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Lupron Depot for Endometriosis User Reviews (Page 4)

Lupron Depot has an average rating of 5.4 out of 10 from a total of 118 reviews for the treatment of Endometriosis. 41% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 37% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Lupron Depot

  • Robyn...
  • November 13, 2016

"So I had BAD adverse affects to the Depo Provero shot.. SO bad that I lost my job. I had bad fevers for 6 months.. It felt like my body was on FIRE..No energy and it triggered hypothyroidism in me. I'm only 37. I have finally got to feeling better, the shot is out of my system as of a couple weeks back, losing weight now. No period yet, but my gyno said the next thing he could do is Depo Lupron.. needless to say I'm TERRIFIED! It's only the month shot, but I'm still scared to death. I already suffer with mental illness. I just wanted a hysterectomy to get this nightmare over with, so I could get back to life and never worry about this crap again. If you have any insight, let me know Thx."

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  • Anonymous
  • April 7, 2012

"Had my first shot about a week ago. I have major pain in my joints (elbows and knees), hot flashes and night sweats. But honestly so far so good. I am no longer feeling the horrible endometriosis pain. Will update more once I'm further in. Plan as of now is to do 6 months of Lupron and see if my Fallopian tubes have less swelling and inflammation as my husband and I would love a baby of our own. Good luck to all. This is not easy. But I am hoping it will be worth it."

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  • skahlua
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 8, 2016

"I got a month shot right when I was about to start period. Period ended up lasting about 12 days. I was told night sweats and menopausal symptoms would happen but I did NOT expect the suicidal urges (I've been diagnosed with depression but it was manageable before this shot), migraines - worst migraines I've ever experienced in my life, nausea, cankles. I've had to take roughly 5 days off of work just in the last 3 weeks and I may even lose my job. I am so irritable and cannot sleep for the life of me. I wake up at least 30 times a night. I'd rather have my excruciating menstrual cramps than go through this ever again. My body did NOT like this AT ALL!"

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Frequently asked questions

  • Hysto...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 16, 2016

"At age 42 I had partial hysterectomy (uterus only) to remove large fibroids. (daughter was born when I was 32). Dr found stage IV endometriosis. He left my ovaries and said he never wanted to do surgery again - endo everywhere. He suggested Lupron to arrest the Endo. It took me a year to start Lupron. I had to contact a foundation to qualify to receive the medication for free. I did two 3 month shots. I remember some hot flashes, nausea & a few mood swings but it passed fairly quickly. Now, I am 46 and in full menopause. I have osteopenia with some degenerative disc issues. Chronic back pain hurts most when laying on stomach in bed. But I do not use pain meds or H.R.T. I hope the brain fog & other symptoms continue to improve."

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  • Mimie
  • February 28, 2021

"Straight after the injection I regret it because of the side effect but after 3-5 days it makes me feel better and it makes my life back. It has been 8 years that I have been in pain, 1 ectopic pregnancy and terrible pain every single period. To much medicine I had take and it is a risk to my kidney function and no medication help me at all. I just keep asking how come I only had this Lupron after 8 long years in suffering the terrible pain. It makes me feel better and be able to do the things that I never ever been doing for 8 years because 2-3 weeks in pain every period. Now I can do all the normal activities and it feel so good to be up in the morning after having a good sleep and pain free. I am looking forward for my second injection."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Nasty...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 28, 2016

"I was diagnosed with stage 5 Endometriosis, back in the early 90's. My Dr. suggested to me the Lupron shots.. The reason we did not do the surgery at that time, I was young and wanted children, so to help with the awful pain, and miserable time of the month, we started Lupron Injections. Let me say, the side effects were awful! THE HOT FLASHES, I wanted to go out into the snow naked to cool off. The mood swings were out of control, however I was put through the menopause stage and no periods, that was heaven. I was on the injections for 6 months, then after I was off the wicked horrid pain and cycle started. The weight gain was insane. I had to go back on the injections, but since the weight gain, I quit after the 2nd injection."

7 / 10
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  • Renee
  • May 28, 2018

"I personally have endometriosis and have had laparoscopic surgery for treatment. I have been told by multiple doctors that adding hormones to your body to lessen your “pain” (in quotes because no birth control has proven to do so for my endometriosis) so I have taken no birth control since my surgery 10 years ago and it has gotten easier to deal with not worse! They also offered two other options to stop the pain hysterectomy/ ablation.. either way would be fine since endometriosis will and has eaten up my reproductive organs. After the laparoscopic surgery it did take me 5 months to heal internally, so if you do this option please prepare yourself for a much much much heavier and DIFFERENT period for a least the first two months. But after sex seemed easier with less pain and going to the bathroom (taking a bowl movement) while on and off my period was much easier. Hope my experience helps anyone that has or has been recently diagnosed."

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More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • April 25, 2011

"I was diagnosed with endometriosis after having a laproscopy. I started the Lupron shots not long after the surgery. While the symptoms seemed to fade, the side effects were terrible. I had unbearable mood swings which caused many problems in the family. The hot flashes were ridiculous. I also ended up gaining about 20 pounds within six months. The pain did subside and I have not had as much pain since I finished the injections 10 months ago."

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  • emano
  • October 17, 2019

"Using Lupron depo for endometriosis. Have an injection once a month, have just had my third injection. Missed period by 2 weeks so hopefully no painful period this month. I have had my last two periods but they were nowhere near as painful as the ones I used to suffer with. I am experiencing hot flashes, quite regularly but they only last 10/15 minutes so it’s something I can cope with and also I am going through stages of feeling quite anxious and depressed but hopefully these symptoms subside and this injection helps me for the future as I’ve recently spoken to my doctor who said this will help fertility in the future as I am 20 and have always wanted children something I thought was just going to be a dream when first diagnosed and had my fallopian tube removed at 17."

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  • LORA...
  • December 4, 2019

"I've finished my third cycle of lupron for endometriosis and it kicked my butt ! Each cycle includes an injection each month, for 6 months. Once I finish Lupron, I slowly have periods and each month the pain gets stronger. Last time was bad, but nothing like this. There's no way of describing it other then "Roid rage", I couldn't control my emotions. 2 1/2 months I was manic, I'm talking fighting fits of rage and sobbing on the floor. which is nothing like myself, I'm almost emotionless. Hot flashes, hair thinning, loss of sex drive. That last one which I hope doesn't affect you, surprisingly is one of the worst. Gained 30 lbs over 6 mths while dieting, Even with an extremely strict diet I have only managed to loose 2 pounds and it's been 2 and a half months since my last injection. All in all I'm not sure if I will go through another treatment of Lupron as all the side effects that affected me seem to get more intense each time."

5 / 10
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  • JudiLT
  • June 23, 2011

"Just finished three shots of Lupron Depot - shots were given in the hip - little to no pain at all. The worst side effect = hot flashes. They were unbearable really, was prescribed the lowest dosage of estrogen medicines for the hot flashes - working great. Doctor not giving any more shots of Lupron until we see how my body reacts to the medicines. I was just prescribed a progesterone as well to balance with the estrogen medicines-to take for a two week period."

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  • Jay
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 28, 2020

"I was put on this medication after laparoscopic surgery to remove cysts that was causing me pain. They found out I have stage 2 endo and recommended the lupron with the acetate pill. The first month was fine but the second month my period came early and never stopped. I can deal with the hot flashes but I've currently been bleeding and cramping for 4 weeks and they just keep telling me to wait it out. I'm due for the 2nd shot in July and idk if its going to help at all. I am depressed and the night sweats are a lot to deal with. I would rather have dealt with the endo pain 2 days a month than to have done this."

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  • Alexis
  • August 18, 2017

"I'm on the 6 month therapy treatment and I got my 4th injection yesterday. At the beginning I was getting the hot flashes which I can deal with, the mood swings. I rather deal with that then the terrible belly button pain , bleeding from navel and chest pain. I was diagnosed with endo stage 4 about 3 years ago. But now I'm starting to think "is it worth it?" with the insomnia, tiredness, diarrhea and waking up with migraines"

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 5, 2018

"Within one week of starting depot lupron, I was struck with severe headaches and fatigue. Muscle and joint pain set in and sleep became impossible. I have had no relief from my endometriosis pain. Pelvic pain is daily and constant. Dull aches in my lower abdomen and sharp shooting pain through my colon. Even with add back therapy, I have had hot flashes and severe waves of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. I wish I had never gotten it. This is the second time my doctor has put me on this "medication" with zero results or relief from my symptoms. I only feel worse. It has made me and my relationship suffer. It's not worth it."

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  • Anonymous
  • April 26, 2012

"Got first shot Jan 2012. Side effects night sweats, hot flashes, headache and muscle ache all bearable but hot flashes have interfered with sleep. Just got 2nd shot this wk 4-24-12. Have sore throat and headache, seem to be more agitated and irritable. Hot flashes are a bit worse and headaches are coming back . Overall if this is the jist of side effects all worth it to make sure cancer if spread does not come back. Had hysterectomy Nov 2011 and found cancer in uterus. Drs said it was contained to uterus but for safety precautions put me on Lupron."

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  • Miso
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 7, 2021

"After a laparoscopic surgery and an 84 day heavy, heavy period, I started Lupron. The first two weeks were not great. My bleeding stopped and then started again but it was more like an ordinary period. I saw an increase in migraines during these first two weeks but I saw a significant reduction in migraines after that. I have zero complaints about the intervening 10 weeks. I’ve been period free, pain free, side effect free. I can’t remember the last time I felt that good. I’m due for another three-month injection in a week. In the last couple of days, I’ve started to have cramps and daily migraines. I’m very much looking forward to getting another dose!"

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  • kheff
  • October 22, 2009

"I just had my second shot 6 days ago. I will admit that my pain from the endo is a great deal better than it was. I was a few days late to get my 2nd shot and could feel the symptoms coming back slowly. The side effects are miserable. I don't want to finish out the treatment. Going for a second opinion. Will be trying estradiol today, for the hot flashes, which have been the worst, at least 3 an hour, and all night long. Haven't had any weight gain so far, weight loss, probably because I am so paranoid about gaining. "

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  • ahann
  • April 2, 2017

"I was diagnosed with endometriosis when I was 16, started 6 month (6 injection) Lupron therapy at 17 and felt amazing. Yes, I gained weight and got the hot flashes, depression and swelling legs and feet, but it was all worth making the pain go away. Fast forward 5 years, and endometriosis is back with a vengeance plus I had a golf-ball sized cyst on my ovary. So I had the lap to have the endo burned out and the cyst removed, and of course the next step was up to me and I begged for Lupron! Sadly, I've been let down the second time around. Symptoms are all the same but now the pain is still persistent, even in my 6th month. Major sad face about that."

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  • Anonymous
  • August 10, 2009

"I got my first shot almost two weeks ago. I am fat, busty and generally unmotivated. I am a tiny bit nauseous almost all of the time, but it's not bad enough to prevent me from eating. More like an appetite suppressant. Other than that everything seems fine. Although I have stage 4 endometriosis, I didn't have any of the associated symptoms, except for infertility. I guess I'll find out in a year or two if it is worth it."

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  • SherB...
  • July 27, 2015

"A costly and largely ineffective drug. Beware discount cards that refuse to honor their promises for low co-pay and further discounts. After having one 3 month shot priced at $2,500 and feeling little to no relief from a reoccurrence of Endometriosis I ended up getting a full hysterectomy anyway."

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  • Frisbee
  • April 14, 2016

"I've only had one dose of Lupron; before going on it I did my research. One side effect is HORRIBLE insomnia (which I have). I know not every single change in my body can be blamed on the Lupron. I have Endometriosis and the Lupron basically puts you in a state of menopause. Headaches, insomnia, sweats, mood swings were very bad the first couple of weeks; now my stomach hurts! So I think I can pick and choose what the medicine is responsible for and the state of chemical menopause is doing to me."

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  • Lilbit
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 7, 2016

"I had been suffering for years. Horrible pain,cramps all day and night and meds NEVER took the severe pain away. The bleeding was excessive. Never had a light day. My period lasted for a month sometimes almost 2months. At the age of 15,I was taken to the gyn which at that time was diagnosed with ovarian cysts and a bad case of endometriosis. Not only was the cysts bad but the endometriosis had grown all over my ovaries, in my belly button and was making it hard for me to move my bowels. The doctor politely said well you have a bad case here and you need surgery so I said ok well when, and he said TOMORROW. So surgery happened and not even 6months later I was having surgery again. I'm 34 and its all back"

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  • KBano
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 3, 2020

"I had a very similar experience to Lora C. I was a mess on Lupron and very much not myself. I couldn't control my emotions, I was either dead inside or crying, there was no in between. My night sweats were awful and I was mean all the time. The worst part was probably my memory. I had no recollection of anyone's name, I could recognize their face and the fact that I definitely know them, but never their names if I had met them after I was on Lupron. The shot also hurts like anything and hot flashes are real. I was consistently warm all of the time. Summer was unbearable. Also, the first few months were the worst endo pain I had ever felt. It was terrible. It finally went away after about month 4 or 5 and I was in a normal range of just feeling pressure down there. It wasn't nearly as painful, but always present."

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  • Tripp
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 21, 2018

"I just started the lupron shot and so far its helping but its also come along with hot flashes , dizzyness, prolonged QT heart interval (I already have the heart problem but it is amplifying it) body pain which is slowly going down, brain fog, insomnia, fatigue inability to breathe, and is making some of my connective tissue symptoms worse. I'm hoping at least some of these symptoms go away. If they do I will continue the monthly shots since the endo symptoms are getting better (headache, bowel issues, insane amount of bleeding every month and debilitating pain)."

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  • Angmtt
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 24, 2016

"Started almost a month ago, I just got over my period when I recieved the injection, I started my menses about week and half after injection, they said this is normal, overall pain is a tad worse, the drs also said that would happen, I'm not giving a full rating on it yet, I haven't been on it long enough, they are trying to shrink a 3 inch abdominal wall endometriosis, I will have to stay on the drug for a year, also been prescribed norethindrone, haven't really had the side effects listed with this drug, not sure I will later on or not."

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