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Prolia User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Prolia has an average rating of 2.9 out of 10 from a total of 368 reviews on 16% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 77% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Prolia

  • Jud...
  • June 13, 2016

For Osteoporosis "I am having severe jaw pain, almost unbearable. It is one of the most horrible experiences I have ever gone through. Will not take this drug again. What is strange is that I didn't have a problem until after the second shot. Since then have not only teeth pain but sick with sore throat and cold. Also bad digestive problems."

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153 Report
  • Slm...
  • January 1, 2020

For Osteoporosis "I had one injection in 2018 and started having side effects the next day. Skin rash and itching, then mouth ulcers, swollen lips and tongue. Pain in feet, legs, and hip, and fatigue. I would never recommend nor have this drug again. It has been over a year, and I still have symptoms."

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103 Report
  • Mar...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 26, 2016

For Osteoporosis "From the start, I began to experience side effects. The most bothersome are the extreme sweating episodes followed by chills at least 12 times a day or more. In addition, other side effects are more pain in my lower back and hips as well as a rash with associated itch on my upper back. I will never get another Prolia shot!!! Wish I knew there would be so much discomfort!"

2 / 10
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153 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Suz...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 7, 2019

For Osteoporosis "I’ve decided to come back to this site to leave an update on my last review. I received my 2nd shot of Prolia in January 2017. The side effects were very severe for 9 months. They are tolerable now, but I realize I will never be the same and will always suffer pain from this medicine. The damage is done and just has to be dealt with. I do not recommend this drug. I believe my doctor took the word of the drug rep instead of doing her own research about this drug as she had never heard of any bad side effects. Please do your research before starting this drug. The damage is permanent."

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114 Report
  • jdl...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • October 13, 2018

For Osteoporosis "I had been fighting osteoporosis for years when Prolia was suggested. I was on it for about six years. Then a change in doctors at the medical center caused a short delay. In a few weeks after that shot was due, I had three terrifically painful vertebral compression fractures. Now, eight months later, I'm a semi-invalid in the sense that I cannot be upright (sitting or standing) for more than an hour or two before the pain becomes more than I can bear. I was formerly very active; now my life is extremely confined. The more I learn about this drug, the worse I see that it is. My doctor and I have reported this to the FDA. Amgen has no advice as to how to get off safely. 'Ask your doctor,' they tell me. So far, the docs have been unable to show me a safe way to get off this horrible drug."

2 / 10
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118 Report

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  • Bac...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 12, 2019

For Osteoporosis "I found that after having one injection of Prolia, the side effects were worse than the possibility of maybe breaking a bone. I had muscle and joint pain, back pain, vertigo, hip pain, and just felt flu-ish for more than one month after the injection. I now have diarrhea. I will not be taking it again."

2 / 10
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107 Report
  • Jas...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 12, 2019

For Osteoporosis "I was on Boniva for 10 years with no improvement in my bones. My doctor switched me to Prolia shots. I took my first shot of Prolia in January 2018 and developed severe mouth ulcers, sloughing of my gums. I could not handle spice or salt, and my nutrition fell. At that time, I did not associate it with Prolia. I took my second shot in August, and my mouth ulcers flared up. Severe ulcers in the gums, upper palate, back of the throat, and nasopharynx area. My mouth had grey, purple, and white patches. I was unable to eat. I also developed severe jaw pain, bone pain, and muscle weakness. For three days, my low back, hips, and legs froze, and I was in excruciating pain and could not walk. I was in bed with ice packs and anti-inflammatories. I was frightened. I have stopped Prolia. It has been more than a year, and my mouth ulcers have not healed. I am now being treated at a university hospital. This is not a safe medicine and should not be prescribed."

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107 Report

More FAQ

  • the...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 19, 2021

For Osteoporosis "Please do not consider ever taking this drug. I've learned there are options. As most have said, Prolia is one of the worst drugs on the market - for anything. Took my 88-year-old mother in for what may have been her third injection. It destroyed her life beginning that same night of the injection. Could not figure if it was Covid or the injection as the timing was just exact. Negative Covid antibody test proved her problems were from Prolia. Six weeks and four nights in the hospital later and she is still suffering terribly. Class action lawyers? Where are you?! What seems so devious about the drug is that her doctor asked if she was a nursing home resident. This drug seems to be designed for those in nursing homes so that their pain, sleep, and everything else described herein can be under 24-hour observation and controlled with other drugs."

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82 Report
  • Kry...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 23, 2014

For Osteoporosis "I have been on Prolia for 2 years. I am so happy. Before Prolia, for a couple of years, I had been on Forteo, and I was tired to shot myself into the stomach every day. Again comparing to Forteo, I have much better results with Prolia. What is the most important for me :) Yes, I have some bone pain (legs, back) especially for the first 2 months but, when I see my last Bone Density results, I can bear the pain :)) Thanks, Prolia! God is great!!"

10 / 10
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166 Report
  • LSt...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 4, 2017

For Osteoporosis "I was diagnosed with osteo in 2010 and was put on Fosamax, along with a daily dose of calcium-VitD tablet. In 2014, the doctor changed my prescription to Prolia due to its stronger potency, along with the continued Cal-VitD tablet. Though my bone density increased 10% since taking Prolia, I feel the side effects may outweigh any positive bone density increases. With constant jaw pain, I also have unusual problems with my teeth: constant infections, pain in one tooth or another, and root canal treatments needed. I suffer from insomnia, something I never had pre-Prolia. With no warning or trigger, I have constant blood blisters in my mouth, some as big as 5 cent pieces. My cholesterol has increased. I feel unusually tired and have regular leg cramps."

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134 Report
  • Fre...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 15, 2019

For Osteoporosis "I am 61 years old, in general excellent health. After menopause, I had issues with insomnia, headaches, lethargy, and a bad mood. As time went on, these symptoms abated. I also began Synthroid for low thyroid function and was feeling better than I had in years. Since taking Prolia one month ago, my headaches have returned, I feel fatigued, have constipation, and generally in a poor frame of mind. I am sure this medication is good for bone density, but these quality of life issues are not acceptable for me. Will not be taking it again."

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103 Report
  • Cat...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 29, 2019

For Osteoporosis "I have had 6 Prolia injections. With the first 5 injections, I had muscle pain for a few weeks. This was relieved with ibuprofen. I had my 6th injection in February 2019. One week after the injection, I started experiencing severe hip pain. As the days went on, the pain appeared in my shoulders, hands, feet, ankles, knees, and elbows. The pain is so severe I am having trouble walking. It takes me a minimum of 30 minutes to get out of bed. I have been back to my doctor twice, and she says there is nothing she can do but prescribe pain medication. She said it will take 6 months for the medication to wear off. I have read comments from some saying even after 6 months, the pain does not go away. I have read comments from others saying they have not experienced side effects. You are not safe. Stop taking this drug now. Before this drug, I was a healthy, active woman."

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104 Report
  • Cup...
  • June 12, 2019

For Osteoporosis "Today is 35 days after 2nd Prolia injection. Side effects began within 48 hours. Legs collapse, constipation, back & muscle pain, diarrhea - uncontrollable with accidents, fever - sweating at midnight while sitting in front of AC, chills - sitting in 90° sun, shivering violently, severe stomach pain, cough - feel like I will suffocate while coughing violently, feels like I am drowning at times, purple spots on arms and legs, severe nausea (I am taking ondansetron 4mg every 8 hours but am sick at 4 hours), feels like I’ve had the flu for 5 weeks. Now my left hip and thigh became extremely painful to the point I could not walk or even sit in the car. I am barely able to get around the house, let alone go for a walk. Similar side effects after 1st injection but the first were not as strong and ended in 3 weeks. I did not want to get the 2nd injection but my internist & orthopedic surgeon both assured me the side effects were unusual and I probably would not suffer them a 2nd time."

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102 Report
  • lyn...
  • April 6, 2019

For Osteoporosis "I had an injection of Prolia on Feb. 13, 2019. My health at that time was perfect, and I was only taking vitamins for overall health. On the 20th day, my blood pressure was high while at a yearly visit to the doctor. On the 22nd day after the injection, I went to the ER for visual disturbances, high blood pressure, and was told that I was having an ocular migraine. My eye doctor later confirmed that. Before Prolia, I had not had a headache in over 10 years. On the 26th day, my heart began to race and would not stop. This lasted all night. On the 32nd and 33rd day after the injection, my heart raced for two days and two nights. I went to the doctor and was started on medicine for panic attacks. I had never had a panic attack before the shot. I feel terrible, and I don't even feel like myself. I will never take another injection of Prolia. I had excellent health prior to the shot, and now my energy level is so low I don't feel like doing anything."

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104 Report
  • Rob...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 15, 2023

For Osteoporosis "My first injection of Prolia was on January 26, 2023, and it will be my last! Within 1 day of the injection until now (May 14, 2023), I experienced severe body pain, including hip, thigh, groin, swollen knees, severe muscle twitching, blurred vision, hair loss, and the list goes on. So far, I have not experienced ONJ (jaw bone disease). DO NOT USE! I did not research this drug, nor was I informed of the side effects by my doctor. Also, you can't just quit Prolia! You have to relay off with another bisphosphonate in order to not have PROBABLE, not possible, spinal compression fractures!! I will be using IV Reclast as my relay drug."

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43 Report
  • G10...
  • July 20, 2016

For Osteoporosis "1 shot, due another in August and wondering. Constipation very severe, fatigue, hip pain, upper arm pain and shooting pains in head. I do not know if there are other options available and scared to take second shot in case things get worse."

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137 Report
  • Joe...
  • September 27, 2018

For Osteoporosis "My last shot was May 23, 2015. I am still suffering with muscle and joint pain. Never had vertigo before taking seven shots. I have now fallen 4 times! I cannot say 100% that these were caused by Prolia, but I am 99% sure they were caused by the injections I took. My pains and side effects, sorry to say, have not gone away. I post this hopefully to help others about Prolia. I wish I had known in 2012 before ever taking this horrible drug!"

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110 Report
  • Nom...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 7, 2019

For Osteoporosis "After one treatment, severe jaw and hip pain, rashes, and my hair has started falling out. I wasn't told by my doctor that I couldn't stop this medication without risking spinal fractures. This drug shouldn't be on the market. I only gave it a one because 0 wasn't an option."

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97 Report
  • Kat...
  • August 10, 2019

For Osteoporosis "I decided to take Prolia after being nagged for several years by my PCP, then my Rheumatologist strongly recommended and by Neurosurgeon. I did NOT want to take this drug, but I got this shot June 2019. Did not seem to have an adverse side effect until this past week. I could not understand WHY my face and arms felt itchy. Then, 2 days ago, I looked at my gums which are feeling tingly. THEY ARE SWOLLEN AND PURPLE-RED! I thought it was popcorn I ate a week and a half ago. Called the Dentist who got me in right away and did an ultrasonic cleaning, they saw nothing. For several nights, I have chills with no fever. My eyes are very irritated and extra dry. I get bladder instillations 2 times a week because of IC/BPS diagnosed in September 2018. Been on IC diet. Everything seems to be under control. No UTIs. Then this past Monday, the nurse found blood in my urine. This is NEW. Lately, I seem to have a more rapid heartbeat - more noticeable."

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98 Report
  • Ann...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 1, 2016

For Osteoporosis "This drug is a life saver. I tried Actonel and Fosamax with poor results. I experienced bone pain and flu-like symptoms for weeks on end. After seeing an endocrinologist, it was decided I try Prolia. NO side effects at all. Not even soreness at the injection site. I just received my 3rd injection and 2nd bone density test. Density is up 7-8% in spine and hip. I am thrilled."

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132 Report
  • Tri...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 23, 2019

For Osteoporosis "I had my 2nd Prolia injection two months ago, the second stage of a two-year research study. Five days ago I woke up with the worst pain of my life, starting in my hip and extending down my leg. Until now, I have been a very active 66-year-old, with absolutely no health problems. Oh, how I wish I had never signed on to the study. The osteoporosis that made me eligible to participate was minimal; this pain is atrocious. I trusted the doctor heading the research to, first of all, do no harm. She apparently did not deserve that trust. She did not warn me that I could suffer serious debilitation as a result of Prolia, even after I spoke of a new, nagging hip pain that started after the first injection."

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95 Report
  • mji...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 14, 2024

For Osteoporosis "I thought I would write because I am one of the vast majority who this drug has helped. I might be experiencing a few extra aches after the injection, but I really couldn't say if it is even related to Prolia. I'm due shortly for my next Prolia, and I ache right now anyway, and research shows Prolia only stays in your system for 4 to 5 months. I can tell you I have had no compression fractures since being on it. I had two prior, and being laid up for 6 weeks is absolutely no fun. As far as my bone density, mine only increased 4% with Prolia, but I have had no fractures, which is what I ultimately care about. I'd recommend this drug to anyone. If you have side effects, then I guess it's not for you, but the vast majority of us get along just fine. The problem with sites like this is you only hear from the negative reactions. The rest of us (the vast majority) are out living our lives."

10 / 10
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21 Report
  • Dag...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 6, 2019

For Osteoporosis "In May 2018, I had my 1st Prolia injection for mild bone loss. After that, I just had occasional hip pain. Two weeks after my 2nd injection in November 2018, my doctor sent me for physical therapy because of severe lower back pain. The pain moved from the lower back to my thighs. I received a steroid shot into my lower spine without relief. 2 months ago, I underwent arthroscopic spine surgery to clean up discs and remove a bone spur. While my back healed, the back and leg pains persisted. Walking, especially stairs, has become challenging, where I used to walk 3 miles daily, I can now barely walk around the block. My left leg has weakened. Back to physical therapy. According to my surgeon, I should be able to do routine housework, yard work, walking, and other low-level activities without pain. I truly hope that with time, Advil, and a positive outlook, the severity of the pain will lessen, and I can enjoy life again. One thing I know for sure: I will not be getting another injection of Prolia."

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97 Report
  • Suf...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 25, 2019

For Osteoporosis "I was in the same situation with you, Kaydee. I lost trust in doctors. Their concern is only for money and your insurance coverage. I canceled all the appointments. I do my own research on the foods I eat. Try to eat more organic calcium-rich balanced foods, avoid salty, heavy sugary foods, cut out all the preserved foods and snacks. Do gentle exercises like Tai Chi, Breathing Exercises, and yoga, which have been helping me greatly."

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93 Report
  • Nan...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 30, 2019

For Osteoporosis "I would NEVER try Prolia again. I was not warned at all about possible side effects. I needed both of my hips replaced, and the doctor would not schedule me for surgery until they had improved my osteoporosis. I had undiagnosed hyperparathyroidism. Neither my primary care physician nor the orthopedic surgeon bothered to even read my existing lab work that had been done. I had been on other medication for a year for my severe osteoporosis at 60 years old. My orthopedic surgeon had me get the Prolia shot. Oh my gosh. I have never been so sick with stomach pains. It was like being in the late stages of labor. I finally went to the emergency room and spent 24 hours in the hospital on IV for bacterial colitis. I spent the next two weeks on two different antibiotics. It was absolutely horrible. Now, I am treating my osteoporosis through nutrition and supplements, no medication at all."

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96 Report
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.