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Pylera for Helicobacter Pylori Infection User Reviews (Page 3)

Pylera has an average rating of 5.8 out of 10 from a total of 197 reviews for the treatment of Helicobacter Pylori Infection. 36% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 25% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Pylera

  • anony...
  • May 23, 2012

"My experience with this medication has been awful. I'm on my 10th day, but I have missed 5 doses. This medication made me so sick I had to go to the emergency room. Severe headache, nausea, bloating, black stool, and urine. You are supposed to eat with it, but I couldn't because of the bloating. Which in turn made me sick because I wasn't eating. I have completely stopped taking the medication in the hopes that the H. Pylori is gone."

5 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • April 20, 2010

"I don't really know how to rate a medicine; I just share my experience. My doctor warned me that this antibiotic is very harsh and I might feel bad during the course. However, I am taking it for 8 days, and the only side effect I encountered is a bitter taste in my mouth, but it's not a problem. I just drink a lot and chew gum when it gets really bitter. I am of a slim and petite complexion (100 lb only), so I expected to have bad side effects, but I feel quite normal. Also, I am eating well before taking medicines (more veggies), drink lots of water, take strong probiotics (50 billion), and drink organic kefir with live culture before going to bed and taking the bedtime portion of Pylera."

8 / 10
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  • Angel...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 4, 2017

"I just finished my 10-day course of Pylera, and I can't believe I got through it. My side effects were bad nausea, even with food, black stools, dark urine, extreme fatigue, headache, feverish feeling, and it seems like every bit of phlegm in my body is coming out one way or another. My nose runs like a sieve, and also phlegm is running down my throat constantly. Just awesome. I feel like I've been ingesting poison and calling it medicine. I'm hoping this takes care of the infection because I've been profoundly ill for over a year, not realizing what was making me so sick until my EGD uncovered Helicobacter. The only thing I can advise is to be kind to yourself, don't expect too much of yourself, try to not work if possible."

5 / 10
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  • Ritzi
  • June 22, 2014

"Horrible experience! First half of treatment was manageable but not pleasant. Day 8 was by far the hardest, with extreme nausea, dizziness, heart flutters, bloat, and the usual diarrhea. For day 9, I battled with the thought of taking the pills for an hour. I felt like I was playing Russian roulette. Sitting here waiting for the agony. Day 10 can't get here soon enough! However, I'm thinking anyone who has undergone chemotherapy must think I'm such a wimp!"

3 / 10
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  • Anna
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 17, 2019

"I wanted to die ! Nausea and abdominal pain were too severe so I ended up in ER. This drug is no joke. I'm on my 6 th day and didn't feel any better but worse. God only knows how I'm gonna survive for 4 more days."

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  • Km229
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 20, 2017

"I just wanted to share some positivity on this site. Most of the reviews are scary and disheartening. I will say pylera is rough. It made me feel worse for a few days, especially around days 5-10. I never was nauseous really, no vomiting, but I was completely beat. It's a rough medication. Get tons of sleep, rest as much as possible, and drink TONS of water. Eat enough with the doses, too. I haven't had any symptoms at all in 3 days, which is the first time in a year that I can say that!!!! Fingers crossed it sticks. Also AVOID EMOTIONAL STRESS. Plays a HUGE factor in your well being and recovery."

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  • H...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 10, 2016

"I'm on day 9. Number one side effect for me has been the inability to focus on one thought for more than a few seconds, which has affected my work. It really is a brain fogger! On day 5, the metallic taste/sour mouth was pretty awful all day, but it abated gradually over the last few days. If I don't drink a lot of water (20 oz or more) with each dose, my urine is very dark, which is scary, but drinking more water does help. I agree with the comments that you should eat a full meal with each dose, even at bedtime. It is rough doing the schedule and getting in the food, water, and pills four times a day. On a few days, I had to set an alarm and get back up at midnight or 1 am to take the last dose. Stick with it, power through the 10 days."

7 / 10
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  • ThomLG
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 8, 2016

"I was prescribed Pylera after a triple therapy failed. I'm now on my last day of it. The gastritis pain is slowly going away, but still there (you will have to wait the next 4 weeks for it to heal). The first 5 days I didn't feel anything different, then on day 5, I had a terrible headache, anxiety, and nausea. Day 6 and onward, my body adapted, and it became less powerful, but still pretty crappy. I'm not gonna lie to you, you basically feel hungover for the last 4 days. Drink a lot, force yourself to eat, and go out (the computer will make the headache horrible). Stay strong, brothers, it's a pain, but this has a 90% success rate."

6 / 10
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26 Report
  • GAA
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 9, 2022

"h.pylori. (13.00) Pylera 4x3 + omeprazole 2x1 for 10 days. All doses were taken at the same time 6-7am/12pm/6pm/12am Days 1-3 were insane. The nausea - exorcism like!! I cut all the dairy, multivitamins. Products high in calcium and iron. No alcohol. No cigarettes or vaping, which as a smoker I had no cravings at all. Pills after meals and with a little bit of food, it helped to ease the nausea slightly, was afraid it could effect the treatment. I made sure I was not laying down for 10 mins post pills Currently day 9, most symptoms became better after day 5. However then I felt very exhausted mentally and physically and nearly cried every time taking pills even when symptoms were not as bad as at the beginning. Over the 9 days I had many changing side effects: NAUSEA, MUSCLE CONTRACTIONS, dark stools, back and chest RASH, sweating, lightheadedness, fever, loss of appetite, sadness, sensitivity to noises and light, fatigue, sour taste and BLOATING that never went away :/"

7 / 10
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9 Report
  • Grate...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 15, 2023

"I got really sick back in 2017. I thought it was food poisoning. I kept going to the ER, lost 30 lbs also. Eventually, I was referred to a GI. I was given an endoscopy and was diagnosed with chronic gastritis. I had to completely change my diet and lifestyle. Everything was going okay until this year. All the stomach pains, loss of appetite, etc., came back with a vengeance. I went to another doctor and we scheduled another endoscopy. Come to find out, I had H. Pylori the entire time. I was prescribed Pylera. Tomorrow will be day 10 of taking this medication. I have to be honest. Dealing with this illness for so long, I was willing to take whatever could help me and my stomach. Back to the medicine. I haven't had any side effects. Maybe a slight headache. Of course dark urine and stools, but that was expected. I get good sleep and I workout daily. If you have to take this medicine, do so. Everyone's body is different. The only thing that's a negative is the 12 pills a day plus the 2 Prevacid pills."

10 / 10
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  • Roxy
  • May 7, 2015

"I tried Prevpac first, but I had an allergic reaction and had to stop taking it halfway through the course. It seems to have cured me for a few years, but more recently I had a GI H. pylori recurrence. I am taking Pylera and am on day 9. I have had very little side effects. In fact, I am feeling much better, and my bowel movements are better as well. I did feel nausea and weakness on one day, but I had barely eaten anything because of lack of appetite. Advice: eat 4 healthy meals a day before I take the medication. Yogurt and probiotics in the morning and fruit. Absolutely no coffee or acidic anything (vinaigrettes, ketchup, tomato sauce), no soda, and anything sugary. No red meat and nothing too heavy or fatty. Hope this helps."

9 / 10
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  • dyro4ka
  • December 17, 2009

"I went for a colonoscopy, and the doctor told me I needed an endoscopy as well. In two weeks, I got a phone call that I have an H. pylori infection in my stomach and was prescribed Pylera. I was taking 12 tablets a day and 1 tablet of Protonix for 10 days, and now I feel much worse than before. Before I was healthy, and now I am sick to my stomach."

4 / 10
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  • Pauline
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 19, 2018

"I am on day 6 of the treatment and I have never felt so awful in my entire life. I am very nauseous all the time, my mouth is dry, I have no appetite but I force myself to eat, to combat this feeling. Urine is very dark amber color, warm sensation in my knees (like standing in front of heater), tired all the time, could barely get out of bed after sleeping over 10 hours. I am ready to quit. I feel like h pylori better than having to deal with the side effects. I am dizzy, can't focus, and when I walk I feel very wobbly - was very hard to drive to work, but I have no other option."

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  • Anonymous
  • October 26, 2009

"I've been taking Pylera for the last 5 days, and I'm feeling really bad. The most horrible effect is that metallic taste I have in my mouth 24 hours a day. I just can't stand it anymore, and I have 5 days of treatment remaining."

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  • Fadia...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 6, 2018

"Right now I'm on my 7th day of taking this horrible drug. I have never felt so awful as I do with the side effects that I got from pylera. I had fever. I had pain in my neck, hands, legs, butt, head, back, liver, and I vomited. Today, I woke up feeling as if I was in Antarctica. I also felt very dizzy along with some nausea. I couldn't get out of bed because my legs were refusing to stand. I'm also seeing very blurry visions. I don't feel like my normal self since I'm always active. I kept crying all the time from pain. I hope I never get to have this medicine again. Btw this is my second time taking pylera since I took it in 2016. Please pray for me "

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  • Sueki...
  • March 8, 2021

"I’m on my 2nd day and I feel like quitting. My whole body is aching and I have sleepless nights. My stomach is inflamed and bloated. I'm having headaches.I noticed some blood in my urine and and blood in my stool. I don’t have access to my Gastrologist because his fully booked. I can only see him in a months time. I have to see a GP to explain to him the side effects because I feel like it’s not working on me. I’ve used metronidazole before and it doesn’t really work on me. I hope my body is not resistant to it. I’m just praying for strength because I’m not sure if can pull thru. I wish I had read these reviews before starting the meds."

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13 Report
  • Tati
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 13, 2019

"The med Pylera is very strong!! It’s been a nightmare. Today is my 6th day and I can’t wait to be done with it. First 4 days were the worse since I had side effects like nausea, depression, dizziness it was bad I wanted to cry. I didn’t know your are not suppose to eat dairy products with it so I eat a yogurt and took my pill and it was a nightmare that night and the following day. The I was told I have to stop the dairy and eat a good meal and lots of water while taking it. I’m in my 6 days I’m doing better and I do feel better. Praying the this will work and I will feel better. Only 4 more days to go. Good luck guys remember no dairy. Big meal before pills and lots of water."

8 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 5, 2018

"I can honestly say I was scared to start my regimen of Pylera and Omeprazole since I’m very sensitive to medication. The only side effects I had was dark stool, metallic taste and dizziness. I started out every morning taking Ginger capsules for the dizziness and probiotics for my gut, I also ate before each dose of Pylera and drank plenty of water. It was a little intimidating to see the box of antibiotics before I started, but I did it!!"

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  • stucky
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 25, 2014

"It's three days after finishing the tenth day of taking Pylera. The first four days of taking the medication, I felt no side effects. On days five through ten, I was nauseous, dizzy, and had a headache, especially right after taking my daily doses. I took the medicine with a meal three times a day and with a light snack before bed. Stools also turned a dark greenish color and were often irregular throughout the day, bordering on diarrhea. I also had a feeling of uneasiness, like a panic attack, right after taking the medicine on three occasions. I'll have to check with my doctor to confirm if the H. pylori has been eradicated and also wait a few weeks to see if my ulcers heal (which I've read can take from a few weeks to a few months)."

8 / 10
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27 Report
  • Jolly...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 15, 2013

"I have been taking this medicine for about 4 days now. I constantly have a dry mouth and it makes me feel ill the majority of the day. Do eat a full meal when taking it, it makes the feeling not as bad. I feel best on the last dose because I know I'm going to bed. Hopefully, I will feel better as time goes on. I don't really mind taking the 14 pills a day, I just want it to go by quickly."

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  • Kellog
  • September 17, 2015

"Day six. Watery stools. Loss of appetite. Shaky. Brain fritz. Sunburn. ( own fault, should have known better) food tastes odd. Tired and have nausea. Hope this works. My insides Sound like two cats fighting in a burlap bag."

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23 Report
  • Mano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 28, 2019

"I was terrified to take this medication after reading about other users' experience. I did experience some of the common side effects, such as headache, fatigue (especially on day 8), some diarrhea, bitter taste in my mouth, etc...), but it was not as bad as described by others. It is critical to eat a full meal prior to taking it and a good snack at bed time (one time I took it on an empty stomach at night and had bad diarrhea the next morning). Directions call for taking it with 8 oz of water, but I drank more. Having large scheduled meals and drinking a lot of water was challenging, but it seems to help with side effects. Staying away from dairy, red meat, and spicy foods was difficult. My doctor recommended taking probiotic Align for 1 month after finishing the course to restore good bacteria."

7 / 10
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16 Report
  • Pylera...
  • September 9, 2017

"I'm only on day 2 and I had to call out of work because I've felt nauseous all day. Yesterday I was nauseous, but today is 10x worse. I have chills, loose stools, woke up with a weird taste in my mouth last night, and I'm sick to my stomach. I've barely gotten out of bed all day, and I have no idea how I'm supposed to complete 10 days of this medication. I feel like I've been poisoned and it's slowly killing me."

1 / 10
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  • Rano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 5, 2019

"I took 2 antibiotics 2 months ago and the test was still positive, the doctor prescribes Pylera, I am on day 9, I was so scared to start after I read all the reviews, my side effects are fine, some nausea sometimes, dark urine and very dark and soft stool, in day 5 I ate Nachos with cheese and I was soooo ill with nausea, then I stopped eating diary food at all and it’s much better, still have bloating , hope pylera killed the bacteria and when I test again it’s negative. Good luck everyone"

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  • Efano
  • January 26, 2018

"This is day 10 for me and I made it. Based on bad reviews I was refusing to take this medication for nearly a month, I was terrified to start taking them. But my doctor said I have to take them. Well the only side effect I had was dark stools and that's it. No dizziness, no stomach pains, no black tongue, no dark urine a bit of tiredness in the evenings but nothing dramatic. I was strict with the times of taking them. 6 30am 11 30am 17 00pm 21 30pm. Always with meals. Well rice. pasta. bread. avocado. bananas. egg. Any other fruits. No sauces at all. 3 to 4 L of water every day. I believe food and water made the difference on not having side effects."

10 / 10
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