still having side effects form not taking this anymore"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.