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Endep User Reviews & Ratings

Endep has an average rating of 6.8 out of 10 from a total of 8 reviews on 58% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 20% reported a negative experience.

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Reviews for Endep

  • JJano
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 26, 2020

For Anxiety and Stress "My doctor suggested I take Endep 25mg after being diagnosed with Crohn’s. I had been very sick for months and not coping very well. The first week of taking it, I was rather spaced out, but that was all. By day 7, my nausea was 80% gone, I was sleeping like a baby at night, and I was dealing with the stress in my life a lot better. I have been on it for 7 months now, and I don’t think I would have gotten through this year without it. The old me would have been having panic attacks and catastrophic thinking over the bush fires and Covid, but thanks to Endep, I have been able to stay calm and reasonable. I haven’t experienced any negative side effects at all. I guess if anything, I can’t get up in the night to my kids because I’m so deeply asleep, but that's okay because it just means dad has to get up. Haha"

9 / 10
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166 Report
  • Foges
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 19, 2013

For Pain "10mg used to provide a pain-free night's sleep. I have a pinched sciatic nerve. After cortisone injection under general anesthetic, I experienced cramps that disturbed my sleep. This medicine is now giving me a good night's sleep, and I wake refreshed in the morning."

9 / 10
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250 Report
  • barsha
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • August 8, 2013

For Pain "I am taking Endep 100mg at night for nerve pain in my lower left leg and the outer side of my right leg. The nerve pain was intolerable, and I was seriously suicidal. I have been on Endep, Baclofen, and Epilim for 7 years and can now enjoy my life so much more. The downside is loss of libido and dry mouth, but without Endep, I could not enjoy my life at all."

9 / 10
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206 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Zubie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 10, 2015

For Pain "My doctor prescribed this as my pain from arthritis was constantly waking me up every night. From day 1, it has enabled me to get a full night's sleep. I will keep taking it, as nothing else has worked. It does not, in any way, interfere with daily work—a godsend."

9 / 10
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175 Report
  • Fortu...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 15, 2020

For Depression "I have been taking Endep for well over 12 years without any side effects whatsoever. It has helped me greatly my maintenance dose is 100mg. It also helps my pain as well as being able to get about 6 hours sleep at night. l am an elderly person but Endep has contributed to giving me a better quality of life -"

10 / 10
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88 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Hayley
  • October 5, 2019

For Pain "I am 37 years old I started getting headaches at 13 from what I can remember I went on day to day year after year when I was 26 I was put in hospital with all the drugs Well I was getting headaches monthly bad ones I couldn’t even handle light As the years went on I got them once every 6 months putting me in hospital Then they started coming on every couple of months then once a month all the way down to 3 a week By this stage my face was numb I couldn’t talk or walk could not have any light, losing memory about 3 months ago I went to a brilliant doctor and I couldn’t see so I needed help going there and walking to him He said to me have you heard of ENDEP I have taken my endep every night since for over 3 months now And only had two very very small headaches I’ve been given a second chance at life I’m very grateful I thank my doctor so very much"

10 / 10
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98 Report
  • Nik
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 13, 2013

For Anxiety and Stress "I've been taking 20mg of amitriptyline for 2 weeks, and I have slept extremely well every night. I have so much more energy during the day. I sleep solidly and right through the night, which is unusual for me these days. My stressful job and back pain often leave me anxious and tossing and turning every night. Then I end up grumpy, run down, and feeling sick as a result. So far, it has not helped with my anxiety or depression, but getting a good night's sleep helps me cope and gives me energy to attend yoga and exercise. I believe the dose may be too small to help with depression. I'm also taking this as it is the most studied antidepressant used during pregnancy, and the SSRI's give me insomnia. I have almost no side effects so far."

6 / 10
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160 Report
  • Jandal
  • February 2, 2015

For Insomnia "I have been taking Endep 10 for approximately 3 weeks and have used a variety of sleeping meds. Endep is the best by far. I take it 3 hours prior to sleep and have no problems getting to sleep, and if I do wake during the night, I go back to sleep straight away. It can make me a little drowsy in the morning, but nothing like other meds."

9 / 10
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135 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 9, 2012

For Fibromyalgia "I had unrefreshing sleep, and needed a lot of it. Endep is awesome as can now get a good night's sleep, feel refreshed for a few hours after waking, and decreases my body aches. No negative side effects for me luckily."

9 / 10
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145 Report
  • susieoq
  • October 18, 2013

For Pain "I have fibromyalgia and take Tramadol 150mg daily. Recently had a flare of trigeminal neuralgia and widespread neuropathic pain, and Tramadol was not working for this. Doctor put me back onto Endep, which I had given up previously as the side effects were very strong. Am now on only 5mg at 7 pm and find sleep and pain relief much better. Still feel hungover in the morning."

5 / 10
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123 Report
  • trishK
  • August 30, 2007

For Pain "I have been taking Endep for about 20 years for pain and to help me sleep. I have seen many specialists and GPs over the years, and none of them warned me about chronic periodontal disease because of dry mouth. I was on 50mg per day. I had to have three teeth removed. I am now on 25mg. I have many health problems, apparently due to a seronegative autoimmune disease. I am also experiencing symptoms of headaches, vertigo, dizziness, balance problems, etc."

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172 Report
  • Hkfyg...
  • August 10, 2016

For Pain "I've been taking 10mg Endep for 2 weeks for bladder pain. I may have a mild case of interstitial cystitis but I haven't been officially diagnosed yet. I have found it has worked really well with the pain. I went from being in pain all the time to only a couple of times and it's been manageable. I have dry mouth and an increased appetite from Endep but the worst side effect is constant drowsiness and a general feeling of being drugged up."

8 / 10
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90 Report
  • Nickers
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 11, 2018

For Insomnia "I started taking Endep 10 for insomnia from menopause, this was too weak and no effect so after a week my Doctor upped to Endep 25. This works really well for me and most nights I sleep far more soundly and if I wake up fall back to sleep pretty quickly. Some days I wake up a little bit lethargic and slow to get out of bed but once I'm up I am my usual motivated self. This has worked well for me and I feel heaps better than when I was taking sleeping pills."

9 / 10
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70 Report
  • Afran...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 29, 2019

For Pain "I was prescribed Endep for severe Endometriosis. I was very hesitant with it being used as an anti-depressant in some cases, however I must say it works wonderfully. I have been able to go back to work and get on with my life, I do still have outbursts occasionally but it sure beats living on endone in agony! It is a little harder for me to get out of bed in the mornings although I am fine once up. I sleep better and seem happier, of course with the reduced pain. I haven't lost weight drastically or had any fevers or chills as others prescribed. So far very happy. I am 4 weeks in."

10 / 10
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56 Report
  • Theg
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 31, 2016

For Insomnia "Been on endep 10mg for 4 weeks .for insomnia. Although it helps me sleep the longer I take it the dopier I get during day. Feel like I am permanently sedated. Like my brain is shrinking and my head is full of cotton wool all day. No motivation to do anything.."

1 / 10
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87 Report
  • Rhond...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • December 3, 2014

For Fibromyalgia "I have been on Endep for 35 years. I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and plenty more. In the last six months I have been getting very odd symptoms such as the ones provided within this article!( sudden weight gain, inability to eat properly, tiredness, rounded face,weakness, sore mouth and tongue, to slight more depression, At the moment I am on a doctor treadmill ...everyone from my endocrinologist to a neurologist, GP and many more have put their hands up saying I don't know!! The medicines work really well for fibromyalgia but after some time they can work against you! Please look at the list of side effects. I have a lot of them. Good luck!"

6 / 10
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91 Report
  • Loretta
  • December 8, 2007

For Depression "I have only just started using Endep after the sudden onset of a severe depression. I found that it has helped me a great deal. The only side effects that I've had up to this point are a gain in weight (as I wasn't eating properly when depressed) and at night, I'll wake from sleep covered in perspiration - though only from the chest up. I'm hoping with counselling I'll be able to stop taking this medication asap, but it has been a great help. Thanks :)"

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124 Report
  • poey
  • May 23, 2016

For Depression "I have only been on this drug for two weeks and as yet not noticed any difference with my depression. My anxiety levels are up, I have swooshing, buzzing noises in my ears, I even feel dizzy while seated and even just turning my head from side to side. I have noticed tingling in my fingers. My balance is affected, feeling like a drunk person. My head throbs."

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68 Report
  • Mr Mal
  • March 21, 2014

For Insomnia "I took Endep 25 for headaches. I felt drowsy even the next day. So I went to Endep 10. I need to to take it about 2 hours before sleep. Side effect - ear noise which is going on for over 1 week now after 1 tablet. Going to stop it for a while due to side effect."

7 / 10
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75 Report
  • Seeho...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 7, 2018

For Depression "Hello I've been on probably every SSRI except prozac which all had a short lived outcomes. Finally after 20 years I've been put on an SNRI and its working, started on 10mg endep for appetite which didn't work and given valium for the shakes and tears. Valium stopped working in less than 2 weeks, so I stopped taking it and psych increased the dosage of endep to 25mg, and I'm actually feeling good, after 6 months of awfulness, this might be my answer. Sleeping well, lots of energy, memory and concentration is better and no more teeth grinding. No real side effects except for the first day I started on the 10mg I copped a bad headache but that was it."

10 / 10
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50 Report
  • affff
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 15, 2015

For Depression "I was on 75mg of Endep & noticed 2 extreme side effects which lead to me having to stop taking the medication. The first was rapid & excessive weight gain; I gained 6 kgs (13 pounds) within 8 weeks (at 160cm, this is quite a bit of weight). I had no change in my diet, my exercise stayed the same, so the Endep was the only thing that could have caused the weight gain. The second was extreme Night Terrors. These occurred every night & were extremely frightening for myself & family, as I would wake up screaming & kicking every night. This occurred almost immediately after starting the Endep. Since stopping the Endep 2 weeks ago, the Night Terrors have ceased completely, & I have lost 1kg with no change in diet."

4 / 10
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56 Report
  • Lemmi...
  • November 5, 2013

For Fibromyalgia "I have been on Endep for Fibromyalgia for 10 years. At first the affect was awesome, for the first time in many years I slept properly and had hardly any pain. Over the years though, this has changed. I started off on 50mg per day and over the years had to have it increased to the maximum does of 150mg. Recently I have been having heart palpatations and an increased heart rate. My doctor has put it down to the extended time I have been on Endep at such a high rate. So now I am on a drug to lower my heart rate, which works well, but my doctor is getting me to try to cut down on the Endep with a view of going off it altogether and hopefully also going off the drug that I need to lower my heart rate. It's not working I'm in too much pain"

7 / 10
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62 Report
  • Gerbras
  • September 20, 2013

For Migraine Prevention "Started getting migraines at 18. I'm now 46. Vomiting so bad I used to go to hospital 1-2x per month to go on a drip to rehydrate. Made a professional career virtually impossible. Been on Sandomigran for 25 years. Had every possible treatment. Then 5 years ago a hospital locum prescribed Endep. That was the end of my migraines. I was suicidal for 2-3 weeks but then back to normal. I now take 1 x 50mg tab every second night. Endep is brilliant!"

10 / 10
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62 Report
  • shell
  • July 12, 2011

For Interstitial Cystitis "I had been tested for everything to try and find the cause of constant bladder infections, or so I thought. It wasn't till I saw a urologist that I found the answer to my problem. I never had Bladder infections, but chronic cystitis, found after some very intrusive camera shots of my bladder. She first tried stretching my bladder to see if this helped. It didn't. She then suggested Endep, not for depression but it had been used for cystitis and burning mouth, which I also suffer from. It has helped my burning bladder problem 100% as long as I don't forget to take my tablets. If I forget just one, I have the pain back for about two weeks before I get back on track. My burning mouth is also about 60% better but not gone. "Side effects weight gain"."

10 / 10
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63 Report
  • Nickn...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • October 13, 2019

For Fibromyalgia "Wonder drug. I was in pain for fibromyalgai for years. Then I took 10 mg of Endep. I was better already next day, without any pain in 2 days. After some time, about 2 years, the pain was slowly coming back. My doctor increased the dosage to 25 mg. Again, it helped immediately. Now, I am away from home and my doctor, pain is getting unbearable. I don’t know what to do. Take two tablets a day? I will be soon home, but it is ruining my holiday. I can’t imagine my life without Endep."

10 / 10
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29 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.