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Wellbutrin Questions (Page 17)

Displaying 386 questions associated with Wellbutrin.

Does Focalin make you tired?

I have depression and ADHD and have been trying to find a good combination of medications to treat the two. Most recently I have been taking Wellbutrin XL and Focalin XR I just added the Focalin about two months ago. While I am already tired to begin with because of the depression, I have felt more... read more

My wife takes Wellbutrin and Vyvanse and now has been prescribed Lexapro. Is this OK?

She is 46. Our first child just left for college and then marriage problems started. She works overnight in a high stress environment surrounded by men. Worried about her mental state, very mean and easily agitated. Lack of interest in anything.

Are there side effects of amoxicillin and Wellbutrin?

I was recently on amoxicillin and Wellbutrin and had a severe depressive reaction. I am not finding corroborating information that this is a noted drug interaction. Is it?

Wellbutrin hives reaction. Will it pass? Experiences with Wellbutrin?

I started on 150mg on January 9th and it took about 2 1/2 weeks of adjusting to it. I was irritable some days, loss of appetite plus a little motivation but not much. Around 3 weeks I went ahead and started taking 300mg. I felt so good! More motivation and I find my self less irritable and able to... read more

Tons of energy first week of Wellbutrin, now tired and drowsy?

I'm taking generic Wellbutrin. 150mg SR 2x per day for depression and ADHD. The first week was amazing I had TONS of energy which I appreciated because I deal with pretty bad fatigue. This second week I seem to be a lot more tired. It still helps A LOT with my ADHD (giving it a few weeks to... read more

Can I take antacid with Wellbutrin?

Wellbutrin - Does anyone notice night sweats related to bupropion?

I’ve recently been waking every night soaked in sweat. I am post menopausal so that doesn’t explain my symptoms. I have been taking generic bupropion for awhile, but recently have been more diligent taking daily. I know better than to skip days. Wondering if the recent daily use may be... read more

Lexapro and Wellbutrin together?

My doctor prescribed me Wellbutrin in addition to the Lexapro I've been taking for two years. Has anyone had any side effects of this combo? I'm constantly exhausted and have random outbursts of crying. I just started the Wellbutrin two weeks ago and I know it takes awhile, but I feel... read more

Switching from Paxil to Wellbutrin?

I have been on Paxil for about 3 months to treat anxiety, depression, PMDD, and SAD. It has helped to some extent, but it makes me feel like a zombie. I changed to taking it at night which made me less sleepy, but my lack of motivation, enthusiasm, and passion due to feeling zombie-like is just as... read more

What are the sexual side effects of Wellbutrin?

Does this medication decrease your libido? I have had that issue with all other antidepressants.

Should I taper off Wellbutrin?

I recently stopped taking Wellbutrin 150mg SR and am experiencing depression symptoms, which I know is common side effect to stopping. My question is: I only took 1 dose of Wellbutrin for 3 days and stopped because I was experiencing more obsessive thoughts (I have OCD). Should I still taper off... read more

Can you take Wellbutrin XL and Cymbalta together?

Looking for information on taking these two medications together. I have really bad anxiety and some depression at times. I’ve taken Prozac with Wellbutrin in the past to help with side effects.

Severe venlafaxine withdrawals?

After 8 yrs, I spent 8 months tapering off venlafaxine 150 mg. I was down to 35mg experiencing every side effect and my doctor switched me to Wellbutrin 27 days ago. Went to ER yesterday with severe vertigo & nausea. Can’t work, can only sit. Do not move head or eyes and sleep. Do the... read more

Is itching a withdrawal symptom?

I am currently taking wellbutrin, lexapro, metoprolol, furosemide, pregabalin, and lumakras. Recently I had a mental issue and refused to take everything except the lumakras. Does anyone know if any of these can cause severe itching as a withdrawal symptom? TIA

Generic YH 101 Bupropion HCL 300 mg efficacy?

Has anyone taken and benefited from my generic version of Wellbutrin XL (named in title)? I'm crossing my fingers to hear encouraging stories... Thanks so much in advance!

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